There was nothing on the surface of the room, it was clean and simple, so I opened the cabinet and looked inside.

The contents of this closet are also quite simple, except for two pieces of church clothes, it is empty.

I groped carefully and found no mechanism.

Then, there was her bed, the bedding was still there, and it was clean, as if it had been washed, but there was nothing else on the bed except a Bible pressed next to the pillow.

This makes me feel a little disappointed, am I wrong?

Didn't Fett leave anything behind before he died?

I was annoyed in my heart, but suddenly found that there was room under Feite's bed, even enough for a person to get in.

I quickly drilled down and slowly fumbled with the flashlight.

After a while, I really found an iron box.

It's just a pity that when the box was opened, there was nothing inside.

It seems that I may be late, even if Feite left some items behind, it may be caught by the company's people first.

I felt very uncomfortable and was about to leave, but something unexpected happened to me.

At this time, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

I quickly got back under the bed.

Soon, I saw a pair of old lady's feet in cloth shoes coming in from under the bed.

Needless to say, it was Fei Te's aunt who came over.

What's the matter, this woman's hearing is so good, she found me, or did she just come in by chance to take a look?

I was wondering in my heart, when I heard the old lady say outside, "Young man, I know you are here, come out."

Saying this, she slowly bent down to look at me.

I had no choice but to get out from under the bed. I was very embarrassed and was thinking about how to explain to the old lady, but the old lady smiled at me and said, "Since the child Feite left, I have Surveillance is installed in this room, as soon as you come over, I see you, child, are you really Fett's friend? What are you looking for?"

It turned out that she saw me from the surveillance. It seems that I have to learn how to destroy the surveillance in the future.

Brother also needs a set of high-tech equipment, otherwise he will be too passive wherever he goes.

However, I haven't joined any organization, and my money is limited, so I'm really powerless to do these things.

This made me very depressed, but at the same time, a huge question arose in my heart, what did the old lady mean by this?Why did she install surveillance cameras in Feite's room after Feite died?

I thought for a while but said, "Old lady, of course I am a friend of Feite. I think Feite's death was not a simple accident. She was murdered. Feite may have those people who want to die." That's why she died, I came here to find those things."

After the old lady heard what I said, her complexion changed. She stared at me for a long time, which made my heart feel a little hairy. Then she said, "Come with me."

The old lady led me to walk in this old old house, and she turned east and west and led me to a place like a utility room.

The utility room was small and filled with all sorts of things, broken radios, tattered dolls, dirty chairs with missing legs, and so on.

The old lady searched for a long time among the sundries, took out a box about the size of a palm and handed it to me.

"What you want is in this box, or it used to be in this box."

The old lady said so.

As soon as I heard it, I felt something was wrong. I took the box and opened it, and the box was empty.

"The child Feite knew that something was going to happen to her. She often whispered to me in the past few days that if something happened to her, she would go to the plane tree behind the yard and dig out the things she buried... Then something happened to her. , I went under the sycamore tree, but I saw that someone had dug up the soil first, leaving this empty box, and they had already taken the things away."

The old lady said nonchalantly.When she spoke, her articulation was not very clear, and she also included a lot of subjective descriptions. I wrote the above words for everyone to read after sorting them out.

I sorted out my thoughts and asked her, who are they?

The old lady said, those people in the village, there are many weird people in this village, living underground, like devils.

When the old lady said this, she became very scared and kept shaking.

From the tone of her voice, I felt that the old lady's spirit was not particularly normal. Seeing those strange things obviously frightened her a lot. When she talked about it, she was very excited.

Later, I asked a few servants, and I got the information that the old lady had mental problems. This old lady is of the type that is normal for a while, and crazy for a while, so sometimes she looks like a normal person, but Sometimes he talks nonsense.

For such an old lady, most of the time, no one would believe what she said.After all, no one knows when she is hysterical and when she is normal.

But I feel that what she said should be true.

I asked her where she saw those who lived underground.

The old lady said, right in the well!
Although this is a small village, the modernization of German villages is very good, and every family has running water. In my memory, I have never seen a well nearby.

However, I asked the old lady carefully several times, and the old lady insisted that those devils crawled out of the well.

I asked her where in the village the well was, but she couldn't tell why.

Considering that there will be a large number of policemen coming soon, I don't have much time to move freely, so I didn't continue to pester this old lady.

I hurriedly left Feite's house and started looking around the village, trying to find out where the well was.

According to the old lady's words and some of my previous guesses, I estimate that there is likely to be an underground base of the company's people in this village.

The entrance to this base is the so-called well.

But I walked around the village again, and still didn't find any trace of a well at all. I couldn't help but stop and think carefully for a while.

Soon, a new clue occurred to me.

This well was seen by an old lady, and this old lady is not very mobile. As far as I know, she stays at home most of the time every day, it seems that she goes out for a walk in the morning?
Then it is very likely that the old lady saw the so-called well when she was walking.

I hurried back to the house and asked the old lady again.

The old lady said that she would go to climb the hill next to the village every morning.

So there's a good chance that the well is on the hill?

I hurried out of the door and rushed towards the hill. Now that I have been delayed for a long time, I guess it will not be long before the police will come.

Even, I felt as if I vaguely heard the approaching siren in the wind and rain.

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