When I walked near the black tower, it was a very coincidental coincidence that I bumped into that arrogant little native who was injured by me not long ago, the stone chain.

This guy was beaten to the ground by me yesterday, unable to move, and now he is alive and kicking again, which really surprised me.

It seems that these little natives are not very strong, but their recovery ability is very strong.

I stopped this guy directly, saying that my brother, as the number one warrior, is now going to Tongzhong to take a look and let this guy lead the way.

This guy looked at me very unhappy, then looked at the warrior necklace in my hand, and finally nodded in agreement.

Needless to say, his end can only be a dead end.

Once inside Tongue Mound, I used my suppressed assault rifle and Chug Chug killed him.

This guy fell to the ground unwillingly, his eyes were full of anger and shock before he died.

And just after this guy died, I came to him and carefully opened his mouth, trying to catch the tongue worm out.

However, I soon discovered a very strange thing.

Before I opened this guy's mouth, I heard a sizzling sound, and thick smoke came out of this guy's mouth crazily.

This is clearly the strong acid that corroded the flesh in his mouth.

After the man died, the tongue worm seemed to have started to play tricks too.

I became more careful, took out a dagger, and started to pry the mouth of the corpse.

Because of the strong acid corrosion, this guy's mouth quickly became messed up. I quickly pried open his mouth, but found something even more terrifying.

After the man died, the tongue worm fell off his tongue and began to burrow into his head!
The tongue worm spit out strong acid just now, just to corrode the bones above his mouth!

I pried the mouth of the corpse with a dagger, but I couldn't free my hand. The worm slid into the dead man's head with a whizz, and then there was a creepy gnawing sound in the silent underground chamber!
I cursed in my heart, and became more and more disgusted with this disgusting worm. If it wasn't for Wang Jin's request, I would have shot and shot, smashing the dead man's brain and the tongue worm.

In the end I figured out a way. I cut my own finger and stabbed the dead man's head with a dagger stained with my blood.

The curse on me makes many creatures fear me, especially my blood, the effect is stronger.

Although, this tongue worm seems to be of a very advanced type, he is not very afraid of my breath, but I think my blood should still belong to the type that makes them disgusted.

Sure enough, when the dagger stained with my blood was inserted into the dead man's head, the worm stopped eating quickly, and a lot of smoke began to emit from the ear of the corpse.

This is the guy corroding the dead man's ear canal, coming out from here.

I kept watch over it, and soon the thing popped out. I suppressed my nausea, grabbed the worm full of brains, and threw it into the isolation bottle prepared in advance.

Wang Jin and the others, as staff members escorting special specimens, carried many similar containers on them. The one I am holding now is the one that is not afraid of strong acid corrosion.

Back then, the people in the little black girl Catherine and her organization often carried similar containers with them.

After catching this live tongue worm experimental sample, I knew that I didn't have much time, so I rushed into the densely packed tongue coffins immediately.

After searching in the tongue coffin for a while, I grabbed some of the deepest and farthest ones and stuffed them into my backpack, then rushed out of the ground and ran towards the entrance.

At the beginning, although I was in a hurry, I didn't encounter any problems. When some indigenous people saw me, they even showed respect and fear in their eyes, and wanted to salute and talk to me.

But within a few steps, I felt something was wrong, because suddenly there were bursts of extremely sharp screams from inside my backpack.

The sound was extremely unpleasant, as if fingernails were scratching a glass window, and it made people's brains hurt when they heard it.

No doubt it was the tongueworm I bottled screaming.

And upon hearing this cry, the faces of those natives changed suddenly, and each of them opened their mouths wide, and let out a burst of strange screams.

Needless to say, all the aborigines rioted, after all, in their culture, these tongue worms were something nobler than themselves.

These bugs, like their masters, are second only to the devils, and can even be said to be a kind of god-like thing.

Now I have kidnapped one of their "gods".

The aborigines put their hands into their mouths frantically one by one, and released the bugs.

In an instant, I could see this aboriginal village in all directions, full of such disgusting bugs rushing towards me.

They have a lot of feet, they crawl on the ground very quickly, and they make a lot of unpleasant noises.

Moreover, the mouths of these insects were crazily emitting thick acid, and wherever they passed, there were bursts of strange noises and a large amount of white smoke with a pungent smell!

At this moment, under the stench of thick smoke, this small underground village seemed like hell!
I also don't dare to get entangled with those strange insects. Once I am caught up, I am afraid that I will be corroded into slag by concentrated acid.

I ran forward like a madman.

This small indigenous village is not big, and soon I saw the exit from a distance, but at this moment, Wang Jin and the three of them were also fighting the sharp-faced man!

The roar of huge guns resounded.

The sharp-faced man was not their opponent at all, and was quickly killed, but the tongue worm continued to move quickly around the women, waiting for an opportunity to attack!

Although Wang Jin and the other women had guns in their hands, the tongue worm moved too fast, and they had to dodge the acid sprayed out of this guy's mouth. For a while, they were deadlocked here.

However, it was bad luck for the tongue worm to meet me. I happened to be enraged by a large group of its relatives chasing after me, so I rushed towards it in one step.

Although the tongue worm is fast, I have quick eyesight and quick hands, and I am agile. I jumped up and stepped on its back.

My strength is very strong. When this guy was stepped on by me, there was a crisp sound, disgusting mucus splashed everywhere, and there was a sizzling sound.

I knew that it must be strong acid coming out, so I quickly took off my shoes and threw them away.

I threw the shoe aside, and there were bursts of foul-smelling smoke, obviously corroded. Looking at the disgusting tongue worm, it wasn't dead, it was just injured and wriggling on the ground.

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