After the police dogs smelled my scent, they were either very scared or chose to ignore it. The police's plan to track me with police dogs failed.

They could only send more people to search around the village.

In my direction, there are also three police officers coming together.

In such a heavy rain, these ordinary people want to find me and hide me, which is tantamount to nonsense.

However, although they did not find me, they found the sniper's body nearby.

The police were very surprised that this villager had a sniper rifle in his hand and died at such a good sniper spot.

It also took time for the officers to investigate the sniper, which also made it easier for me to not be discovered so quickly.

The heavy rain has been falling, and I have been hiding near the password door.

Although I don't know the password of that door, I'm betting that there are people from the company in the village. The police are searching at the moment, and they may come here to exchange messages, or hide or something.

Once someone comes over, I have a chance to learn the correct password.

Of course, maybe the police found me before their people came.

This is a gamble.

Time passed bit by bit, and a whole day passed quickly.

It was already dark, and it had been raining heavily for a whole day, but it still didn't mean to stop.

The heavy rain made it difficult for the police officers to search, and it helped me a lot.

It's just that after a whole day in the rain, even though I'm as strong as I am, I still feel a little uncomfortable, my hands and feet are extremely cold, and now I just want to warm up and sleep.

The cold and hunger can weaken the will and make me want to give up.

But in the middle of the night, when my heart was shaking, a dark shadow suddenly touched the hill.

It is difficult for ordinary people's eyes to see clearly in the dark. Even if my sniper rifle scope has night vision function, it is extremely difficult to see a person clearly in such a rainy night.

But my brother is different after all. To put it a bit exaggerated, I can be considered half a superman now.

Not only did I see clearly the figure coming up from the dark, but I also clearly saw what key he pressed on the cipher at the entrance of the base!


Damn it, the password is quite long.

Moreover, it's not just the password. After this guy opened the door of the underground base, I could clearly see that the person who came from the dark was the police captain who led the team.

Nima, the people in this company have penetrated deeply into the police in this area. Fortunately, I didn't stay in the village foolishly.

Without saying a word, I got up from my hiding place and rushed towards the base at high speed.

Now that I know the password, I'm going to rush in now, and teach these little bastards of the company a lesson. By the way, I'm also curious, what kind of things are these people in the company researching around here!
In the dark, I braved the heavy rain and stepped on the muddy mountain road, but I still walked like flying, and soon came to the entrance of the base.

Needless to say, this underground base must be very dangerous. I am almost sure that after I enter, I will encounter very fierce resistance.

More than a dozen guns were pointed at me, all of which were few, and there might be some automated mechanical weapons.

These people in the company are really rich and powerful. According to my understanding of them, their base must be very high-tech.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

However, there is a saying that if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger's cub?

A powerful person like me is not so afraid of them!
Before I came to the entrance, I quickly entered the password, only to hear a light click, and a hole like a deep well suddenly appeared in the ground.

That's what the old lady meant by the well.

The people in the company were very secretive, and they never expected that an old lady with a mental illness accidentally saw the entry and exit of one of their personnel, and as a result, it brought disaster to them.

After the base opened, I jumped down quickly and carefully.

The bottom of the base is quite deep, and I walked along the winding stairs for about a minute before I saw the bottom.

What appeared in front of me was a metal corridor.

Next to the corridor, there are two guys dressed as guards in body armor.

When these two people saw that it was a stranger coming, they were shocked and wanted to shoot. Unfortunately, their speed was not as fast as mine. With a jerk of my arm, two stones flew out.

The strength of my arms is terrifying. I threw these two stones at a speed as fast as a meteor. Before the two guys could pull the trigger, they were pierced through their foreheads by two stones.

A small blood hole appeared on the foreheads of the two of them, and they fell to the ground with a plop.

After killing these two people, I rushed into the metal corridor in front of me. After entering, I found that there were rooms one by one on both sides of the corridor. Through some transparent glass windows, I could see many People in white coats walked around inside.

Before I could take a second look, the shrill siren sounded.

In the entire metal corridor, a red light began to flash, and the researchers in white coats were frightened by the alarm, and moved around like crazy.

These people are of high quality, they are not running around, but running in one direction, probably going to some shelter.

In front of me, teams of guards appeared.

Of course I fought them.

From the hands of the two guards at the previous gate, I have already got two good guns, a micro punch, and a rifle.

Those guards were at most soldiers who had received some training. Where was my opponent, I killed a large part of them in a short while.

However, there are too many of them, and I feel the pressure is very high. After all, bullets have no eyes, and I am not invulnerable. If this continues, if I am not careful, I may be killed. of.

I thought, to capture the thief first, capture the king. It seems that I have to arrest the leader of this base.

However, there is a big problem in front of me now. The layout of this base is very strange, like a huge underground honeycomb, with metal passages extending in all directions, like spider webs. laboratory.

These laboratories, to a layman like me, seem to be similar.

I'm here, it's fine if I don't get lost.

At this moment, I miss it very much in my heart. It would be great if Yucheng Yao was here.

Her ability to solve mazes is very strong.

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