This surprised all the crew members, even Lucy, who was always indifferent and expressionless, stared at Wang Jin with puzzled eyes.

Wang Jin has always been quite stable and serious in the team, especially when performing tasks. How could she trust me so credulously now and follow me to make such a weird move?
"How could this man make the captain like this? Could it be that the captain fell in love with him? Impossible, Wang Jin only likes women..."

Some crew members muttered.

Lots of people whispering.

They don't believe me at all.

However, it didn't take long before all the crew members were stunned, and each of them felt quite incredible.

Because, not long after Li Xin drank my blood, Li Xin's high fever actually subsided, and his expression gradually calmed down, even his face became much rosier!

In fact, Wang Jin was also quite surprised. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the way I looked at me became more and more strange.

I felt that she seemed to be staring at me with the eyes of a treasure, which made my hairs tingle.

"Is this why the organization named you?"

Lucy said thoughtfully.

My blood can actually detoxify, which made the crew members extremely curious. They hesitated to speak. They seemed to want to inquire about something, but as intelligence personnel, they knew that this might be a secret, so they immediately felt bad. I spoke.

Of course, the way everyone looked at me became more respectful.

They are in a dangerous situation now, and they may be scratched and bitten by the rattler bat at any time. At that time, they can only ask me for help, can they not respect me?
My status has risen all of a sudden, and even Lucy, who has always been cold, looked at me with softer eyes.

Li Xin woke up not long after, and he was very grateful to me when he heard that he was saved by drinking my blood.

Obviously, Wang Jin is more interested in me. She has long known that I have extraordinary strength, and now the blood can detoxify, which is really amazing.

It's just that the woman's interested gaze doesn't make me happy.

If it was the kind of interest between men and women, maybe I would be a little happy, but the taste in her eyes now only makes me feel threatened.

My intuition told me that she really wanted to cut me into slices and study it. It is said that this woman is not only an agent, but also a scientific researcher.

It is precisely because of this dual identity that Wang Jin is very comfortable in the organization, and it is said that he has won the trust and respect of Professor Sun.

I am getting their attention more and more now, which makes me have a bad feeling.

I thought, if we can get out of this broken ship alive, I must stay away from people like Professor Sun and Wang Jin, otherwise I will really be regarded as a guinea pig.

Of course, I don't regret saving Li Xin this time, because it's impossible for me to die without saving him.

But at this moment, after Li Xin was rescued, all of us were a little excited. The reason why the rattlesnake is so terrifying is because the toxin is too strong. If we can detoxify now, our danger will drop a lot.

However, if you want to be completely safe, you still need to find a way to kill the monster.After all, how can there be any reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days?

The monster hiding in the dark has dealt a great blow to our spirits. If we continue like this, we will not be able to bear the mental pressure alone.

But after thinking about it, we couldn't find a way to deal with that monster.

Among all the people, I am the only one who is sure to kill the rattlesnake, but it seems to be very afraid of me, and has been avoiding me, just not coming out.

Things were at a stalemate, but we didn't have to wait long before a new change appeared. The rattlesnake appeared on its own initiative, but this change made us unable to be optimistic.

We were still discussing how to deal with rattle bats. At this time, there were bursts of loud roars outside the cabin.

Not long ago, we all heard some strange footsteps on the deck. These roars and that footsteps were most likely made by the same creature.

That guy seemed to be getting angry. The roar was hoarse and unpleasant, but it contained a violent taste.

That sound was like a combination of cows and orangutans shouting, coupled with the howling wind, it gave people a feeling of desolation and terror.

Judging from the sound and footsteps, this may be a huge creature, at least bigger than us humans.

After we heard the voice, our faces changed, the atmosphere froze, and we didn't dare to breathe out, as if we would be discovered by the monsters outside if we said a word or took a breath.

However, just after the roar, I suddenly felt a gust of wind coming from behind me, I instinctively tilted my neck, and then saw a black shadow rushing past me.

Then I felt a burning pain on my neck, my neck was scratched, the black shadow was naturally a rattlesnake bat, that guy wanted to attack and bite me, but unfortunately I dodged all of a sudden, it just scratched me That's all.

The sudden attack of the rattle bat made me a bit puzzled. This monster has been avoiding me, but now it suddenly appeared. What is the reason?

I quickly thought of the roar I had just heard.

Could it be that the rattler bat changed its strategy and ventured out to attack me because it was afraid of things outside?

If this is the case, it is clear that from the perspective of the rattlesnake, the things outside are much more terrifying than me.

This made me feel a little bad.

However, I don't have so many fantasies now. The rattlesnake failed to bite me, so I turned over and spun in the air.

The trajectory of this guy's whirling was a while ago, a while later, staggering from side to side, very strange, like a plane about to fall, and like an eagle spreading its wings.

I understand why the agents here are unable to target it.

As soon as the monster appeared, the faces of the crew members changed drastically. Many people even turned pale with fear and despair.

Every time this monster appears, people will die, several people will die, and everyone has almost no power to resist. Now that it appears again, whose life will be taken away by the god of death?
Is it yourself?

And I am naturally different from them. Although the strange roar outside made me a little wary, at this moment I put all my body and mind on dealing with this rattlesnake bat.

I immediately pulled out the fetal sword on my back and held it tightly in my hand.

The cabin we are in is relatively small. It is indeed a bit difficult to use guns, but it is completely different with swords.

I brandished the fetus sword, and slashed directly at the rattle bat. Suddenly, the wind roared, very powerful!

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