In addition to the saber-toothed tiger, we also encountered another animal that was even more frightening, the terror bird!
This thing is also called a fear bird. The one we saw was more than two meters tall. At a glance, it looks like an enlarged ostrich, but the difference is that this guy is very aggressive, and his legs are stronger. It is so powerful that it can break even stones, and when it sprints, its speed is extremely terrifying.

We were attacked by two terror birds, one male and one female, and the whole team was almost in chaos. Five or six people were lost and seven or eight were injured.

If it weren't for the advanced modern weapons in our hands, I'm afraid the loss would be even greater.

However, Wang Jin was very excited. She happily collected the feathers and flesh of the frightening bird, followed the vines to find their nest, and dug out an egg the size of a palm.

Compared with the huge size of their adult birds, the eggs of this terror bird are quite small, which surprised us a little.

"With this thing, we may be able to hatch a living horror bird in the laboratory! This is a scientific treasure with great research value!"

Li Xin also said excitedly, her big eyes were shining brightly.

But I felt a little pity in my heart, and I didn't know what the eggs of this big bird tasted like. Fortunately, what made me happy was that our dinner was the two huge adult birds that attacked us.

These two birds are huge. Although there are more than ten or twenty of us, they are enough to eat.

Soon, everyone was given a large piece of meat that was cut in a square shape. These meats were all cut by Xi'er, and some powerful military skills were used in it.

Because, it is said that the meat is very tough, a bit like beef tendon, and it is very difficult to cut.

Soon, I took a bite of this stuff, and my eyes lit up at the time, this stuff is so delicious, it tastes like beef tendon, very chewy, but it has the smell of meat, and this kind of meat is very delicious. The strange thing is that after roasting for a short time, the meat quality is very rotten and it tastes very comfortable.

The next day we continued along the forest and soon found signs of human activity.

"Be careful, everyone. We are likely to encounter the aborigines on the island. On this side of the deserted island, these aborigines may be much stronger than the other side."

Wang Jin said so.

The reason why she judged this way is also very simple. The environment here is obviously worse than the other side. It is still on the coast, and there are very powerful creatures like terror birds and saber-toothed tigers.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before we encountered an indigenous team led by a tail man!
Moreover, to my surprise, this tailed human is a rare female!
That is to say, female tail people.

Among the tail people, most of them are men, and it is said that there are also women, but I have never seen it before. For example, there is a woman like Lian Shanyu, who belongs to the aboriginal royal family. She should have belonged to the tail people, but it turns out she is not.

In addition, I have never seen a tail woman.

This time I actually saw a female tail person, so I couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Except for the tail, there is not much difference between this guy's body that looks like a normal woman, that is, he is a little taller, maybe more than two meters, and the proportion of his body shape still looks very slender overall.

Her tail was very long, and it was wrapped in a ferocious iron armor, which looked very scary, but the woman's face was beautiful, even a little cute.

Judging by her age, she should be around 20 years old, slightly immature.

However, her skin was slightly dark, not the black of Africans, more like a deepened wheat color, somewhat similar to Qian Ke.

This made me feel a little slanderous in my heart, this money is very flamboyant, and even Shan Yu is a bit open.

Could this tail girl be the same kind, huh?
After seeing us, the female tail person was very surprised, "Who are you, why are you dressed so strangely!"

Our group glanced at each other, but we let me and my lizardman brother Abu out in a tacit understanding.

Abu is wearing a mask, so it is impossible to see that he is a lizardman who is more terrifying than the tail man. The huge tail makes him look similar to the tail man.

It's just that his huge size surprised the human girl.

"Which tribe are you a warrior of the gods, so mighty and majestic?"

The tailman girl looked at me riding on Abu's back, and she was even more shocked and speechless. She couldn't figure out how such a mighty and majestic tailman warrior could become an ordinary-looking The man's mount!
"Who is this man? His breath seems to be very unusual!"

The tail girl couldn't help but speculate about me.

"Who are you?"

I didn't give this girl a chance to ask about us, so I took the lead in asking in the native language.

"We are naturally the people of Huang, the only true god. Where did you come from?"

The tailed girl said.

After I heard this, I hurriedly said that we are also the people of Huang, the leftover people left overseas by Huang back then.

While saying this, I am also very grateful in my heart. Fortunately, I chose to ask the question first. If I directly said that I am a citizen of Lu, I am afraid that we will be greeted by swords and guns now.

To be honest, I was also surprised that these people were the people of the desert. You must know that the most people on the other side of the desert island were the people of Lu.

But now on this side of the deserted island, the situation is obviously very different.

It seems that we have come to the precinct of the barren.

However, this human girl is still skeptical about my words, after all, our clothes look too weird, although she heard that in ancient legends, the former king Huang did indeed leave behind a group of people. Overseas, but they have never seen it before, so naturally they dare not confirm it.

In order to make them believe me, I opened my mouth to tell a lot of legends about Huang. Up to now, I can be regarded as an expert in the study of Honglu people's culture.

Of course, this is not enough to make the other party fully believe me, so in the end I presented key evidence.

My black bone sword!
You know, my bone sword is almost exactly the same as the image in the legendary Huang's totem!
As soon as this thing was taken out, the tail girl finally believed me, and she didn't know what she thought of, but she respectfully called me an angel, came to Abu and me, and followed me like a servant behind.

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