"We are Professor Sun's people."

They didn't keep me waiting long, and told me the real answer directly.

As soon as I heard it, my heart relaxed slightly, but I was more vigilant and helpless. The reason why I separated from Wang Jin and the others at the beginning was because I didn't want to have too much contact with the old professor and his organization.

Unexpectedly, I fell into their hands in the end.

I don't know how long I was in a coma during this time, what did they do to me?
"You don't have to worry too much. We didn't do anything to you. At most, we just collected some blood and tissue samples and sent them away. In fact, I really want to study yours. It's just a pity that there are no suitable equipment and experimental bases in this place. "

The woman's voice continued, and the door of the white room opened.A woman in a white coat and gold-rimmed glasses walked in.

I was very impressed by her face. It was the female officer who saved me that day but was treated lightly by me.

"You can call me Dr. Chen, I'm the head of the organization in Tokyo!"

The female doctor, or the female officer, said this to me.

While looking at me with a smile, Dr. Chen sat on my bed and said, "The task assigned to me by the organization is to bring you back to China intact. High-concentration sleeping potion, why did you wake up?"

Saying this, Dr. Chen lifted the quilt from me, and began to examine my body with a pair of slender and white hands.

As soon as the quilt was lifted, I was suddenly taken aback. Holding the grass, I didn't have any clothes on me. I felt very embarrassed, but this woman's expression was unbelievably calm.

She jumped on my chest directly to check the pinholes in my chest.

It seems that what they injected me with was not an ordinary sleeping pill, at least I had never heard of any injections that were injected directly into the chest.I guess it is very possible. After several experiments, she found that ordinary injections were not effective for me, but she injected the drug directly into my heart. This is a very dangerous injection method.

A unique fragrance of a woman's body rushed to my face, and her soft body made me feel distracted in an instant.

Dr. Chen obviously noticed my strangeness, and her pretty face flushed slightly, but she pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, but she didn't intend to leave. Her little hands, as white as snow, continued to check my injuries.

"Just a day ago, these places on your body were covered in cuts and bruises, full of bullet holes, but after I took out the bullets, it didn't take long before they all healed up. Your body is really amazing. !"

Dr. Chen's eyes revealed a strong interest. Apart from the interest in scientific research, there seemed to be something else.

"Do you want to?"

She asked me suddenly, her voice was extremely charming, and I suddenly became dry and tongue-tied, I took the initiative to step forward, and Dr. Chen also rushed towards me.

In this snow-white room, there is a beautiful spring scene...

After finishing the work, Dr. Chen did not stay with me on the bed, but hurried out by himself, very ruthless.

Seeing her serious and hurried appearance, I suddenly had a very bad premonition in my heart. Could this woman be rushing out to collect my bodily fluids in a container for later research?

These research madmen are really speechless.

It seems that the reason why she messed with me was probably not to solve her own needs, but to want a research material.

About an hour passed like this, and Dr. Chen came back again.

This time she straight to the point and said to me, "To tell you the truth, I have tried many ways to make you unconscious, but so far, none of them seem to work. My original plan was to make you faint, and then Pack it in a box and send it back to the country like cargo, but now it seems that everything still needs your active cooperation, tell me what conditions do you have so that I can send you back to the country?"

"It's actually very simple for me to cooperate with you. My wives may have fallen into the hands of the Far Eastern Society of the Island Country. I hope you can help me rescue them or find out their news. Go save them."

What I said made Dr. Chen's face look a little ugly.

"Your wife, how many more?"

Dr. Chen seems a bit jealous?
"It seems that you haven't checked my information?"

I asked strangely, did Dr. Chen not know that I have many wives on the desert island?
Dr. Chen was silent for a while, but said, "Your information is classified as top-secret in the organization, and I cannot check it with my current authority. I only know that you are a special target person in the organization and have extremely high scientific research value. "

Hearing her words, I didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

The special target person seems to be very good, but what does it mean to have extremely high scientific research value, it is the same as some item, some flowers and plants in an instant.

I said, "You can apply to your superiors about this matter, they should understand my situation."

Dr. Chen gave me a cold look, twisted his body and walked out.

It didn't take long for her to return to the white room.

In her hand, there were already a few more photos, which were thrown at my feet.

I quickly got up and picked up those photos.

Opening it, it turned out that it belonged to Qian Ke, Shu Er and Yun Er.There are also photos of Qianer and Yuchengyao.

"According to our information, these few people were captured by the high-level organization of the Far East Society and were prepared to be used as hostages to threaten Miss Xi'er. They hope that Miss Qian'er will return to the Far East Society, inherit the entire organization, and become the new Queen of the Far Eastern Society."

Dr. Chen's words made me slightly stunned. I originally thought that the little devils caught them to threaten me?

Now it seems that people don't take me seriously at all, it's clearly aimed at Qian'er.

After all, Xi'er was alone on the island back then, so it could be said that she had nothing to worry about, and they had no good way to control Qian'er. How could they use force?He is their future boss.

Later, for some reason, this group of little devils discovered that Xi'er had a very good relationship with those girls in trouble on the island, so they came up with such a bad move.

Of course, maybe their first goal is to catch me, but my brother is too strong, they can't catch me even if they want to.

As a result, Qian Ke, Shu'er and Yun'er were out of luck.

I am also very speechless about the organization of the Far East Society. This broken organization sometimes looks very formal and mysterious. Both the government and the military of the island country are related to them, but sometimes it seems very civil and gangster. All kinds of customs are brought into full play here.

It can be said that this organization is a wonderful product of the abnormal social and cultural relations of the island country.

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