Those handwritings are naturally ancient Honglu characters, and among us, only Lucy knows them.

We are very curious, what is written on this parchment scroll?

I have a hunch that these discoveries here will bring us closer to the secrets of the Honglu people and the desert island, and we will be one step closer to the mysterious truth!

Lucy was still studying the murals, and when she saw us coming, she explained them to us.

"The owner of this tomb should be a very powerful king, one of the leaders of the ancient Honglu people. Judging from the murals, the ancient Honglu people and the Shang Dynasty's internal and external clothing system are very similar."

The so-called internal and external service system means that the places directly ruled by the king of Shang are called internal service, such as the legendary Chaoge and other areas.

Then, foreign service refers to some Shang kings who cannot directly rule, but submit to Shang and obey its government orders, such as princes and barbarians.

Like King Zhou, King Wen and so on belonged to the foreign service.

Generally speaking, during the Yin and Shang Dynasties, it was similar to the federal system, and the princes from all walks of life were dominated by the Shang monarch.

And the ancient Honglu people had almost the same system.

God King Lu ruled the world, princes and kings from all walks of life controlled their own tribes, and the owner of our tomb is the former king of the dwarves.

"According to the mural, this dwarf Wang Ku once made great military exploits and won a brilliant victory in the battle against Huang."

Speaking of this, Lucy smiled, and she said that the previous content was still very common, but after arriving here, what the mural said was very mysterious.

"Because of his illustrious military exploits, the god king Mu gave the dwarf Wang Ku a lot of rewards. In addition to various gold and silver treasures, women, and people's land, he also received the most respected honor in the world, that is, Grace."

Divine grace?

This word sounds more westernized, with a bit of western magical meaning, but Lucy said that she couldn't find a suitable word, so she reluctantly used this word.

In short, that is to say, this ancient king named Ku received a divine favor from Mu. What is the use of this divine favor?
According to the murals, Ku can live a long life and gain more powerful power. According to the murals, after receiving this reward, Ku can even transcend the human category, and he can fly.

Moreover, he lived for more than 300 years.

Speaking of this, several of us were stunned.

Live longer and be stronger, that's fine, what the hell is flying.

Is this mural really realistic?

We suddenly had doubts about the authenticity of this mural. Could this mural beautify the life of the owner of the tomb, and some fantastic transformations have been carried out?

Lucy said that there is such a possibility, but judging from the narrative style in front of the murals, they are all very realistic, and the sudden appearance of such magical content made her feel very strange.

We continued to read, and Lucy said, the mural behind it is that this Ku led his tribe and accepted Lu's order and began to move north.

This also coincides with the story that the queen told us.

It described in detail the process of their entire ethnic group's migration to the north.

For example, how they overcame the cold, how they built ships, and how they defeated some barbarians along the way, etc.

These murals have returned to the realistic style and appear very real.

This makes us look confused.

The front and back are very real, why is there a magical narrative in the middle?
Or, could that paragraph be true, this guy named Ku can really fly?Really live more than 300 years.

"Actually, you have to know whether that part is true or not. It's very simple. We just need to check the body of the man named Ku carefully, because I noticed that there is a very important detail in this mural."

Lucy said suddenly.

We asked her what she noticed.

She smiled and said, "Look, here it is said that since Ku can fly, he has lost the ability to keep his feet on the ground, and he can no longer walk like ordinary people. A person has not walked for more than 200 years , His leg bones will definitely change, we can check his body..."

People can fly for no reason. This kind of thing is simply a fantasy. If someone really said such a thing to me suddenly, I would definitely sneer at it and never believe it.

But now, such content appears in this mural, but we have to pay some attention to it.

After all, this deserted island contains huge secrets. The ancient Honglu people have created too many impossible miracles, and I have also seen many absurd things.

There are murlocs, snakemen, giant devil fish, and so on. There are all these strange things, so it seems that it may not be completely impossible for people to fly.

However, if this is true, it is still unbelievable. What exactly does the god Wang Lu control, so that an ordinary person with the ability to fly can live for more than 300 years by relying on the so-called divine grace?
Our hearts suddenly lifted, and we felt that we were in touch with a shocking big secret.

Are the things described in this mural true?

If the latter half of his life has been unable to land on his feet and can only fly all the time for more than 200 years, then his leg bones will definitely degenerate due to years of non-use.

We all walked in front of the dead king and carefully examined the bones of his feet.

It doesn't matter if you don't check it. After checking it, we were all completely stunned.

Because we found that the bones of this guy's legs are indeed showing signs of degeneration. His feet are very slender, and the bones are even only a little thicker than the bones of his arms.

This made several of us stunned, only shocked and inexplicable.

Although this cannot directly prove that what the mural said is completely true, we have not yet been able to find strong evidence to prove that the mural is fake.

After all, we can't just rely on our common sense and say it's impossible, because so far, Honglu people have brought us too many things that violate common sense.

The few of us managed to calm down our shocking mood, and Wang Jin said, "Let's leave this mural alone, Lucy, come and have a look, what is written on this parchment scroll?"

Lucy quickly took the parchment scroll and looked at it carefully.

After looking at it for a while, her brows frowned, "The text on the parchment scroll is very obscure, and it doesn't seem to be the commonly used Honglu script, but I can vaguely understand it, it seems to be an edict expressing It is a reward for the villain Wang Ku, and it seems to be related to divine grace."

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