I didn't hide anything, and told the little priest about my experience this time in detail.

Along the way, my story is also very exciting, and the little priest couldn't help being fascinated by it.

However, after listening carefully to my experience, the woman couldn't help being a little silent.

Obviously, she knew that the fish-belly world might not be something she could get her hands on.

"Forget it. Recently, I've been looking for a way to get rid of the poisonous fog. I've found some clues in the books left by some ancient priests. Would you like to stay and help me?"

I said why this woman is so enthusiastic about me, she even started to be interested in that poisonous forest.

She must have wanted to disperse the poisonous mist, and then fight outside to the tribe.

"Stay here, Lianshanhegu, I know that you are also the royal family outside the foggy forest. Dispel the fog with me, and I can lead soldiers to help you avenge and take back what belongs to you!"

The little priest looked at me with burning eyes.

If she didn't tell me, I almost forgot. I told her that I hid my identity and said that I belonged to the royal family of savages.

Of course, it is impossible for me to agree to her. Even if the poisonous fog does not dissipate, I can still pass through it. Why stay here and waste time with her.

The little priest is speaking lightly now, and has found some clues. I am afraid that if the poisonous fog is really to be dispelled, it will take a few years at the shortest time, and ten or twenty years at the longest. How can I afford to wait?
The main purpose of coming to Moon City this time is to pick up Ah Ruo, and then resupply in Moon City.

In addition, I also want to clean up the little priest and give her some color.

Just because she wants to use drugs to control me makes me very upset with her.

At this moment, seeing that I don't seem to agree, this woman has committed an old problem again. Her slender fingers tapped lightly on the jade box in her arms, but her eyes were very dignified, and she asked me in a low voice, "Are you sure you won't leave?" come down?"

See what she means, that is, if I don't stay, this thing will not be given to me. Without these medicines, I will definitely be in pain.

I glanced at her and couldn't help but smile, very calmly, "I won't stay."

"Don't stay? Lianshanhegu, you don't want this anymore? Without the comfort of the gods, without this king, you will live in pain, and you can't wait to die!"

Those beautiful phoenix eyes looked at me gloomyly.

The woman couldn't hold back her breath and spoke up.

I've been waiting for this scene for a long time, and I suddenly laughed, put my hands behind my back, and said very proudly: "Woman! You think too highly of yourself, a small drug, and can't control a hero like me, your Moon City too I'm too young to keep me!"

I held my head high and held my chest high, looking arrogant.

Of course, I couldn't help but pretend to be a jerk in front of this queen.At the beginning, even though I was cursed and had the ability to purify toxins, I almost fell for that drug. This thing is really harmful. If ordinary people get a little bit of it, it will be fatal.

At this moment, seeing what I said, Her Majesty the Queen was immediately shocked and angry. She stared at me coldly for a long time, and asked in disbelief: "How can there be people who are not afraid of purification? Have you never contacted God at all?" medicine?"

"you guess."

I smiled, took the exquisite jade box from her hand, opened it directly, and threw those harmful things out of the window of the tower.

The profuse white powder fluttered with the wind in the night, and quickly dissipated.

After doing this, I turned around and walked towards the door of the hall.

I'm leaving, and if she insists on stopping me, then I'll have to fight my way out.

Although there will definitely be some danger, with Qian'er, Yucheng Yao, and Abu around, it's no problem for us to fight out.

Maybe there's going to be bloodshed again tonight.

I just turned around and took a few steps, when I heard the Queen's charming voice behind me.

"Lianshanhegu! You are not allowed to leave! I... I have one more thing to order you!"

This woman's voice was bossy as always, but I felt a little weird, because there was a strange shyness in her tone.

I turned my head in surprise, but saw that her pretty face was slightly reddish.

"Under the orphan's knees, there is no heir yet, this palace needs an heir..."

I was a little stunned, what does she mean?
You don't have kids, none of my business.

However, looking at her proud but slightly flushed pretty face, I suddenly remembered a past event in my heart.

It seems that before the turmoil in Moon City started, the little priest told me one thing.

She said that she has a younger sister who looks exactly like her, and if our rebellion succeeds, she will betroth her younger sister to me.

It's been a long time since this happened, and I've never heard of her having a younger sister.

That's what it meant!
Her Majesty the Queen has been interested in me for a long time!

However, I feel that this woman may not have much love for me.

"Why me? Don't say you love me..."

"Because you are the one chosen by the Demon God, the throne needs an extraordinary heir."

Of course, what's more important is that this woman is extremely arrogant. There are not many men in the entire Moon City that she can look up to. As an outsider, I do have something that attracts her.

I even suspect that the reason why I am so popular with women is probably inseparable from that curse.

The curse changed my physique and made me secrete some pheromones, which made many animals fear me or regard me as their own kind.

And to put it bluntly, the relationship between men and women is nothing more than hormones and pheromones.

"What if I say I don't want to?"

I smiled, but asked, but I couldn't help looking up and down at the glamorous Her Majesty the Queen. I have to say that the little priest is top-notch in appearance and figure, with a delicate and charming face, and he is no better than those stars. Not inferior, the figure is also extremely hot.

More importantly, she has been a priest since she was a child, and she exudes a noble and mysterious atmosphere.

Being able to conquer such a woman is probably hard for any man to refuse.

"Not willing? Then you have to die!"

The queen looked at me coldly and nervously, with a hint of danger in her eyes. I am afraid that she has never courted others before. If she was really rejected, it would probably be unacceptable given the arrogance of this woman.

I hesitated for a moment, still a little bit tempted to say no to her.

Lately I've been feeling like I'm surrounded by too many women.

This is not the way to go.

Moreover, I suspect that maybe during that time, I was so sentimental, and it may not have nothing to do with the curse on me.

Of course, saying this is a bit like making excuses for myself, but the fact is that the curse has changed my physique and even affected my temperament.

But now, after the curse has been suppressed, I really have a lot less desires.

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