"Brother Zhang, we really want to eat this!"

Xiaomeng was also a little scared on the side, staring at me with big eyes.

I waved my hand at her reassuringly.

"Don't worry, this worm just looks uncomfortable, but it actually tastes very good. Don't look at the fact that there are so many of them now, you will still think that you can't eat enough!"

With my guarantee, Xiaomeng plucked up the courage and nodded, and said nothing. Qian Ke was at the side to see that everyone had no objections, especially when I insisted on eating, she didn't speak anymore, but her face became more and more serious. It's white.

This woman is very aggressive these days in our cave, not to mention Xiao Qing, even Sister Man can't quarrel with her. Just like Xiao Qing and the three of them turned upside down, it was a terrible mess.

Now, this little girl's frightened appearance made Xiao Qing so happy, and she walked up to me braggingly, with a very bright smile on her face, "Xiao Zhang, let me cook for you, after all, Miss is not like some people, who are as timid as a mouse!"

It's been a long time since I saw Mr. Xiao smiling so happily, but I don't know what's going on, seeing this chick so proud, I couldn't help but want to tease her.

"That's fine, you can stay with me, although I feel that you can't help much."

Under my command, everyone in the cave quickly got busy.

Xiaomeng went to light the stove to boil water, while Qian Ke and Song Qi went to wash the vegetables.Sister Man, I, and Xiao Qing will deal with those bugs.

I took Xiao Qing's hand and squatted with her in front of the basket, watching the worms wriggling inside.

Not to mention, this thing is really a nightmare for trypophobia.

These worms were already quite disgusting, but now there are so many of them gathered together, twisting and squirming, they are not ordinary worms.

I feel a little uncomfortable looking at it.

Xiao Qing's pretty face turned pale all of a sudden.

She used to have a meal of bugs at home, but it was cooked, how could she, a young lady, handle such a wonderful food by herself?

Seeing these bugs at close range, the impact made her regret it all at once.

While secretly watching her expression, I grabbed a wood borer as if nothing had happened.

"Mr. Xiao, look, you can follow my example, just chop off its head and throw it in this bamboo basket."

As I said that, I pinched off the small yellow head of a fat worm, the green juice splashed and even dripped onto Xiao Qing's face.


Mr. Xiao stuttered a bit when he spoke, and he stayed there, his little appearance was very funny and cute.

"Mr. Xiao, what's the matter with you, you are not scared like Qian Ke, are you?"

I glanced at her and said deliberately.

"Wh... what scares you? Can a coward like Qian Ke compare to me? Miss Ben is amazing, you can't even think of it!"

Xiao Qing said angrily, she was full of momentum when she spoke, but the timid eyes she looked at those bugs revealed her heart, I took a sneak peek at her, this girl, the tip of that delicate little nose was tingling. I'm sweating!
"Come on, I'll leave this to you!"

I pretended not to notice her strangeness, grabbed a bug as if nothing had happened, and stuffed it into her little hand.

Feeling the wriggling, sticky, and cold touch of the bug in her hand, Xiao Qing couldn't bear it anymore, she screamed in fright, threw the bug out of her hand, and even sat down on the ground , Wow and cried.

I also didn't expect that our President Xiao was so arrogant as a little tiger just now, but he was scared and cried in the blink of an eye. Didn't you say that Miss Ben is amazing, I can't even think of it?

The teardrops on her pretty face were pattering down, she was crying so pitifully.

When I saw it, I felt a little regretful in my heart. Bullying her like this seemed a bit too much.

Sister Man glared at me fiercely, hugged Xiao Qing, and buried her in the softness in front of her, which made me very envious.

"Xiao Zhang, you really act like a bastard this time. You clearly know that she is afraid, but you still act like this... and you still don't apologize to others!"

Sister Man pointed to my nose and scolded me.

The other girls also looked at me with the same hatred. For a while, I felt like a rat crossing the street.

I smiled wryly and touched my nose. I also felt that I should apologize to Sister Xiao Qing this time, so I quickly came to her and bowed my head to coax her.

"What's the use of apologizing, I will never forgive you in my life!"

Xiao Qing raised her tear-stained face, gouged me out, and then, like a victorious general, ran to Xiaomeng's side to light the fire.

Although she said she didn't forgive me, Xiao Qing seemed to be in a better mood suddenly.

Anyway, I don't understand this woman more and more.

This little farce did not affect the progress of our cooking.

Rather, after Xiao Qing stood aside, Sister Man and I dealt with those bugs much faster.

After a while, all the bugs in the basket were killed by us, and we cleaned them well.

Then the water was boiled, and the dishes were prepared as well.

I took out the helmet pot and put the bugs out of the pot one by one.

First, put in several seasonings to cook the worms well and keep them cooked but not rotten.

This is for flavor and for easy frying.

Then, we found the precious animal oil that had been stored recently, and after heating it, we put down the boiled and dried worm sticks.

Accompanied by bursts of sizzling sounds, a strange fragrance immediately permeated the cave.

It didn't take long for me to bring the golden bug slivers to the dining table. It was different from squatting to eat in the past. Now we already have a simple table.

Everyone sat around and felt very warm.

Not much to say, Xiao Qing was the first to pick up a worm stick, and happily bit it down. After a while, she gobbled it up, full of praise.

"This thing tastes like fried green shrimp. It's very tender, and it doesn't have the fishy smell of shrimp. It's amazing!"

"Gourmet" Xiao Qing commented.

Seeing that this girl eats so deliciously and gave me such a high evaluation, I am also flattered from the bottom of my heart, and have a kind of joy of feeding.

The other girls also started to move.

At this moment, there is a raging snowstorm outside, and it is extremely cold, but in the cave, we all surround the warm campfire, eat delicious worm sticks, talk and laugh, not to mention how happy we are.

Even Qian Ke was very resistant before, but now his mouth is full of greasy food and his eyes are shining.

"I used to eat and drink in Sun Hu's camp, but the taste really made me want to cry. At that time, I was like eating shit every day, like a dog. Now, people live, Brother Zhang , it all depends on you! I admire you so much!"

Qian Ke started flattering me again, Xiao Qing rolled her eyes while listening.

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