This stone monster is very powerful, he grabbed pieces of volcanic rock and threw them wildly.

Those rocks hit us like meteors, with great power.

While avoiding the attacks of those rocks in the air, we also had to pay attention to fighting against other wildlings, and the situation was very unfavorable to us in an instant.

The only thing that reassures us is that since this monster was created, other natives have stopped approaching the Stone of Origin. Obviously, they also stay away from the Stone of Origin and do not want to create more monsters.

But even so, our situation was very bad. It didn't take long for Lucy to be hit by the meteorite-like attack of the stone monster.

I was very close to Lucy, and there was an ear-piercing crisp fracture sound. I knew that one of her arms was broken. If it was a little slower, it might not be just her arm, but her whole body would be smashed. When it flew out, the ribs in its chest were shattered.

But even though it was only an arm injury, it also greatly affected Lucy's flexibility in the air, and the next few arrows almost hit her.

If this continues, it won't be long before Lucy will die.

I am very anxious in my heart, I want to protect her, but I am not a god. At this moment, we are like a flat boat in the stormy sea, and the whole army will be wiped out at any time. It is already very difficult for me to protect myself, but I still have to protect Qian Er, Yucheng Yao, Li Xin, and Lucy can only be selectively given up by me.

This feeling hurts my heart very much.

Although my relationship with Lucy is not particularly close, we are also comrades in arms who live and die together.

Soon, Lucy was shot by an arrow at the flying device, and fell to the altar like a kite with a broken string, motionless.

I don't know if she died, because at this point, we don't have time to think about her.

After Lucy was shot down, our manpower became smaller, so it was naturally more dangerous. Moreover, the stone monster is gradually getting familiar with his own power, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the accuracy of projecting stones is also improving. The pressure on each of us is increasing. It is a sharp increase!


I was extremely anxious in my heart. If we don't make any changes, we will probably have a second casualty soon, and it won't be long before all of them are killed.

The strength of the benefactor is really terrifying!

But when we were anxious and didn't know what to do, something unexpected happened suddenly.

In the dark underground sky, suddenly there was a burst of loud noise, and a huge figure unexpectedly descended from the sky, falling towards the natives, and started a frenzied killing.

We took a closer look and found that the huge figure killed was none other than the giant biochemical man from the island country.

At the beginning, the two giant biochemicals in the island country fought with Catherine's body together, attacking and defending. In the end, both sides were injured. The biochemical responsible for the attack was killed by Catherine on the spot, and the other biochemical responsible for the defense was saved because we besieged Catherine. escape.

Unexpectedly, this guy did not escape directly from the ground, but still lurked, waiting for an opportunity.

At this moment, this guy has been crawling quietly on the rock formation above our heads.

Seeing the stalemate between us and the indigenous people, this guy couldn't bear it and jumped off.

Obviously, this guy may also have the idea that we will lose both, but the situation is that we are obviously going to lose. At that time, this guy thinks that he is probably not the opponent of the stone monster, so he shows up on his own initiative.

However, the biochemical fat man in this island country didn't have any good intentions. He rushed to the altar as soon as he got off. His plan was to take advantage of the chaos and take away the Stone of Origin and run away, but he didn't mean to fight with us.

However, the biochemical fatty's plan was obviously going to fail, and he was stopped desperately by those stubborn savages.

The main abilities of this biochemical fat man are defensive. Even if he attacked suddenly, he still couldn't break through the encirclement and get the Origin Stone.

On the contrary, it was this guy's act of snatching the Stone of Origin that completely angered the stone monster.

The stone grotesque immediately gave up attacking us, but went to kill him with all his strength.

The stone monster will not be taken away by him by sitting on the stone of vision.

This gives us a chance!

"Cooperate with that fat man and kill the stone monster!"

I immediately yelled.

Taking advantage of the stone monsters and natives being attracted by the biochemical fat man, we immediately opened up our firepower and crazily output to the stones.

Although the stone monster's physical defense is strong, our bullets can still cause damage, as long as we attack the same position continuously and at the same time, it can still penetrate his flesh and blood.

We chose the position of his left back with a tacit understanding.

After a while, a huge fleshy wound appeared on this guy's back. From the bloody wound, we could even vaguely see a beating heart.

There must have been a bullet in her heart!
The stone monster was in pain and roared furiously, but turned around and flew towards us.

I was the closest to him and immediately became his target.

This guy's powerful legs kicked on the ground, and his whole body flew up like a cannonball. His huge palms were like two walls, one left and one right, pressing towards me, like swatting a fly. Same, want to shoot me into a meat paste!
The gust of wind coming from my ears, and the visual sense of terror and oppression did not make me panic, but instead greatly stimulated my survival instinct and the potential of my body.

At this critical moment, instead of dodging, I rushed up with a bone sword in my hand.

I am keenly aware that although this is a huge crisis, it may not be an opportunity!
I held the slender bone sword across my chest with one hand to block his slap, but with the other hand I held the gun tightly, ready to block his chest.

It was too late to say it, but it was so fast, the hands of the stone monster slapped me like shooting stars.

Just hearing the sound of bang, I immediately felt a tremor all over my body. The huge force made the tiger's mouth of my left hand holding the bone sword burst on the spot, and the blood flowed profusely!

The power of the stone monster is too great. This strange sword that has been with me for a long time, under the terrifying slap of his palms, made a slight click sound at this moment, and a very thin crack appeared on the onto the sword.

If I do it a few more times, I'm afraid that this strange sword that has been with me for a long time will really be broken, which makes me very sad.

Of course, at this moment, although the bone sword blocked the slapping of the stone monster, my danger did not end, because although his palms were supported, his fingers were still flexible, and he squeezed towards me angrily !

And at this critical moment, the gun in my hand finally reached his heart, and I frantically pressed down on the trigger!

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