Because there were too many bones piled up on the ground, it was very inconvenient to walk, and our progress was very slow, and we didn't find anything worth noting.

I said, could it be that these bones buried some clues, should we dig them up and see.

"There is a possibility, but the possibility is very low. Let's go on first. If we really don't find it, we will consider this situation."

Wang Jin said so.

We continued here for about an hour or so, during which time we were attacked by several kinds of weird bugs.

Those bugs, no accident, are all dead eaters, and each carapace is shiny with oil, which looks very disgusting.

They come in groups and are very threatening.

However, we had a flamethrower in hand, which scared the bugs away.

Otherwise, even if I encounter this kind of thing, there is almost nothing I can do.

These bugs rushed forward in groups, no matter how good my skills are, as long as I am submerged in it, the only possibility is to be bitten to death.

"Zhang Qi, I seemed to see a figure running over there just now."

Li Xin suddenly grabbed my sleeve and said with some fear.

The few of us couldn't help being a little stunned when we heard it, "Are you sure you read it right? Is there a figure?"

She nodded very solemnly.

After we heard it, we were all speechless. There is a mass grave below here. How could there be people?

"Are you blind?" we asked.

Li Xin frowned and thought for a while, but she was not sure, so she could only frowned and said, it was possible.

We had no choice but to keep this matter in our hearts for the time being, and continue to search for clues. Soon, we found something!
"Look, everyone, there are some murals here! There are also some stone grooves, which seem to be traces of buildings!"

Lucy suddenly cried out.

We hurriedly followed, but at this moment, where Lucy was, there was actually a stone wall with some very vague murals on the stone wall and some strange grooves. I don't know what they were for.

However, we took a closer look at the murals for a while, and Lucy frowned, "It's not right! The age of these murals is wrong. Why do I feel that these murals were not left by the ancient Honglu people, but someone painted them recently?" went up?"

Lucy is an expert in this field. Since she judges this way, she probably can't be wrong.

This took us all by surprise.

There are still living people here, painting here?

So in other words, the figure Li Xin saw earlier was not dazzled?

"What is this thing he drew, can you tell what it means?" Wang Jin asked Lucy.

Lucy stared at the mural for a long time, then shook her head, "I can't tell, this mural is too abstract, it looks like illogical graffiti!"

And this mural is not the most surprising discovery for us. We continued to explore in this area and found a simple fire.

The fire looked like it hadn't been burning for a long time, and it should have been a day or two.

"This is too strange. Is there anyone living down here?"

We looked at each other in dismay, feeling very incredible.

"Is it possible that someone died before and was thrown down, but finally came back to life?" Li Xin couldn't help but ask.

What she said was a little unclear, but I understood her meaning at once.

In ancient times, the level of medical treatment was underdeveloped. Sometimes some people would fake their deaths, but others didn’t know it. People who died in suspended animation came back to life.

This situation also existed in ancient my country.It is said that Bian Que, a genius doctor, has encountered such a situation.

There is a legend, why this person has the first seven, after the person dies, he has to stop for a few days and not go to the burial, just to prevent the situation of suspended animation.

Of course, this is just my hearsay. If we want to talk about the origin of the first seven customs, there are probably countless theories, and I can't finish it in a few days and nights.

However, we discussed it carefully, and felt that it was impossible. The abyss of death was too deep. If someone was thrown from above, even if he didn't die originally, he would die if he fell.

Or, after a certain daring adventurer in the dwarves came down, for some reason, he didn't want to go back and stayed below?

"It's useless for us to continue to speculate like this. Why don't we find that guy first!"

Wang Jin suggested like this.

We nodded, and began to look for the person hiding in the dark.

But we soon discovered that that person should be following us. I always have a feeling of being spied on, and this feeling is very familiar.

I thought about it for a long time, but I suddenly remembered that when I was on the boat, I also felt this way.

This made me suddenly think of a new possibility.

We have always thought that if you can paint murals, even if you can paint poorly and make fire, you are a human being, but this is not necessarily the case. Some smart monsters may be able to do it.

For example, the specimen that escaped from the ship, the mysterious big-headed monkey.When I shared my thoughts with Wang Jin and the others, they couldn't help showing a thoughtful look.

"The big-headed monkey is a mutated creature. It has a high IQ. It might be able to do these things, but shouldn't the big-headed monkey be in the cold ocean now? How could it come here? "

Wang Jin frowned and said.

I said, I just raised this possibility. It may not be the big monkey next to us, but it may also be other similar creatures.

Moreover, if the guy next to us really lives underground all year round, then it grew up eating dead people. This guy is by no means a good thing, we must be more careful!
Speaking of it this way, we hope that it is the big monkey who is watching us, so it will be safer.

After all, a guy who feeds on human flesh makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

While we were guarding and searching for that guy, we continued to explore the abyss of death, and soon we found that we had come to the edge of the abyss of death.

We came to the edge of a cliff again.

Only then did we discover that the position we are in is actually not the bottom of this abyss at all!

The place we are at is a platform-like place, similar to a stone platform protruding from the edge of a cliff, except that this stone platform is a little bigger.

We used to think that this was the bottom of the abyss, but we underestimated the abyss too much.

Below the abyss, what else is there?

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