Under the neon light of seven colors, the words of the great shaman made Yucheng Yao and I look at each other with a little doubt.

This guy looked fanatical, and he kept saying that it was Lu's will, which didn't seem like he was lying.

However, according to the prophecy we know, we are here this time to destroy the lizard people. How did this guy say the exact opposite?
"This guy may just be deliberately confusing the public and delaying time!"

Yucheng Yao frowned and said.

After I heard this, I couldn't help but also nodded slightly. As a so-called great shaman, this guy is also a magic stick leader. This kind of person is very good at fooling around. If I believe these guys unsuspectingly, I am afraid I will eat Big loss.

I stared at this guy coldly, and warned him not to worry about it, but I told Yucheng Yao and the others to continue searching for the so-called colorful stone.

However, I am also very curious in my heart, what is the purpose of this colorful fountain? Is it just because this thing is very mysterious, so it was brought here by the lizard people, as the capital of fooling people?

When I asked the great shaman, I didn't expect his answer, but it surprised me very much.

This guy told me that this colorful spring water is called holy water. This kind of holy water, like pebbles, is colorful when scooped out of the spring water, but it will soon become colorless.

But this thing is indeed different from ordinary water.

Because the shamans transport countless holy water from here every year to all parts of the country. Once a newborn is born, they will bathe their bodies with diluted holy water.

This can save the lizard people from disaster.

This so-called disaster is a disease. It is said that soon after the lizard people are born, they will suffer from a red and festering disease, which can only be cured by washing with holy water.

If the holy water disappears, there will be no next generation of Lizardmen.

I couldn't help turning my head to look at Laifu and Wangcai. After learning that the lizard people did have the customs of disease disasters and baptism with holy water, I was very surprised. This thing is really the lifeblood of the lizard people?

All this was so unreal that I almost thought I was in a dream.

Are the prophecies true?

But just when I was shocked, Yucheng Yao's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said: "I thought about what happened to these stones!"

Hearing what she said, Xi'er couldn't help but widen her eyes, and I was even more curious.

The weirdness of this colorful fountain is indeed beyond our imagination. This kind of colorful stones and strange holy water are just like those in mythology, which is very unscientific.

But now, Yucheng Yao said that she had figured out the reason, which made us all hold our breath, wanting to hear what she had to say.

"First of all, as far as I know, ordinary stones will never emit light. Even the so-called fluorite, also known as fluorite, actually releases the light absorbed during the day at night. And this kind of luminous stone, There is one that really concerns me, and that is radioactive substances!"

The so-called radioactive substances refer to those substances that can naturally radiate energy and emit rays.

Most of these rays are invisible to the naked eye.

However, radioactive substances such as radium emit rays that can ionize the air, and electrons jump to emit photons, and then emit light.

Of course, this terminology may be overly technical.

But we just need to know that if you find a luminous stone in the wild, don't approach it easily, or even take it home.

Because of picking up this kind of thing, there are many cases of illness and even death in the end.

After all, radioactive substances are mostly harmful to the human body.

At this moment, what Yucheng Yao means is that the colorful stone we are looking for is a radioactive element, which may not have been discovered by the outside world. This element is very special, and it changes the color of the surrounding springs and stones.

Even, if we soak our hands in spring water for a long time, our hands will change color.

Of course, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as changing color by then.

In addition, the radiation range of this thing may be relatively small, or its radiation attenuation is very strong, so once the stones and spring water leave it, they will quickly return to their original color.

And the so-called diluted holy water can cure diseases, and the principle is ready to come out. The water has been changed by the radioactivity of the seven-colored stone, and it already contains some special trace elements.

It's not uncommon for this kind of thing to be able to cure lizard people's diseases.

We all feel that Yucheng Yao's speculation is probably very close to the truth.

However, this speculation made my face change drastically and I felt very bad.

Because the radioactivity of this colorful stone is so strong, our bodies may also be affected now.

You know, the so-called nuclear radiation is radioactive element pollution.

Are we now exposed to nuclear radiation?

Moreover, not only are we exposed to it, but we also plan to take this thing away and keep it with us at all times?
Isn't that killing it?

I believe that those who have learned about similar situations, or watched related videos, know how terrible this nuclear radiation is.

"Go, we don't want this thing!"

I was worried about my problems, and even more worried about the lives of Qian'er and Yuchengyao.

But what I didn't expect was that Yucheng Yao didn't agree.

"I can't go, I must find this thing. I have a hunch that this radioactive substance is the key to lifting our curse! I know you are worried about the preservation of this thing, but I brought a preservation box that can isolate radiation."

What Yucheng Yao said surprised me, this woman is well prepared.

Had she already guessed that we might encounter something radioactively contaminated?

Seeing that Yucheng Yao didn't listen to the persuasion, but got closer to the colorful spring water, I couldn't leave her here alone, so I gritted my teeth and had to risk my life to accompany the gentleman.

However, I didn't want Xi'er to continue to be exposed to such risks, so I quickly handed over the task of guarding the Great Shaman to her.

This girl has lived on the island since she was a child, and she lacks basic knowledge. She doesn't know how terrible radioactive pollution is. Seeing that I must persist, she ignorantly agreed and did not object to me.

This made me breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if something happens to Yu Chengyao and I, it's good that Qian'er is still alive.

However, Yuchengyao and I may not have an accident yet. Didn’t Yuchengyao say that this thing may be able to eliminate our curse.

Then not only are we not in danger, but it is still a good thing.

However, it also got me thinking.

Our curse can be treated with radioactive substances. Does it mean that the curse on us is also some kind of radioactive substance?

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