The speed of the magma flow is actually not fast. With our rapid escape, everyone quickly escaped from the dangerous area.

After staying away from the magma, the temperature around us has dropped a lot.

This lifted our spirits, which had been sultry all the time.At this time, we had already discarded the aircraft and walked on the slightly hot rocks. Without the feeling of weightlessness and nausea brought by the aircraft, our physical condition was indeed slowly recovering.

However, the troubles are far from over at the moment.

There are only a few indigenous people left, still following us closely, wanting to fight with us to snatch the fragments of the Origin Stone.

We are not familiar with the underground environment. We tried our best to stay away from the magma just now. We ran blindly. After running for a short time, a huge stone wall appeared in front of us, blocking our way.

There is no way.

And the natives behind them are still approaching.

We took a deep breath, knowing that it seemed that there was another battle.

Although our weapons are more advanced, the ammunition on our bodies has been almost exhausted due to the continuous fighting. Those savages may be better able to adapt to the environment here than us because they have lived underground for a long time, and their endurance exceeds ours. Their state is better than ours. Much better, looks like it's going to be an uphill battle.

Moreover, Xi'er's face became paler and paler, and she looked very strange. Lucy woke up from a coma after a bumpy journey, but her mental state was not very good, and she didn't know if she could participate in the battle.

I, Li Xin, and Yucheng Yao are three people, and I have to deal with seven or eight savages, and I am somewhat overwhelmed.

At this moment, I am actually very tired. The snatching of the Origin Stone has almost consumed most of my physical strength, and the continuous running has also made me very tired.

"Sister Man, do you really not remember me at all? I'm Zhang Qi!"

Seeing those savages getting closer, I could only suppress my tiredness and shouted loudly at the leader, Sister Man.

Unfortunately, to my disappointment, Sister Man's expression was very indifferent, and she even gave me a mocking look, "Outsider, you don't have to play tricks anymore, I won't be fooled, obediently hand over the devil's stone, we I can let you go!"

Looking at her appearance, it seems that she really doesn't remember what happened back then.

Or, is she not Sister Man at all?
In the long river of endless time, two identical flowers may not appear.

Maybe I really encountered such a very small probability event. After all, even if the probability is small, but since it exists, it is destined to happen in an infinite time.

And I just happened to meet this fate.

At this moment, I made a decision in my heart, kill all the aborigines here, kidnap the guy who looks like Sister Man, and take him to the outside world.

I don't believe it, they look the same, even their fingerprints and dna are the same, as long as they go to the outside world and collect the blood samples of Sister Man's parents, they can determine who this woman is.

Thinking of this, I slightly lifted my spirits, grabbed the fetal sword with cracks in my hand, and killed the group of savages.

"Kill the outsiders!"

"Come on!"

Those savages were also filled with righteous indignation and attacked us angrily.

The four of us plus Lucy, who just woke up, started a fierce battle with them immediately.

My strength is the strongest, and I am also good at using cold weapons, and the weapons are superior. Out of the eight wildlings, three were sent to deal with me, but I was still overwhelmed by me.

Second only to me is Yucheng Yao. This woman uses a small samurai sword very delicately. She is evenly matched against two natives.

Lucy, Li Xin, and Qian'er fought with them one-on-one.

Although Xi'er's physical condition is not good, her skills are already strong, so in a one-on-one situation, she can still have an advantage. Li Xin and Lucy can't do it. Li Xin is better at guns, fighting wild people with swords , unable to show his strength, he was completely suppressed and beaten.

Lucy, on the other hand, was in danger of being beaten all the time because of her physical injuries.

I wanted to help her several times, but I was held back by the savages, and I couldn't make a move.

About two or three minutes later, I killed an aborigine with a sword, but there was also a strong smell of blood coming from my side. I turned my head and saw that Lucy's arm had been cut off by a wild man with a sword.

She was already injured, and at this moment she finally couldn't hold on any longer, her face was pale, and she was shaking, as if she was about to fall down at any time.

I was anxious and rushed to help her, but Lucy smiled at me brightly: "Goodbye, dear Zhang Qi, you still owe me a good night."

As she said this, she actually took out the grenade hanging on her waist, unscrewed the safety lock, and rushed towards an aboriginal man.

"do not want!"

Li Xin yelled heart-piercingly.

Tears instantly blurred my vision.

This woman also hid a grenade, but she didn't use it before the battle, most likely because she knew her physical condition, so she was ready to sacrifice long ago, and wanted to use this grenade to commit suicide .

"No matter what, you must bring the Origin Stone back to the laboratory. This is the first and last time I beg you..."

Before Lucy could finish speaking, there was a loud bang.

The sky is full of blood and rain, pouring down...

To be honest, I am a person without much faith. I always feel that sacrifice is so far away from us. I may never understand that Lucy is willing to sacrifice her life for the purpose of the organization.

I know I'm just a bear, but that doesn't stop me from respecting heroes.

Lucy is such a hero.

I think I will always remember that one day, in the deep and dark underground world far away from human habitation, there was such a great girl who died forever.

With Lucy's sacrifice, it was an uphill battle that we won in the end.

"Sister Man" was knocked out by me and tied up. I carried him, Yu Chengyao and Li Xin supported Qian'er, and the five of us staggered and continued on our way.

On the face of it, we are out of danger.There is no more pursuit.

This time we came to the ground, we have a total of three groups of enemies, people from the company, people from the Far Eastern Society, and indigenous people. Now they are dead, and they are missing.

But we are far from being completely at ease.

Because, before us now, there is still a huge problem.

where are we?

How to get out of here?

Most of the detection instruments in our hands have been destroyed in the fierce battle, the underground is dark, and the road is like a maze.

Moreover, we have very little food left, which is extremely scarce.

Can we still go out?

Maybe, we can't take out that source stone fragment at all, and everyone will sleep forever in this endless darkness.

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