Although Catherine is powerful, I am too strong at the moment, and Xier and the others are also standing in the distance, starting to provide fire support to me.

Soon, Catherine was no longer my opponent, and my arm was cut off by a sword!


Catherine roared angrily. She finally got to this point. Seeing that the Stone of Origin was in her hands, she was stuck to me and couldn't get away. If this continues, I'm afraid she will be beheaded by me soon. Kill over this magma.

At this moment, a stern look flashed across Catherine's eyes, but white light began to emerge from her blood-red machine.

This guy is going to use the old trick again, self-destruct the body!
I have to say that although Catherine's move is old, it is indeed very effective. Even though I am almost in a half-lost state at this moment, I immediately noticed the extremely dangerous aura coming from her!
Catherine's purpose is also very insidious. She sees that she can't get the Stone of Origin, but she doesn't want us to get it.This is the so-called harming others and benefiting oneself.

Even, she might want to use this explosion to directly kill me.

After all, we are all flying above the magma at this moment, even if the explosion didn't kill me directly, as long as the flying equipment on my body is blown up, then I will definitely die.

If it were me in a normal state, this moment might be really dangerous.

But at this moment, the power of the curse in my body is getting stronger and stronger, and my reaction and perception of danger are extraordinary.

The moment before Catherine blew herself up, I had already sensed her attempt, instantly controlled the flying equipment, and shot away into the distance.

Not long after I flew out, I heard a loud bang behind me.

The sound of a huge explosion mixed with white light spread out.

Catherine's body clearly seems to have specially strengthened the power of self-explosion. In addition to the scorching fire waves and metal parts flying around in the explosion, there were actually some radioactive things that leaked out.

You must know that this radioactive material can cause great damage to people.

It can alter a person's DNA, causing genetic mutations.

You must know that genes are arranged in a very strict order. Once a mutation occurs, it can be said that it basically develops in a bad direction.

After the island country was bombed by atomic bombs, huge radioactive pollution was produced, and many people were deformed and cancerous.

Of course, there are some people who are even more miserable, with dizziness, skin redness, ulcer bleeding, leukemia, cancer, death and other terrible consequences at the beginning.

Fortunately, the protective clothing I am wearing now is very high-grade, and it was originally prepared to deal with various emergencies, and it is also resistant to radioactive substances.

It's just that, in the current situation, because I was running fast and agile, I avoided those explosive air waves and dangerous parts, and I was not injured for the time being.

But other players were not so lucky.

Xier is hurt!
The position of the left arm of her protective clothing was scratched, and the blood flowed profusely. Of course, the superficial injury was not important. The important thing was that the radioactive pollution caused by Catherine's self-explosion at this moment may have affected Xi'er.

Her face became very pale, and she bit her lips tightly, as if she was holding on!

Among the others, Lucy's protective clothing was also torn, but she seemed to be lucky, she was not contaminated by radioactivity, and her face looked normal.

However, at this moment, because I was in a state of insanity, I didn't notice any abnormalities in Xi'er.

My attention is all focused on the source stone.

This source stone, even in the high temperature magma, has not caused any damage at all for nearly ten thousand years. At this moment, it is still safe and sound in Catherine's self-explosion.

It's just that Catherine blew herself up to prevent us from getting the Origin Stone, so before she died, she threw the Origin Stone in the opposite direction from us.

Coupled with the promotion of the power of the explosion, at this moment, the Stone of Origin is like a dark green meteor, rushing towards the distance.

Under the guidance of the curse, I didn't pay attention to the people around me. I also controlled the aircraft and chased towards the Origin Stone!

Under the guidance of the curse, my whole body was in a dreamlike state, chasing frantically towards the Origin Stone.

Logically speaking, the Origin Stone was only pushed forward by the power of the explosion, and when the power of the explosion slowly dissipated, its forward speed would gradually slow down.

However, the situation at this moment has far exceeded my expectations.

The speed at which the Origin Stone flew forward not only did not slow down, but even became faster and faster.

This obviously violates the common sense of physics that we are familiar with, but it is really happening in front of our eyes at this moment.

This source stone is too mysterious. What is the principle of this? I am afraid that once it is analyzed, it can bring huge changes to the world.I even suspect that this thing does not belong to the earth at all, but comes from an extraterrestrial civilization.

Of course, at this moment, for me, I can't think of that much at all, I just chase it, and continue to chase it into the distance.

Although this Origin Stone flies very fast, my speed is definitely not weak, which makes me not lose it.

But behind me, Qian'er and Li Xin also followed me closely, not daring to relax at all.

Under our feet is the magma that is constantly chasing.

However, the speed of magma is much slower than our flight.

It didn't take long before we walked out of the range of magma, and the ground began to darken.

If I am in a normal state, if I continue to track the stone of origin, it may become a big problem for me, but at this moment, the stone of origin seems to have an extraordinary attraction to the curse in my body, making me Even in the darkness, I can clearly feel its direction.

Just like that, after chasing for about 10 minutes, something happened that none of us could have imagined.

When the Origin Stone continued to fly forward, some dots of fire appeared in front of us.

Through searchlights and binoculars, we can clearly see that the group of indigenous people appeared in our distance!

Those dots of fire are the torches in their hands!

But at this moment, those indigenous people seemed to have known that Yuan would appear here.

It turned out to be looking in Yuan's direction, waiting as if facing an enemy.

Surrounded by this group of aborigines, Sister Man's figure stands out among them!

In addition, the places where the indigenous people live are also very strange.

It turned out to be a huge stone altar!

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