Since there are magma crocodiles and magma worms, will there be magma fish, magma shells, etc.?

Magma is a place of death for ordinary life on earth like us, but not necessarily for those silicon-based life.

To them, the dead magma might just be an ordinary ocean.

There may be another ocean of life below this place!

Now that there are magma fish and magma worms, will there be magma people below?

Is the source in their hands?
We don't have time to think too much, because at this time, those magma crocodiles also crawled out of the magma, and those magma flows followed!

The underground volcano has begun to erupt!

However, the volcanic eruption in front of us at this moment is obviously very different from the volcanic eruption outside.

External volcanic eruptions often cause violent explosions, and when the magma in the crater erupts outward, it has extremely high kinetic energy.

Volcanic eruptions, there is a word explosion, the natural power is very terrifying, often accompanied by earth-shattering loud noises and billowing smoke.

But at this moment, the eruption of the underground volcano in front of us is relatively mild.

The magma is like hot spring water, constantly bubbling out, moving slowly.

However, although the flow of these magmas was very slow at the beginning, as time passed, they became faster and faster, that is to say, they showed an accelerated eruption.

Soon, the magma spread, turning the entire ground into a sea of ​​flames.

In this magma, all kinds of creatures also appeared one by one.

After those creatures left the magma, they were obviously not used to the low-temperature air, and many of them died unexpectedly.

These guys are suffering as much as we are right now.

After the magma began to flow outward, the air in front of us became hotter and hotter. According to preliminary estimates, the temperature of the air underground is probably close to sixty or seventy degrees.

If we hadn't been wearing protective clothing, I'm afraid something would have happened long ago.

"Look, everyone, there is something coming out of the ground!"

Wang Jin suddenly shouted.

In fact, without her shouting, we have all noticed the strangeness of the ground at the moment. In the crater, there is a dark green stone floating out of the magma.

The reason why it is said to be floating is because after this thing emerged from the magma, it did not flow away with the magma, but began to float in mid-air.

Of course, after careful observation, we found that this thing is not really floating, but under the stone, there is a group of almost translucent insects flying and supporting it!
This dark green stone is about the size of a human head, and the whole body is crystal clear. It is said to be a stone, but it looks like a piece of dark green jade.

As soon as I saw this thing, my heart tightened, and a strange sense of familiarity emerged.

I could feel that the curse in my body seemed to jump up suddenly, and a force that I didn't even know started to germinate in my body, as if it was about to wake up.

"This is the source?"

Wang Jin and the others all exclaimed.

"Quick, take it!"

Wang Jin and the others controlled the jet device and flew towards the rock with all their might.

However, seeing that the "source" that everyone has dreamed of is about to be obtained, something that surprised us at this time happened again.

Suddenly, a very bright light came from the darkness and shot towards Wang Jin.

When Wang Jin was in a critical moment, he turned his body slightly to avoid the light, only to hear a light bang, the light hit a stone behind Wang Jin, and the stone was burned out a big hole immediately.

"The source is ours!"

A voice that made us feel very familiar came over, it was unusually cold.

The owner of the voice was none other than Catherine.

This woman, as expected, has a machine in the ground!
We followed the source of the sound and saw that at this moment, the woman Catherine was also wearing a special mechanical protective suit, flying in mid-air.

It's just that, unlike ours, her protective clothing is not so much worn as it grows directly on her body.

To be precise, this machine of hers is completely designed for the special environment of high temperature underground. The people in the company seem to have expected it long ago. When the magma erupts, only by flying in mid-air can it Opportunity to snatch the source.

At this moment, Catherine's body is like an airplane, with several jet devices, which are more exaggerated than ours.

It seems that the people in their company have also developed similar flying equipment.

Moreover, considering that Catherine is originally a robot body, her flexibility in the air is far better than ours.

To be honest, this scene looks quite funny and dreamy, and it feels like watching a science fiction movie, but reality is sometimes more funny than movies and stories, even ironic.

Catherine sneered and rushed towards us directly.

When I was on the ground, my strength might still be able to compete with Catherine's mecha. After all, her mecha was still far behind the previous most powerful mecha.

Although they are all Catherines, their strengths are different.

However, in mid-air right now, this woman's strength will undoubtedly crush me.I am not yet proficient in operating the flying device on my body, which greatly affects my performance.

However, we are not afraid of Catherine, because at this moment, our side is far superior to Catherine in terms of numbers.

The other personnel from the company obviously couldn't play any role here, and only Catherine appeared in the center of the volcanic eruption.

In order to fight for the source that keeps floating up, we immediately made a mess!
At this moment, the magma under our feet is constantly erupting. The water level of the magma is getting higher and higher, and the temperature is constantly rising. Dead end!
But the thing I was most unwilling to see happened. Catherine was too powerful. Although we had a lot of people, Catherine kept her eyes on Wang Jin, who was closest to the source, and attacked her frantically.

Although we tried our best to support and caused a lot of damage to Catherine, the final result was that Wang Jin's flying device was hit by Catherine's laser gun.

Wang Jin's body tilted, and he fell down like a kite with a broken string.

There was a light puff, as if something had fallen, and the terrifying magma directly engulfed Wang Jin's body completely.

The magma here is very weird. Although it was flowing quickly, after Wang Jin fell, it disappeared without a splash.

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