We trudged through the darkness, exhausted little by little, and completely devoured food, maybe this time we are really going to die here?

In the dark underground, we even lost the standard of judging time, and we don't even know how long we have persisted.

But every moment is extremely long and extremely difficult.

Is my story going to end like this?

At this moment, my heart was full of unwillingness. Many things I experienced in this short life flashed in my mind like a revolving lantern.

At this time, everything around me seemed to be unreal. This was because my consciousness was beginning to blur. The only thing that could make me feel a little real was probably the temperature of Xi'er's high fever that could not be subsided on my back.

I gave almost all of my food to Xi'er, otherwise, with Qian'er's physical condition, I might not be able to last for so long.

Of course, because my body is stronger than ordinary people, even if I didn't eat, the time I fell down was about the same as that of Yucheng Yao.

At this moment, Yuchengyao, like me, had lost her strength a long time ago. We held hands tightly and fell together.

Maybe this is where we end up.

I thought bitterly, and finally lost the last bit of consciousness.

However, the matter did not end like this.

When I opened my eyes again, what I felt was the dazzling light, which was bright and brilliant, like a fake, trekking underground for a long time, such light made me feel like I was in heaven.

There is also a strong smell of grass and soil in my nostrils.

"I'm alive?"

I immediately jumped up from the ground and looked around.

But at this moment, I am lying in a military tent, which seems to be directly tied on the grass, and that's how the earthy smell came from just now.

After standing up, I heard voices coming from outside the tent.

I hurriedly opened the door of the tent and walked out.

The first person I met was Dr. Chen.

She was still the same as usual, wearing an ordinary white coat and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. Her handsome face was full of rationality, but it gave off an inexplicable charm and was very charming.

Before we used the aircraft to chase the Origin Stone, we asked Dr. Chen to leave first with a few team members.

It seems that they saved me.

But what about Xier and the others?
Dr. Chen was also very happy to see me wake up, and hurried to greet me.

"I know, you will be fine, your body is like a monster, and your recovery ability is too strong!"

Dr. Chen said with a smile.

I wasn't interested in greeting her, so I quickly asked, "Where are the others, are they okay?"

"You'll know when you go and see."

Dr. Chen deliberately tricked me and pointed to another tent not far away.

I was anxious and rushed over quickly.

In the first camp, I saw Li Xin who was still asleep. Her complexion was rosy, her breathing was steady, and she seemed to be in no serious condition.

In the second tent, I saw Xi'er receiving treatment.

Her face was still pale, but her breathing was steady. It seemed that Dr. Chen had managed to stabilize her condition.

However, I continued to search, but did not see Yucheng Yao.

"Where's Yao? Where did she go?"

I quickly asked Dr. Chen.

Dr. Chen looked at me in surprise: "You mean that island woman? When we found you, there were only three of you, and she wasn't with you!"

My first reaction was that it was impossible. Yucheng Yao was exhausted like me at the time, how could she disappear alone.

Moreover, even if she has the strength to go, she probably won't let go of Qian'er, and me, she should just go by herself.

Or if some man-eating monster appeared, it shouldn't just take her away.

What exactly is going on?

"The underground situation is too complicated. What accident may have happened to that girl, don't pay too much attention to it."

Dr. Chen patted my shoulder comfortingly.

"Have you searched around? Confirmed that there is no one?"

I asked eagerly.

"Really not. After we found you, we also considered whether other team members would miss it. We searched around for a long time, but found nothing. We didn't have much supplies left, so we didn't dare to stay any longer, so we left. A mission was considered a complete failure, consuming countless materials and losing a large number of personnel, but getting nothing, who took the Origin Stone? Is it someone from the company?"

Dr. Chen also had many questions in his mind, so he hurriedly asked me.

I couldn't help but feel very puzzled.

got nothing?

Didn't I bring a fragment of the Stone of Origin?
"You didn't find that isolation box among my belongings?"

My clothes had been changed and my belongings were gone.

"What isolation box?"

What Dr. Chen said surprised me.

"Everything on your body is here, and there is no isolation box."

Dr. Chen took me back to the camp. There was a big box next to my bed. After I opened it, I saw my bone sword, bracelet and other things, but there was indeed no isolation box.

Is Dr. Chen lying?She took the Origin Stone but didn't want to tell me?
It seems unlikely, I will still give it to her when I get the Stone of Origin.

So the Stone of Origin is really not on me anymore?
Is it...

I suddenly thought of a possibility that Yucheng Yao left with the fragments of the Stone of Origin.

But why did she do this?
Although Yuchengyao used to be a member of the Far East Society, but I have been with her for so long, we have been through life and death countless times, and we have also had friendship in ancient dreams. run.

I think there is only one explanation for things.

When we were exhausted and ran out of ammunition and food, Yucheng Yao decided to put all her eggs in one basket. She wanted to use the Stone of Origin to obtain extraordinary power to save us.

However, the Stone of Origin is inherently unstable.

At that time, those natives rushed forward one after another, and many people died, but only one successfully mutated.

What we have in our hands is just a fragment of the Origin Stone.

When Yucheng Yao used it, did any accident happen?
My heart is full of worries, but no matter what happened at that time, the problem before us now is that Yucheng Yao is gone, and the fragments of the Stone of Origin are gone.But Xi'er's condition should not be underestimated.

Although Dr. Chen used some advanced equipment and drugs, she temporarily controlled her condition.

But these are only temporary. Her current symptoms are very similar to cancer, which cannot be cured by known modern medicine alone!

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