What's in this woman's belly?

We thought of countless possibilities.

But the most likely thing to come up is the body of a dead baby.

Of course, it is also possible that this woman was not pregnant when she died, and the reason why her belly bulged was because some special substances had accumulated in it, which may be related to her excellent embalming ability.

However, after we really opened this woman's belly, what appeared inside surprised all of us!
What appeared in front of our eyes at this moment turned out to be a pitch-black sphere.

The surface of the sphere is a bit rough to the touch, but the texture is very hard, as hard as iron, but it does not have the cold metallic texture of steel.

I tried to pinch a few times on the black ball, but nothing came out, and it seemed to be highly coagulated.

"what is this?"

We looked at each other, feeling a little bewildered.

This thing doesn't look like it can be produced naturally inside the corpse. Could it be stuffed in after death?Was it even stuffed in before his death?
"Could it be a bug...I mean a nest of scavengers?"

Wang Jin touched his chin and said.

This is not necessarily impossible. We quickly raised the black ball. Under the probe lights, we rolled a noodle and checked it carefully.

But we noticed that there are no holes on the surface of this thing, which naturally ruled out the possibility of insect caves.

"Maybe we should see what else is in the belly of the female corpse?"

As Lucy said, she even lay down on the belly of the corpse. In order to see it more clearly, the woman got so close that she almost stuffed her head in, which made me feel disgusted.

In our team, each of these women is better than the other, that is, Li Xin is a little more normal, but also extremely tough. If Xiao Qing were here instead, it would be good if she didn't cry in fright.

And just when I was deeply moved, Lucy had dug out many strange and disgusting objects from the stomach of the female corpse.

"This is... the internal organs of the female corpse? Look, her stomach and other organs have been squeezed... Why can't you see the uterus?"

Wang Jin immediately leaned forward and started to scratch and feel the disgusting pile of organs. Although she was wearing gloves, it was disgusting enough.

After checking for a while, Wang Jin and Lucy came to a conclusion.

"This black ball is not in the belly of the female corpse, but in the womb!"

We were all stunned, "What does it mean that it grows in the womb? It means that this woman is really a pregnant woman, and this black sphere is her child?"

"This may not be a sphere, but an egg!"

Wang Jin frowned, but said so suddenly.

What she said shocked us all, how could this be possible?
Facing our question, Wang Jin said, "It is indeed impossible for a human to give birth to an egg, but don't forget that this corpse may not be human at all, but she can fly. Things that can fly, like Birds and bugs all lay eggs."

We were all speechless in shock, it was too unbelievable, and there was a sense of weirdness and horror.

However, did not say that Lucy just said, if the female corpse died during pregnancy, such a big thing, it was impossible to record in the murals.

But Wang Jin thought for a while and said, "Is it possible that when the queen died, everyone didn't know that she was pregnant, but after she died, the egg grew slowly in her body?" ?”

Wang Jin's thought also made people feel quite horrified.

Is this thing really an egg?
I thought for a while and said, "Actually, it's very easy to determine this. Let's smash it to see?"

But my proposal was unanimously rejected by several of them.

"How can such a precious thing be damaged rashly?"

Wang Jin glared at me angrily, and then she rummaged through the backpack for a while, and found a needle-hole device that looked like a syringe, "I'll see if I can make a hole in it, and look at this black egg. what's inside."

Wang Jin tried it, but unexpectedly she succeeded. As a result, a needle of black liquid was sucked out, which looked very disgusting.

"Since there is liquid in it, my guess is probably true, but the egg seems to be broken, otherwise..."

Wang Jin said with some disappointment.

Looking at her disappointed expression, I couldn't help being speechless, otherwise, what else would she want to do, get a good egg, and then hatch that weird egg?

Who knows what monsters will hatch out of it?
"Actually, if you think about it carefully, it may not be the first time you have encountered this egg. In the past, there were many myths and legends in our country. Let's take a well-known character as an example. You know Nezha."

But Lucy said this suddenly. After hearing what she said, I couldn't help being speechless. This little foreign girl is really a country, and she has a sense of belonging to our country.

However, what the hell is Nezha? How do I remember that he was born as a big meatball?And isn't that a myth?

"These myths may not be all groundless, and Nezha is not actually a god born and raised in China. This is a name with a foreign pronunciation, and the prototype comes from Indian Buddhism."

According to Lucy, in Buddhist legends, there is a god named Bishamon, whose third son is Nezha, also known as Luojiupo, who was born from an egg.

This made me dizzy for a while, Nima, this woman Lucy is too knowledgeable, I have no impression of these things she said.

"In fact, in the mythology of various countries, there are really many gods born from eggs. There may be some origins among them. However, all of these should be related to the so-called divine grace."

Wang Jin nodded, and obviously agreed with Lucy's statement.

Things are back to square one.

What exactly is the divine grace controlled by the god Wang Lu, and why can it cause such a terrifying change in a person?
What does all this have to do with the secret of the deserted island?

Thinking of this, a very bold guess suddenly rose in my heart.

After the battle between God King Lu and Huang, he died suddenly. Before he died, he buried the strange thing that could bring God's grace in the depths of the mysterious island.

Many tribes on the deserted island actually shoulder the responsibility of guarding this strange thing.

And the company, as well as other international organizations, have spent a lot of financial and material resources, and even many lives, to find something, which is this strange thing that can bring divine favor!

I think I have probably grasped the truth behind the mysterious island incident.

The only thing that makes me regret is that I still don't know what that weird thing is, and why it can cause such a strange change in a person.

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