After the sun came out, although the temperature was still low, it was much better than yesterday.

We discussed it all night and finally came up with a solution that was not a solution.

Because the instrument has failed, we can only tell the direction with other things, such as the position of the sun.

We headed towards the sunrise, although there were some deviations, but after swimming for half a day, the island actually appeared in front of our eyes.

Maybe it's just good luck.

The island in front of us is quite huge, and it is in the shape of a long strip as a whole. If you look at it from a distance, you can't see the end.

We were so excited that we forgot our tiredness and swam to the island quickly.

The island is covered with green grass, which looks full of life.

It is probably summer in the Arctic Ocean at this moment, and the beautiful grassland gives people a lively and warm illusion, and in the distance of the grassland is a coniferous forest.

The coniferous forest has always been cold and chilling in my impression, but at this moment, seeing this forest, I have a warm feeling that spring has come.

The island seems to have a warmer climate, possibly with warm ocean currents nearby, or monsoons.

But at this moment, the grassland in front of us is even more lively, there are many penguins and seals on the grass, each of them is naive, as if we have come to a zoo.

Moreover, seeing those fat seals, I couldn't help but recall the time when I ate seals with Xiao Qing and the others on the mysterious island.

It's so forgettable.

At that time, we were still worrying about some food, and worried every day whether we would starve to death tomorrow.

Speaking of which, I have been away from Jiangyuan City for a long time, and I don't know how Xiao Qing and the others are doing these days. With her strong business ability, the jewelry we brought back from the island must have sold for sky-high prices.

Thinking of these things with my head tilted, I couldn't help being a little dazed, but soon I suppressed my inner thoughts.

Although we have reached a piece of land, this is good news, which means that we are temporarily out of danger.

But who knows if there are other dangers on this island?

After carefully checking the surrounding area and confirming that there were no poisons or ferocious animals, everyone happily lay down on the beach and rested happily.

Feeling the smell of the soil around us, we all have a different kind of peace of mind.

This feeling, except for those who have been soaked in water for a long time, cannot be understood.

After resting for a while, we were all hungry, and we could not help but stare at the seals in the distance.

It is indeed illegal to kill seals in many places, but now we have to supplement our calories if we want to survive.

Before long, we set up a grill.

Everyone sat around the bonfire, enjoying the peace and joy of this moment.

While eating, everyone began to discuss the next course of action.

"We have to find a way to figure out where this is, and our communication equipment still has no signal."

"We can go to the mountain to see later, maybe we can find a signal, if there is still no signal, then we have to build a boat ourselves."

"Those taiga trees can be used as materials for our shipbuilding..."

Although there are only five of us, all of us have extraordinary skills. It is not difficult to build a boat.

After discussing for a while, everyone decided to use this island as a base to search the nearby waters to determine their location and find a place with a good signal.

If we got in touch with the outside world, it would be easy for us to leave.

What we didn't expect was that while everyone was eating, they suddenly felt something was wrong. Almost at the same time, everyone's bodies suddenly fell to the ground.

And just as we fell to the ground, dozens of arrows flew past our heads.

We quickly turned our heads to look, only to see some savages in the low bushes in the distance, wearing animal skin clothes, holding bows and arrows in their hands, attacking us.

These guys use the low bushes as a cover, and only poke their heads out when shooting arrows.

However, although they hide well, our combat experience is very strong. Just from the number of arrows, we can judge that there are about a dozen of them, four to five times our number.

"There are savages on this island?"

We were all a little surprised. Our location was near the North Pole. There seemed to be no savages on the islands near the North Pole!

As far as I know, the only known groups living in the Arctic are the Inuit.But the areas where the Inuit live are only near the United States, near the Bering Strait, and near the United Kingdom.

In the area where we are, there shouldn't be any.

In addition, the costumes of the group of savages in front of us are also very different from those of the Inuit.

Could it be that near the North Pole, there is actually a group of savages that have not been discovered by the world?
This made me instantly think of the Honglu people on the mysterious island.

Are these people also a nation that has been forgotten by history like the Honglu people?

I was curious in my heart, but I made up my mind to catch a savage and torture him later.

Although the number of these savages is much larger than ours, we are sure of victory.

Not to mention our skills, the key is that our weapons are too advanced.

There are two guns in each hand, and those savages only have some tattered bows and arrows.

We quickly ducked behind nearby rocks and fired back at them with our guns.

These savages have been hunting since childhood, and their bows and arrows are quite accurate, but unfortunately, our guns still crush them in terms of firepower and accuracy.

After a while, these savages were beaten by us and couldn't lift their heads.

A dozen or twenty of them were killed and wounded very quickly.

Since these people came to attack us, we will definitely not show mercy.

Those savages didn't expect us to be so powerful, they were frightened one by one, finally couldn't take it anymore, and started to run away crazily.

We followed closely, trying to catch a living.

My sprinting speed is the fastest, but as I walk, I also have to carefully observe my surroundings and my feet. These wildlings are treacherous and have left many traps in the woods.

The few surviving savages, while running for their lives, also led us towards those traps.

I have to say that even savages with a low level of civilization should not be underestimated, they are very cunning.

If it is some wolves, tigers and other animals, they may be recruited, and ordinary people may also be unlucky here.

But I have strong observation skills and fast reaction speed, so I quickly discovered their traps. While reminding my companions behind me, I continued to chase and kill them.

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