With the efforts of several of us, the huge stone door opened slowly with a heavy sound.

However, just as the few of us were about to push the door open, an anxious voice rang out, "My friends, respected guests, this door cannot be opened!"

But I saw a female official with scantily dressed clothes come out from nowhere, stopping us with sweat profusely.

This female officer is very beautiful, and she is so revealingly dressed, clearly wearing clothes, but it gives people a very seductive feeling.

Needless to say, the female officer dressed in this way is the Queen's confidant at first glance.

This queen is really lawless.

But at this moment, after hearing what the female officer said, we couldn't help but look at her with a sneer, "Why can't it be opened? Didn't the queen say it all? We can leave."

The woman was a little anxious, she rolled her eyeballs, and then said, "Several distinguished guests don't know, these few days are special days for our tribe, we need to close the door for seven days to worship ancestors, once the door is opened, it will be bad If we break our rules, we would be disrespecting our ancestors."

While the woman was speaking, a group of soldiers came from behind, staring at us coldly, as if they were about to strike at any time.

We couldn't help but sneered when we saw it, "We are all outsiders. If we can't open the door, it won't affect your sacrifice. Please understand."

"If you say you can't open it, you can't open it!"

The woman was also in a hurry.

Wang Jin said, "Then we have to open it?"

"Then don't blame us for being rude!"

Seeing that there were more and more soldiers behind them, the female officer also became tougher.

I couldn't help shaking my head and sneering, the female officer seemed to have no idea how scary we were.

Seeing this, Wang Jin said directly, "I'll deal with these soldiers, you keep pushing the door!"

The female officer couldn't help but sneered when she heard this, and looked at Wang Jin like a fool, "My guest, what are you talking about, you want to defend against so many of our soldiers by yourself?"

Faced with her ridicule, Wang Jin didn't speak at all, and directly raised the automatic rifle in his hand, and fired a burst.

As soon as the bullets went down, the soldiers on the opposite side fell down in a row. These people didn't even have a chance to draw their bows.

These people still stay in the fighting style of the feudal era. Once they fight, they stand together very densely and rush towards the enemy. This fighting style can indeed give full play to the advantages of a large number of people in the era of cold weapons.

However, standing in front of hot weapons and charging together is like being a target, which is no different from sending them to death.

However, these little aborigines were not fools. After Wang Jin massacred many people, many aborigines understood and quickly began to look for obstacles around them and began to hide.

And those who stood behind were shooting arrows with a bow, and the arrows fell towards us like raindrops.

There are a lot of these arrows, and their lethality is indeed great.

Wang Jin couldn't help squatting down, dodging one after another.

However, while she was dodging, she was still shooting, causing a strong firepower suppression on the enemy.

The few of us who pushed the door were also disturbed by the arrows. Sometimes we had to block those arrows, and the efficiency of pushing the door was much lower.

For a while, the situation stalemate.

However, the balance of victory is tilting towards us, because although the efficiency of pushing the door is low, the door is still being pushed open under my crazy force.

And on Wang Jin's side, her marksmanship is too good, and she shoots while dodging, which is still a regular occurrence, and those little natives are about to collapse after being killed by her.

In terms of using guns alone, there may be ten of me, but they are not as good as Wang Jin.

You know, I was alone at the time, and I used an automatic rifle to confront the aborigines, but I was in a very miserable situation at the time, and now Wang Jin seems to be very relaxed.

Sure enough, although this gun is powerful, it still depends on who has it.

Wang Jin, a professionally trained firearms master, is different.

Although I have studied with Xi'er for a few days, after all, the time is too short, and I only studied for a few days, which is not comparable to Wang Jin, a professional who has been trained all year round.

Under the vigorous push of several of us, mainly me, the huge stone gate made a heavy muffled sound, and soon revealed a gap enough for people to pass through.


I turned around and shouted, letting Li Xin go out first.

There are more and more native soldiers behind us. If their arrows are concentrated to a certain extent, it will still be dangerous to us.

But at this moment, there are not many of them, and they pose little threat to us.

A few of us, under the angry and unbelievable eyes of the native, filed out from the gap in the stone gate.Of course, Denise and Blanche, who would only hide and scream, hurriedly ran away with us at this moment.

Those indigenous people never thought that the three of us could push the huge stone gate, and the expressions of each of them were very wonderful.

And after we came out, we were still in the territory of the aborigines, but the queen didn't seem to think that we could walk out of this stone gate at all, so there was no ambush outside.

After we left the Shimen, we came to the village full of vitality.

The people here didn't know that we had fallen out with their queen, and they were all very enthusiastic about us, bringing us a lot of food, which made us very embarrassed.

Although these people were very enthusiastic, we all knew that it was not the time to stay for a long time, so we greeted them casually and left the village quickly.

Not long after we left, the sparsely dressed female officer led people to chase them out. Unfortunately, after arriving in the jungle, they were no longer my opponents.

The female officer finally realized how powerful our guns are, and didn't dare to come out to chase us for a while, but just watched us drifting away dejectedly.

After the few of us left the stockade, we walked all the way to the camp of those white people. Wang Jin said, we have got what we want on this deserted island, and it is time to leave.

I also nodded, thinking that Wang Jin was right.

We came all the way to the outside of those white people's stockades, and this time, we simply took all the guns in our hands.

When the white guards saw us coming, and everyone had guns in their hands, they couldn't help being even more frightened, and all of them ran out to greet us respectfully.

What made me feel very speechless was that there was a guy who didn't even have time to put on his trousers, and looked disheveled. It looked like he hadn't done anything good just now.

In the hands of these guys, there are still some native female slaves.

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