"What is there on this island, what are you looking for?"

I looked at Wang Jin curiously, hoping she could give me an answer.

But she shook her head, "I'm afraid it's not something you and I can know. The secrets of the mysterious island have a very high level of secrecy. Maybe even Professor Sun may not know the final secret. However, what is certain is that it can make so many people Organizations and forces, things that are crazy about, are by no means simple."

Speaking of this, Wang Jin's eyes also released a frenzied light.

This woman's demeanor at the moment is almost crazy, which gives me a very bad feeling.

However, that look was just a flash, and she quickly calmed down, and returned to the indifferent look that everything was under control.

"You can stay here for one to two days with peace of mind, and we will arrange manpower to send you away as soon as possible. As for the arrest you are facing now, we will also contact high-level officials to help you solve it through diplomatic channels, but what can be done specifically? To what extent, I cannot give you an accurate guarantee."

As the price for Wang Jin and the others to help me so much, Wang Jin said that Professor Sun hoped that I could give him an explanation about my unimaginable strength and speed that far surpassed ordinary people.

Wang Jin also said that Professor Sun was very dissatisfied with my behavior of concealing my situation.

I smiled wryly from the bottom of my heart, and I was also a little nervous. As expected, this level is still here.

But, how on earth should I explain to Professor Sun?
Tell the truth about what I cursed?

Although Professor Sun told me last time that they are not terrorists or biochemical researchers, but my situation is special, will I really not be sent to the laboratory to be a guinea pig?
It's not that I have to speculate on them maliciously, it's just that it is necessary to be defensive!

I still understand the truth that everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

My curse may not be a good thing for me, but for Professor Sun and the others, it is an excellent research material and research object.

Fast forward to two days.

Wang Jin came to pick me up as promised, and I was leaving. Jessica burst into tears and begged me not to leave her behind.

But I have to go.

However, I have asked Wang Jin and the others to make arrangements for this girl's future.

Wang Jin has contacted the local orphanage and found a good family to adopt the child.

Although Jessica is malnourished and looks very thin, fortunately, she has not been infected with any disease in this dirty and filthy place. Many people adopt such a healthy and lovely child.

Foreigners also have an advantage. They don't pay as much attention to the so-called blood inheritance as Chinese people, so many families adopt children as if they were their own.

I sincerely hope that the child Jessica can be properly placed and live a normal life.

If there is a chance in the future, I will come here to visit her again.

At this moment, under Wang Jin's arrangement, I sneaked into a fruit truck. Of course, I got into the container as a cargo.

All around me are densely packed oranges. At the beginning, the fruity scent of those oranges made me feel a little bit refreshed.

Compared with the faint stench of the sewer, this smell is simply heaven.

But as time passed bit by bit, the incessant, extremely strong orange smell made me feel sick and bored.

Moreover, I don't have any other food, I can only eat oranges when I am hungry.

The feeling of eating this thing as a meal is really uncomfortable.

As a result, I will not like eating oranges for a long time to come.

I sat in this fruit cart for a long, long time, because I didn't have a mobile phone or a watch, so I didn't know the exact time, but it felt very, very long.

All I know is that the destination of our car is Poland. After getting off the car in Poland, we will return home by boat from the Arctic waterway.

During this long and boring wait, I was carefully calculating the gains and losses of my trip to Europe.

If there is no accident, this trip to Europe is coming to an end. I failed to complete the task assigned to me by Eve, and I did not find the woman named Feite.

But I am not without any gains.

I sabotaged the company's human cloning program and found that strange metal bone.

I'm thinking about whether to post the information about this metal bone on the Internet to see if I can attract people from the Feite organization.

Of course, before that, I have to think about how to deal with Professor Sun.

I don't know how long it took, but we finally arrived at a small border town in Poland, but I was dragged by Wang Jin to get on the train before I could appreciate the city's elegance.

A train to the seaside port city, Gdansk.

They prepared a brand new passport for me, named Zhang Wu, and even adjusted my beard and hairstyle.

If they hadn't been staring at me deliberately, no one would have thought that I, with a big beard, was the "terrorist" who made a fuss in Germany a few days ago.

After arriving in Poland's largest port city, we were not in a hurry to leave, but prepared to rest here for a few days.

We are all very tired from the continuous rush, so it is of course great to have a rest here.

In order to deceive others, Wang Jin and I pretended to be a couple and had a hard time exploring the city.

Gdansk is a very famous tourist city in Poland. There are many ancient Renaissance buildings, ancient churches, and the scenery is very beautiful.

Moreover, after I got acquainted with Wang Jin, I found that this guy is a very interesting person in his private life.

How should I put it, her character is more masculine, and I call him a brother, drink and eat meat, and we get along quite well.

Moreover, what surprised me the most was that we went to flirt with Polish beauties on the street together, and ended up being chased by her boyfriend for two streets, which was quite interesting.

And after we played here for a day, the ship that sent us home finally came.

Wang Jin and I boarded the long-distance ship.

"After getting on the boat, you can relax completely. We are all on board, so there is no need to pretend!"

Wang Jin told me, smiling easily.

I quickly responded to her a few words with relief, but I couldn't help muttering in my heart.

I was wondering, should I leave while I'm on the boat?
According to my understanding, next we will go to a piece of high sea near the North Pole. On the high sea, I might have a chance to escape.

In fact, I have thought about running away these two days, but I have never had a chance. One is that Wang Jin followed me every step of the way, and the other is that my passport is fake, and it is a tourist visa, which will expire soon. Escaping may not be able to go far.It's also close to Germany, but it's still not safe.

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