This woman Lian Shanyu is indeed beautiful, her pretty eyes are full of waves, and she smiles sweetly, the way she looks at me seems to have a different taste.

I looked at her for a while, and I also smiled in my heart. After the chaos in Luzhi City last time, I had a relationship with this woman outside the city. She knew that I was not connected with the mountains. At this moment, this woman came to the camp to find me. , came to test me.

I could see that she was fearing for her life.

She was the one who knew my secret, and she killed me.

This woman is so beautifully dressed, she wants to tell me that she is still useful, not only can help me control the forces below, but also can warm the bed and so on.

Although we are siblings in name, we are actually not related by blood.

"Long time no see, my sister misses you very much..."

Lian Shanyu was getting closer, exhaling like orchids in my ear, a fragrant hot air, spit out from her mouth, gently brushing the hair by my ear.

To be honest, I was really a little moved. Lian Shanyu, a lady like Lian Shanyu, took the initiative to throw herself into her arms.

However, when I thought about it carefully, I forcibly suppressed the charming thoughts in my heart.

Ma De, I'm playing the role of Lianshan Hegu. Lianshan Hegu and Lianshanyu are siblings. Although I know that we are not related by blood, if something really happened, once someone with a heart finds out, If it gets out, then I, the king, will be absurd.

Although the customs of Luzhi City are relatively open, there is no such thing as the defense of men and women in ancient my country, but this basic ethical concept is still there.

Their royal family doesn't have the weird customs of the lizardman royal family.

Thousands of people point at it, and die without a disease. I still understand this truth.

It is very important for me to control the Royal Army now.

In addition to being able to fight against the high priest and the small spy Saeko, there is another important reason.

Back then, I was in the Lizard World, and I got the picture scroll to unlock the curse. If I wanted to find that kind of weird humanoid plant, the more people there were, the better.

If I can completely control the power of Foot City, I can mobilize the population of the entire tribe to help me find that plant!
"Lian Shanyu, you don't have to be like this. Between you and me... that gossip is definitely not a good thing. From now on, I will rely on you to control the Royal Army."

I hurriedly looked at her nose and nose, and rejected this woman. Of course, while rejecting her, in order to reassure her, I also said the following words, and held her hand very sincerely.

Hearing what I said, this woman couldn't help giving me a slightly resentful look, but seeing my sincere expression, she had no choice but to put away her seductive gaze and knelt down on one knee towards me.

"The concubine will definitely serve His Majesty faithfully... If His Majesty wants a concubine to serve him one day, the concubine will definitely..."

The tender words, coupled with her delicate face, are extremely alluring.

I was afraid that I couldn't bear it any longer, so I quickly waved my hand and turned my back to let her leave my tent.

Seeing that I issued the order to evict the guest, Lian Shanyu twisted her waist and reluctantly left.

When I woke up the next day, I was busy running this army of royals all day.

In addition to the Black Feather Village where we are now, there are several other small strongholds and some troops that need to be controlled in the territory occupied by the eldest prince.

The eldest prince has a total of seven strongholds, five of which are close to each other, and I easily took them into my pocket.

As soon as the news of the eldest prince's death and the reunification of the royal family with King Hegu passed, these people surrendered in a daze.

Anyway, they are all loyal to the royal family, and it doesn't make much difference to them.

Of course, there are some people who are dissatisfied with me. After all, I am a royal family without a tail, and many people are not convinced by me.

Of the remaining two strongholds, one surrendered to the temple, and the other was captured by Saeko.

In addition to dealing with these matters, I was also very worried about Xiao Qing and the others, so I asked Xi'er to lead a group of people to the beach early in the morning.

Because of Saeko, I am very worried about the safety of these girls, but this time I asked Qian'er to bring them here directly.

With the protection of those sergeants and Xi'er, it shouldn't be a problem for them to come here through the jungle.

In the Black Feather Village, they are protected by the army, so I am more assured of their safety.

Of course, I definitely don't want to take root on this mysterious island, I still want to leave.

It's just that there is still some time before the right season to go to sea, so I will bring them here first, and at this time, I will tidy up Miss Saeko, and then I will have time to go to sea.

This woman Saeko has been against me several times, and has caused me a lot of trouble, so I can't help but give her some flair.

"Your Majesty, there is an envoy from the Pseudo-God Army asking to see you!"

I was dealing with things in the tent, but the guards suddenly came in and reported.

As soon as I heard it, I knew it in my heart. I guessed that the old dog of the high priest had already got the news of my return to the royal family, so I sent someone over.

I waved my hand and asked someone to bring the messenger up.

The envoy was naturally a member of the temple, wearing a typical white robe of the temple, with a proud and indifferent face.

"His Royal Highness, I have a secret to discuss with you, why don't you screen back!"

The guy raised his head and said lightly.

"Presumptuous! What Your Highness, Your Majesty!"

The guards shouted angrily.

After hearing this, I knew in my heart that this guy just wanted to blackmail me, and I also wanted to hear what he wanted to say.

"It's okay, step back and let me hear what nonsense this guy is going to say!"

I waved the guards back.

Seeing that I agreed to back away from the screen, the messenger couldn't help showing a hint of complacency.

He became more and more arrogant, and looked at me indifferently, with a sense of domineering: "Outsider, we all know who you are. You did a good job, and you even controlled the Temple Army. The high priest asked you to cooperate." Let's strangle these rebels, understand?"

This guy looks condescending, it seems that he still wants to command me!
I couldn't help but chuckled, "I thought you had some high opinion, and you just wanted to say such nonsense, it seems that you are going to die?"

After hearing what I said, the emissary couldn't help but sneered: "Don't be stubborn, you are not afraid that we will announce your identity?"

I didn't bother to talk to him after hearing this, "You can spread rumors as much as you want, I'm not afraid!"

Saying this, I waved my hand, let the guards come in, and dragged this guy down.

"Just pull it out and chop it!"

I said lightly, deciding his life and death.This guy has an unbelievable expression on his face!
Am I the kind of person who is willing to be threatened?Obviously not, when I was in chaos in Luzhi City, I fell out with the high priest!

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