"From today onwards, we are in the same camp, let's get to know each other!"

Seeing my serious expression, Xiaomeng wanted to say something happy, changed the subject, and said this quickly.

While talking, she also looked curiously at the hot girl Qian Ke and the dancing girl Song Qi.

Xiaomeng didn't belong to our company before, so naturally he didn't know Qian Ke.

"Hi, I'm Song Qi. I'm a dancer. I'm 20 years old. Nice to meet you."

Song Qi smiled flatteringly and said that she was a college student, 20 years old, about the same age as Xiaomeng.

Compared to Song Qi's cautiousness and nervousness, Qian Ke was more arrogant. She glanced at the other women, then sat with her legs spread apart, raised her head and said, "I, Qian Ke, you sister Qian!"

Seeing her arrogant appearance, Xiao Qing was very upset, and couldn't help snorting.When he was in the company before, how could Qian Ke dare to talk to her like this?When was it not respectful, now?
The more Xiao Qing thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more she thought about it, the more sad she became, her eyes were a little red.

And Sister Man is not happy with money, she is not as restrained as Xiao Qing, she stared, and sneered, "Whose sister is it with? Xiao Zhang, let me ask you, since this woman belongs to Liu Hui and the others, Why bring it back? Throw it in the woods, what the hell!"

"Who are you? Can you speak? Do you know who I am? I'm just talking nonsense here. You can't afford me, old lady!"

Qian Ke yelled fiercely, his almond eyes widened, his hands were on his hips, as if he was going to make a big quarrel.

"Are you afraid that you haven't woken up? I want to hear, who are you? I can't tell you why, so I'm going to get out of here!"

Sister Man smiled angrily, rolled her big eyes, and gave her a blank look, she had nothing to say, she thought this woman might have something wrong with her head?

"Who am I? Then listen carefully. I am our brother Zhang's woman. Whatever Zhang brother wants, I can do it for him immediately. Can you? If you can't, just hold back!"

Saying that, Qian Ke deliberately raised his chest and said.

After getting along for a while, Qian Ke had already discovered that I had never had any relationship with the girls in the cave, so she immediately gained confidence.

Hearing what she said, I was so dumbfounded, I'll go, what does your quarrel have to do with me, Qian Ke, this crazy woman, is not ordinary coquettish, not ordinary courage, when did you become me woman!

Sister Man was aggressive at first, but now she was blushed by Qian Ke, and she was in a hurry, "I... surnamed Qian, why are you arrogant, why can't I do it, Xiao Zhang, you, you come here , You said, what do you want me to do..."

This time, all the women's eyes stared at me, and a cold light flickered in their eyes.

I'm so convinced!
"Qian Ke, don't be fooling around here, what do you call my woman, tell me clearly!"

I glared at Qian Ke angrily, then turned my head to look at Xiao Qing and the others, "You have to believe me, I have nothing with this woman, am I that kind of person? I..."

"You are!"

Before I finished speaking, Xiao Qing interrupted me coldly, with anger and resentment on her face.


Even Xiaomeng, who is always gentle and likes to help me talk, stared at me this time, as if she didn't want to talk to me anymore.

I really wanted to cry, but I had no choice but to look at Qian Ke with a cold face. This black woman is so fucking good at finding trouble!
Seeing that I was upset, Qian Ke quickly showed me a flattering smile, with a docile look like a puppy, "If you say no, then it's not right. After all, you are the master of the family, and everyone listens to you."

What the hell is my master?

I almost choked to death on the spot.

The other women looked at me more and more strangely.

"So you like this tune, so shameless!"

Xiaomeng covered her face, looking ashamed and angry.

"Dead pervert!"

Xiao Qing couldn't help but spit, her pretty face flushed, and she looked at me with even more distaste.

It seems that today I am doomed to take the blame for this, what an injustice.

Seeing that I was really angry, Qian Ke couldn't help but look at me more and more flatteringly, and said with a playful smile, "Brother Zhang, I was just joking, but it turned out that these women looked at you like this, it was really too much, Look at them, they only think about you. Don’t bother with them, you have me enough, Brother Zhang, you have been busy all day today, let me give you a massage!"

Having said that, Qian Ke quickly came to me. I was quite comfortable being squeezed by that little hand. The exhaustion of these days has already made my muscles sore. It is a bit comfortable to be pinched by her like this.

However, Qian Ke's actions made Xiao Qing and the others very angry, and they all looked at me as if they were going to kill someone.

I really feel a little confused, this is obviously a quarrel between you women, and it's Qian Ke who is making trouble, why did you all stare at me in the end, as if you wanted to beat me to death?
"Okay, Qian Ke, there's no need for you to flatter me like this. As long as we're in this cave, we're all treated equally."

I know that the reason why Qian Ke made such a move may be that he guessed that he was in this camp and his status was not high, and he wanted to gain weight for himself.

And as the only man in the camp, the backer of everyone, and the key to my survival, she wanted to curry favor with me so that she could live a more nourishing life on this desert island.

And hearing my statement like this, Qian Ke immediately stopped making trouble, and the expressions of the other women also calmed down a little.

However, things don't seem to end so simply.

The few of us were eating here, and while eating, Sister Man felt that she was still angry, "What's so great about massage, who can't do it!"

She suddenly yelled, put the bowl on the ground, then ran up to me, held me down without any explanation, and began to pinch me.

I immediately wanted to refuse, but before I could speak, Sister Man looked at me fiercely, and the force in her hand almost pinched off the flesh on my shoulder.

Seeing me nodding with a wry smile, she became gentle.

"I'll pinch your legs!"

Qian Ke snorted, and leaned against me, unwilling to admit defeat.

For a while, I really enjoyed it a bit. The two beauties each have their own characteristics. They beat my shoulders and legs. Am I the same as the high-ranking officials in ancient times? Hahaha, feudal thinking is bad, I have no choice Yes, alas, uncomfortable and boring.

However, I was condemning the evil hedonism here, when a mocking voice came from behind me.

"Huh? What's going on, I've only been out for a while, and you're already the emperor!"

It's Eve who's back.

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