We advanced quite fast, and the cavalry under Saeko couldn't catch up with us at all. After a while, we couldn't see the shadow of the walled city at all.

While I was relieved, I also felt a little uneasy.

Saeko is always scheming, how could she let us go so easily this time?
Just as I thought so, it didn't take long before something happened.

Our deer pulling the cart suddenly lost its balance, the horse stumbled, fell to the ground, and never got up again.

Because the deer cart was speeding, it suddenly lost its pulling force, causing the whole car to lose its balance, and it was about to turn over on the spot. The women in the car uttered terrified screams.

Fortunately, at this time, Abu and I were outside the car, and I rushed up and blocked the car with Abu, which prevented the carriage from turning over.

After we got out of the car in shock, we suddenly found that the deer pulling the cart was foaming at the mouth and twitching all over. It was obviously poisoned.

Needless to say, this is the work of the woman Saeko, but we checked earlier and there is nothing wrong with the deer, so it may be that the woman has injected a toxin that can delay the onset.

The purpose of this woman is probably very obvious. Once there is no deer cart, then we will soon be overtaken by the warriors behind. As long as some people die at that time, this woman may not be able to keep us. Disgusting me, I think it's worth it.

After all, this woman's psychology is really abnormal.

Moreover, I'm afraid it's not just that there are pursuers behind us, we are now in the area ruled by Saeko, and there will probably be people in front of us to surround us.

It seems that in the future, we will have to go through some great battles, which is very dangerous.

Fortunately, however, I am not unfamiliar with this situation. Instead, a sense of long-lost familiarity has arisen.

This is because, not long ago, I also faced this situation in the Lizard World. At that time, Dumuhan and I were chased and killed by the Honglu people and the Lizard people. We fled thousands of miles and finally arrived at destination.

Compared to that time, being hunted down by Saeko's army this time can only be regarded as pediatrics.

Of course, the difference between this time and the last time is that I have to bring two girls who are weaker, which is a bit of a disadvantage.

However, I am still very confident. Neither Duo'er nor Chuchu are actually delicate girls. They still have a certain ability to protect themselves. They are all female warriors.

If at this moment, Xiao Qing or Xiaomeng was by my side, it would be a bit nerve-wracking.

Because there were no deer to pull the cart, we had to abandon the frame and continue deeper into the jungle.

We specially walked some trails, slept in the open, and avoided hunting.

Along the way, we encountered several small groups of pursuers, but we easily killed them all, and they didn't even have a chance to report.

It's just that we can't go on like this forever.

Because, if we want to go in this direction and leave Shazi’s camp, then we have to go through a heavily guarded pass, Tiangu Pass.

Last time, when Abu and I came, we walked another very steep cliff, and it was very dangerous to move between the cliffs.

Abu and I can be two people, but if there are three people on Abu, I feel that something may happen.

So, this time we can only take the main road, this heavily guarded Tiangu Pass.

Along the way, although we didn't have the opportunity to report to those chasing soldiers, the traces of the fighting and the corpses are still there, and Saeko must have discovered them.

With this woman's intelligence, she may be able to quickly judge our direction, so, if there is no accident, we will probably encounter her heavy defense at Tiangu Pass.

Of course, this is also the last hurdle, as long as we get out, we can return to our own territory, and we will be safe by then.

Around noon, we came to this checkpoint.

The long, day-and-night trek made Abu and I a little tired, but at this moment, looking at the magnificent level in the sun, we still took a deep breath and forced ourselves to cheer up.

Today, the terrain of Guguan is a canyon. At this time, groups of mighty soldiers are patrolling back and forth, and the defense is very tight.

And I must take Duo'er and Chuchu to kill such a heavily guarded checkpoint.

This made me difficult.

It may not be impossible to pass, but it is a difficult problem for several people to pass intact.

I didn't rush forward, but retreated a certain distance, found a hidden place, and everyone rested.

We are all very tired from the overnight trek, and it is not a good choice to fight immediately at this moment.

Moreover, I also need time to observe the distribution of the opponent's troops, the state of the soldiers, and so on.

Time passed quickly.

After a day's rest, we noticed that overall, the defense of this pass is watertight, without too many flaws.

However, there are also some small places that deserve our attention.

For example, these soldiers will start to take turns to eat in the early morning. At that time, the soldiers in the city are most relaxed.

Moreover, at this time, many soldiers stood guard all night, tired and hungry, and their combat effectiveness must have declined, which is the most suitable for us to break through.

In order to grasp this opportunity, I immediately decided that it is better to wait until tomorrow morning when we are going through the customs, and it is better to continue to rest today.

Of course, besides resting, I also did other things this day.

In the vicinity of Tiangu Pass, apart from this canyon, there are cliffs. On one of the cliffs, there is a waterfall leading to the distance. Unfortunately, when I came here, I noticed that the pool below this waterfall is very shallow, and the waterfall is very deep. Very high, if you fall from above, you will still fall to your death.

But this waterfall is not necessarily impossible for us to use.

I just wrote a note for help, put it in a bottle, and threw it out.

It would be great if our people picked it up and sent troops to reinforce us.

Fast forward to the third day soon.

Seeing that the sky was already bright, we stepped on the frosty grass and headed towards the Tiangu Pass, which was full of soldiers.

Of course, I wouldn't just be stupid and rush under the tower.

That completely became a target for arrows. There are catapults on the towers of other people's houses. Even Abu can't stop the attack of the catapults, let alone me and the two women.

In addition to throwing the drift bottle yesterday, I also made some preparations.

I have attracted a herd of bison in the nearby forest!

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