The origin of the dwarves makes me a little bit embarrassed. They are actually related to the Honglu people, and they are still a leftover nation.

At this moment, since this period of history was mentioned, the queen and others also took the opportunity to ask whether the outside world now belongs to Huang, and whether we outsiders are all descendants of Huang.

This made us very speechless and didn't know how to answer.

The era when the Honglu people flourished was ten thousand years ago. In the history of today's world, ten thousand years ago was a historical fault era. There are almost no written records. Whether it is in our country or overseas, there is no civilization in the world. For that period of history It is recorded.

It was a period of mystery, and even the term Honglu people, many historians, only discovered it from many mysterious ruins around the world.

Of course, because the historical relics related to the Honglu people are very peculiar and hide many secrets.

Therefore, the discovery of the Honglu people has not been announced to the outside world so far, and ordinary people are not aware of it.

The so-called believers in Devil Huang also belong to Honglu people in our view.And since ten thousand years ago, there were remains of Honglu people all over the world, that is to say, our current people probably have their blood and genes.

Back then on the mysterious island, among the savage tribes, there were surnames such as Lieshan and Lianshan. In fact, this surname also existed in my Chinese Yanhuang era, and it was the common surname at that time.

There may not be any relationship between the two.

Perhaps the Lieshan clan and Lianshan clan at that time were the descendants of the Honglu people and the ancestors of our Huaxia people.

So, are we the descendants of false believers?

It is possible, but not absolute, this is something that is unclear.

I said, we don't know the outcome of the war ten thousand years ago, but it is very likely that both sides will suffer.

There are still two tit-for-tat curses in my body. This is most likely a continuation of the great war ten thousand years ago...

I shared our guess with the Queen and the others.

When the Queen and the others heard this, they were also very sad, "Our family has been imprisoned on this isolated island for thousands of years, and we have been waiting for the edict of God King Lu. We only wait for one day to return to our homeland. Unexpectedly, people outside have already Forgot Lu's god name!"

Speaking of this, the relationship between us seems to have taken a step further. I said that I met some remnants of the Honglu people on another isolated island. Those people still worship Lulu and guard a large number of ancient relics. .

We have investigated there and encountered all kinds of strange things.

Speaking of this, the queen also slapped her head. She said, they also have this weird relic. She said that deep in this underground palace, there is a terrifying forbidden place.

The priests of the past dynasties did not allow the clansmen to enter, because they heard that if they entered, they would die.

When we heard it, we couldn't help being very interested, so we asked her what was going on.

The Queen said that they called that place, the Abyss of Death, a bottomless abyss, and there were often various ghosts and wolves howling in it, and some people said that it was the gateway to hell.

What's more, the funeral custom of their clan is that once someone dies, they will be directly thrown into the abyss of death without any other treatment.

After I heard this, I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. To put it bluntly, this abyss of death is just a mass grave, isn't it?In this kind of place, it is very common to have terrible legends, but most of them are false and have no reference.

However, Wang Jin still wanted to see it very much. She asked the queen if there were any taboos here, so we can go and have a look.

The queen said, if we want to see it, it's okay, she won't stop us, but since the Abyss of Death is called a forbidden place, there must be a reason for it, after entering it, there are almost no survivors.

The queen told us many stories about people who strayed into the abyss of death and finally died in strange ways.

She asked us are we sure we are going to take the risk?This is not necessary.

Naturally, the Queen's words cannot scare us away.

What are we people doing? We only care about life and death. How could we shrink back just because of her few words?

We said, take a rest tonight, and go to the death abyss to explore tomorrow.

Hearing that we were going to the abyss of death, all the ministers present were stunned, and all of them thought that we were simply tired of living, and all of them came to dissuade us.

But we have made up our minds, and they can't persuade us at all.

Finally, these people left with a sigh, looking at us as if they were looking at the dead.

We shook our heads, the banquet was over at this time, and we were arranged by the queen to rest in several stone rooms in the palace. We all discussed it and planned to go to the abyss of death tomorrow afternoon.

Denise and the other two translators thought we were crazy when we made such a decision.

"God, didn't you hear what those natives said just now? What a terrible place that is, why are you looking for death?"

"Who are you, we won't go with you!"

Both of them yelled.

We shook our heads, "You don't need to be so excited, we definitely won't take you there, even if you want to come, we still despise you two getting in the way!"

Seeing us say this, these two people feel relieved, but they still think we are crazy.

It seems that here and there, people inside and outside don't really believe that we can come back alive from the abyss of death.

But no matter what others think, we are still full of confidence, especially me. I have experienced so many difficulties on the deserted island back then, and I have survived, let alone now?

How many nightmare-like experiences I have had, no one can think of it.

Of course, we were still very cautious. We took a good rest that night to recharge our batteries.

After getting up the next day, we didn't rush down, but, accompanied by the men sent by the queen, we observed carefully before the abyss of death.

The location of this abyss of death is in the depths of this underground palace.

After passing through a series of very complicated corridors, we came to a stone gate. After pushing through the stone gate, a cliff appeared in front of us.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, looking down, it was pitch black, bottomless, and there were bursts of howling wind howling like ghosts and wolves.

We tried to throw a stone down, but there was no echo at all.

It can be seen that this abyss of death is indeed very deep.

Of course, we also think that it is very likely that the wind is too loud, causing the echo of the stone to be drowned out.

"I don't know the exact depth, so we need to prepare a longer rope, the longer the better!"

Wang Jin said with a slight frown, apparently feeling a bit of a headache about it.

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