When Dumuhan learned that we had found the devil fish, although he was a bit reluctant to let me leave, he still cooperated with me with all his strength.

The protective clothing made for Abu will be ready soon.

Before leaving, Du Muhan also opened the warehouse of the palace, and let me go in and pick whatever I like, and take it away.

The treasury of the palace houses the lizard royal family's collections from past dynasties. The treasures are really innumerable, but I am not greedy. After all, I have brought too much treasure. It would be a sad reminder to die on the road when I can't bear the weight.

Even Yucheng Yao, who used to be greedy for money, no longer values ​​money so much after the curse is lifted.

In the end, we took some smaller but higher value items.

For example, a bag of gems, some gold leaf.

Originally, I didn't even want these things, but after thinking about it carefully, if I leave the mysterious island and return to the city in the future, the money will definitely be of great use.

In the outside world, it is difficult to move without money.

After drinking and saying goodbye to Du Muhan, we came to the so-called cursed door wearing gas masks.

We held up the flashlight and looked into the water, and noticed that the devil fish in the river was still there, which made us feel relieved.Several people glanced at each other before jumping into the water with a plop.

In fact, in the past two days, we will come to observe this big guy every now and then.

I noticed that this stingray would leave the cave at about six or seven o'clock every morning, go out to swim for an hour or two, and then come back. I guessed that it went out at this time, probably to look for food.

Because after the devil fish returned to Heihe, it would lie still until around six o'clock in the afternoon, and then swim out for an hour or two before coming back.

This black river seems to be the lair of this devil fish. We can only say that our luck is really good.

The time we came here now is around six or seven o'clock, which is exactly the time when this big guy left.

After entering the water, we carefully swam around the stingray, trying to find out where its mouth is.

However, before we had time to look for it carefully, a wave of water swept over us crazily.

We were found out.

This guy swallowed us all in one breath.

This was exactly what we wanted, and none of us had any intention of resisting. We supported each other tightly and swam forward with the force of the water.

Soon a familiar feeling came over, and we were sucked into the belly of the devil fish.

Because it is not the first time for us to come, this time it is quite familiar.

I won’t go into details about the experience in the belly of this devil fish. It’s basically the same as our first experience. We spent more than an hour in the body of this big guy, went through stomach acid, and killed him. The parasite, eventually flushes out through its anus...

When we saw the sun again, we found that we were still in the water, but things were different from what we imagined.

Our location is not the sea, but it doesn't seem to be the saltwater lake we came in at the beginning.

Because the place we are in is really too narrow, we are surrounded by towering rock walls, and there is a pool the size of two or three basketball courts in the middle, and we are now in this pool.

"Let's look around and see if there is any way out."

As I said this, I took the lead in swimming towards those rock walls. The place is really not big, and we didn't spend much time exploring the surrounding rock walls.

We were disappointed to find that the surrounding rock walls are basically completely closed, and there is no way out!
We were actually locked up here.

Of course, it's not completely blocked, there is still a way to go, and that is underwater.

"Let's dive!"

I took a deep breath, asked everyone to check the diving equipment, and then dived again.

The huge body of the devil fish can come over and "excrete" us here, which shows that there must be a passage to the bottom of the water.

After we dived for about four or five minutes, we found out that there is a huge channel under the water, but I am a little unclear which direction we should go.

"Go this way!"

When I was hesitating, Yucheng Yao said so, and took the lead and swam forward.

Her sense of direction is very good, and she never got lost even in the maze. I think there should be nothing wrong with her.

We walked along the huge passage ahead, and soon there was a fork in front of us. One road was still a huge and spacious passage, and the other was a rather narrow path.

However, it is worth mentioning that there seem to be some artificial traces on that path.

The walls of the path are made of brick, and there are some murals on it that are almost worn out.

"Brother Zhang, do you look familiar with these architectural styles on this small road?"

Xi'er suddenly asked me.

I also felt that it was a bit familiar, "Huh? I remembered, this path looks very similar to the ruins on the sunken ship under Devil's Lake!"

When the ship sank in that lake, I saw the murloc's corpse for the first time.

"Then let's take this path!"

As Yucheng Yao said this, she couldn't help but walk ahead.

We hurriedly followed behind her, and after advancing for about ten minutes, the surrounding roads became more and more familiar, and I found that we came to an underwater passage extending in all directions.

We've been to this place before, and it's where the monster reptiles in those shipwrecks are.

I don’t know if you still remember that kind of monster that lives underwater, has long hair, looks like an ape, but crawls on all fours.At that time, this monster caused us a lot of trouble.

That time, we were attacked by underwater reptiles here, and finally in the reptile's lair, I found a box.And in the water tomb in the sea area of ​​Lizard World, we opened the box and found the prescription to suppress my curse.

That time, we explored within this passage.

At that time, I noticed that there were bubbles coming out of the water, but because there was not much oxygen left, we did not continue to explore, but returned the same way.

Thinking about it now, at that time, if we had the means to move on, we would eventually be able to find the way back to the world of the lizardmen.

Such a coincidence surprised us and made us dumbfounded.

However, at the moment we are still in a good mood.

If it weren't for being in the water at this moment, I really wanted to shout to the sky.

I am back!

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