I can't even guarantee whether Wang Jin took my hair while I was asleep and secretly studied it.

Now that I think about it, this woman let Lucy, a coquettish foreign woman, sleep with me. Could it be that she wanted to collect my essence like Dr. Chen?
Alas, this woman is really terrible.

So the blue-eyed people were tossed by Wang Jin, and of course the torture of God's grace was inevitable.

How on earth did they receive divine favor?
I was also very curious about this point, so I couldn't help but prick up my ears and listen carefully.

The blue eyes looked at Abu in fear, and I, who was riding on Abu's back, still didn't dare to have any objections, but explained everything they knew.

It turned out that the divine grace they received did not come from the so-called "source", but that they found several corpses in the ancient ruins of a certain Honglu people.

Needless to say, it was a few corpses that had received divine grace.

Those few special corpses were studied by them, and some special substance was extracted from them.

This substance, let us temporarily call it the source quality.

The mad scientist of the Nordic Spear, after obtaining the source quality, couldn't wait to start experimenting on humans. Needless to say, many people died, and only the three of them succeeded in the end.

Moreover, the abilities of the three of them are much weaker than the strength of the Honglu ancients recorded in the ancient books.

Of course, exaggerated descriptions and misunderstandings by the ancients are not ruled out. After all, in that era, this extraordinary ability was already considered a myth, a power that humans cannot possess.

Since it is a myth, it is only natural to exaggerate it a bit.

However, the people from the Nordic Spear insisted that the bigger reason was that the source quality they extracted from the corpse had lost its activity over the past ten thousand years, and had much less impact on human beings.

This caused them to be much weaker than the original ones.

Therefore, obtaining this legendary "source" is also the primary goal of the Nordic Spear this time.

Speaking of which, Wang Jin, Li Xin and I looked at each other, remembering the corpse of the withered king we found in the underground palace on another island.

The ability of the dry king can fly.

If this frank can be extracted, even if it can only fly for a short while, the effect will be very powerful.

After I got the information about the source, I came in front of these people again. I didn't go around with them, and directly took out the magnetic card Eve gave me, and the metal bone left by Feite, and asked What are they.

When the blue eyes saw what I took out, their eyes lit up immediately, "This metal bone...could it be the secret left by Byrons?"

When I saw that this guy actually knew about metal bones, I was quite pleasantly surprised and asked him what was going on.

Blue Eyes was silent for a while, and finally chose to tell me, "Actually, it's okay to tell you about this matter. Byrons is a member of the court in our organization, who specializes in dealing with companies. We spent a lot of money to deal with them." The power to search for their bases, destroy and attack their sources of income. The metal bone in Byrons's hand may contain relevant important information. As for the magnetic card in your hand, I don't know what it is."

After hearing this, Wang Jin asked strangely, "As far as I know, you Nordic Spear and the people in the company seem to have been fighting against each other all year round, causing many conflicts. Why do you people from Nordic Spear spend so much What about the strength to deal with the company? What kind of festival do they have with you?"

I'm also very curious about this.

"Because the Lord, the descendant organization that used to be our Nordic Spear, they are traitors!"

Said the blue-eyed gritted teeth.

This answer took us all by surprise. We didn't expect that the company and Nordic Spear would have such entanglements.

"After the company betrayed us, it has a lot of secrets about our Nordic Spear. Some things are even related to the life and death of the organization. We have fought against each other over the years, and the hatred has already grown. Now we have entered a state of complete hostility."

Blue Eyes sighed, but said, "Our Nordic Spear actually originated from the Nordic Holy See, but the company betrayed us and joined another Holy See..."

According to this blue-eyed guy, there are two Holy Sees in Europe. One is the Holy See of the Vatican, which is well known to the public. This Holy See is the current supporter behind the company.

The Holy See to which the Nordic Spears belong is the Holy See, or temple, which believes in the Nordic gods.

The so-called Nordic gods refer to the gods in Norse mythology such as Odin and Thor.

In history, when European Christianity prevailed, it once caused a devastating blow to the believers of the Nordic gods. If you want to come to this historical period, there have been very wonderful stories.

The Nordic Spear already existed at that time, and the organization of the Nordic Spear must have waged a tragic war with the Christian Court during that period, and ended in failure.

They hibernated, and after hundreds of years and nearly a thousand years, they finally gradually emerged again and gathered their own power.

It can be said that the Nordic Spear and the Christian Court have a deep hatred with historical origins.

And the group of people in the company actually betrayed the Nordic Spear and joined the Christian Court. One can imagine how much the people of the Nordic Spear hate them.

No wonder Eve told me that as long as I hand over the black magnetic card in my hand to Feite, the person in charge of collecting company intelligence in the Nordic Spear, they will definitely be able to use the information in the black magnetic card to rescue her.

"I also dislike the company as an organization. Since we have a common enemy, it is only natural for us to be friends."

I said with a smile, but I still haven't given the metal bone and black magnetic card to the blue-eyed and wild boar woman.

The reason is very simple. These people are hard to protect themselves now, maybe they will die here, and they will not be able to help Eve and me at all. If there is a chance later and let them leave alive, I will give them something later .

Otherwise, if I gave them things now, but they died in the ground, leaving the black magnetic cards and metal bones in this dark place, wouldn't I be miserable?

While listening to the guy explaining some of the struggles between the Nordic Spear and the company, we started to repair the team on the spot.

We have now gone deep into Devil's Lake, not far from where the volcano is. Danger and struggle will always come, and we maintain our best condition.

After about an hour of repairing, we started our journey again.

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