The trick of setting fire was really effective. The monsters in this underground palace were all grown up in a cold environment, and their resistance to flames was very low, and some even ran wildly in fright.

It's the end of the world for these bugs!
And we dare not stay here for a long time, we are also afraid of being engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.Everyone ran wildly and quickly ran out of the underground palace. When we looked back, the entire underground palace was already burning with flames.

The flames illuminated the space under the abyss of death, as if lighting up a huge lamp.

This is a very rare and beautiful scenery.

Under the entire abyss, there are ice layers everywhere, and the firelight reflects on the ice layer, reflecting colorful rays of light. Those naked girls buried in the ice layer, under the reflection of the firelight, are as beautiful as angels. Some of them are far away from the underground palace. The nearby ice layer was melted by the raging fire, and a lot of white gas came out, and the whole underground was shrouded in clouds and mist, shining brilliantly.

For a moment, it was like a fairyland.

However, such a predicament makes us feel very complicated, because the cost of creating such a scene is too high. This ancient underground palace is definitely a treasure of human civilization, a cultural treasure left over from thousands of years ago.

Now that we have burned it, the loss is immeasurable.

"Let's go, the danger is coming soon!"

Wang Jin looked at the melting ice, and his face became very nervous again.

We followed her gaze and couldn't help being startled in our hearts, aware of the approaching danger.

Because of the burning of the underground palace, many nearby ice layers were roasted, which destroyed the stability of many ice peaks underground. We doubt that those ice peaks may collapse. No one can guarantee that when those ice peaks fall, they will not smash Come to us.

If we were directly smashed to death like this, it would be too unjust.

Especially me, even a powerful person like me, would be smashed into a pulp after being smashed down by that huge ice peak. This way of dying is too aggrieved.

Sometimes, I really feel that nature is so great, the more powerful I am, the more I am in awe of it.

People often talk about conquering nature, conquering the desert, and conquering the sea.

You go to the desert for a few days and you conquer the desert?You went swimming in the sea, you conquered the sea?
This is too ridiculous.

A few of us quickly climbed up the cliff, and quickly returned to the small platform where the bones were piled up.

As soon as the few of us stepped onto the platform, we heard a deafening loud noise behind us, and a wave of icy air rushed up from below, almost knocking us over.

When we looked back, we saw that there was a lot of smoke below us, and an ice peak suddenly collapsed, as if it just hit the big crater leading to the Arctic Ocean.

And this was not the only ice peak that collapsed. After this one collapsed, one after another ice peaks collapsed crazily, and the sound of loud noises could be heard endlessly.

If we had just walked a little slower, we would definitely have been buried underneath by now, turning into frozen meat paste.

So far, the underground palace in the abyss of death has been completely destroyed, and even the ice layer of the ice priest composed of naked girls was deeply buried by the collapsed ice peak.

The entire underground palace was buried deep in the glacier.

Even if there are any expeditions coming over in the future, it will be almost impossible to find the underground palace below.

"Let's go."

Wang Jin looked at the corpse on my back, and nodded with a complicated expression. At this moment, she also looked a little confused, not knowing whether what she did was right or not.

However, what made us a little relaxed was that no matter what, we all survived, and the big monkey was probably also crushed under the glacier.

If this guy can still survive, it will really be a miracle among miracles, unless he is the reincarnation of Sun Monkey and can survive from the glacier Wuzhi Mountain.

We took a short rest in this place where the bones were piled up, and then started our return journey.

There is almost no danger along the way, except for a few minor incidents, such as our gas masks, which have been used for too long and gradually lost their effectiveness. The mental toxins made Li Xin and Lucy a little crazy.

These two girls talked a lot of nonsense, and even rushed over to hug me and kiss me, which gave me a little advantage, haha.

In the end, under Wang Jin's eyes about to kill, I quickly donated my blood and detoxified the two of them.

Wang Jin also warned me viciously that she must never attack her team members, otherwise she would not let me go.

I think Nima, this woman is probably jealous that the two girls kissed me, and didn't kiss her.

I really doubt whether this woman wants to take advantage of her position to pick on Li Xin and Lucy. Although Lucy and Li Xin are straight, this woman Wang Jin is very dangerous. Did people turn the corner?

After going through these small twists and turns, several of us began to climb towards the top of the abyss. When we climbed close to the top, we heard a sound of whistling and beating from above the abyss, and some people threw some White sheet of paper.

We couldn't help but wonder, what's going on, what is this doing?

A few of us climbed to the top to take a look, but saw a group of dwarves playing some strange tunes with some instruments we had never seen before by the abyss of death.

Oh, the two European and American women, Denise and Blanche, were there, with sad expressions on their faces.

After they saw us, their expressions were almost like hell.

"God, are you ghosts?"

The other natives looked similar and thought we were ghosts.

After careful questioning, I realized that seeing us not coming back for such a long time, these people thought that we had died below, and now this bragging is planning a funeral for us.

My day, I just said why I sprinkled some white pieces of paper just now, it turned out that they were paper money for the dead here.

I am really convinced by this group of people.

However, when they learned that we survived the abyss of death, a group of indigenous people were shocked, because we were the first time in their history that someone survived the abyss of death, and we were so sane.

They did have masters who came back alive from the abyss of death before, but they were all crazy without exception.

In fact, this is also simple. There are many neurotoxins under the abyss. In addition to the poisonous fog, there are also some plants. Even those of us with high technology have been tricked.

What's more, what about those ancient aborigines?
This time, it is because of me that our team can return safely.

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