After this guy struggled desperately for a while, his strength gradually weakened, his eyes began to lose sight, and he died completely in a short time.

After killing him, I sat in the corner as if I had escaped, gasping for breath.

Killing these guys is a long story, but in fact it happened in an instant. Doing so many things in a very short period of time will consume a lot of my mental and physical strength.

Of course, I also understand that this is not the time for me to rest. After making some adjustments, I immediately jumped up and rushed towards a dark alley.

Just now I was fighting with those three lizard warriors. The fighting was a bit chaotic and made a lot of noise. I was worried that it would attract the attention of others.

In the lizard people's city, there are quite a lot of warriors patrolling around.

But at this moment, while walking towards a remote and uninhabited place, I observed around.

Now the chains on my body have not been untied, I have to find something and find a way to get rid of the chains, otherwise it will be inconvenient to walk, and it will easily attract the attention of others.

Now as soon as I walk on the ground, the iron chain will drag out a very loud metal sound when it is on the ground.

However, my luck seemed to be good, and I quickly found a stick and some tattered clothes in the garbage dump at the corner of the alley.

Seeing these two things, I immediately remembered the methods I had seen in some TV dramas before.

It is said that by wrapping wet strips of cloth between two iron railings and stirring the cloth frantically with a stick, the iron railings can be broken.

Many people who have escaped from prison have done this.

This time, I will try to see if this method can break the chain.

In the lizardmen's city, water can be seen everywhere. I quickly tore the tattered clothes into strips and turned them into wet towels.

Because my hands were also chained, it was not easy to do this. It took me almost three quarters of an hour before I finally broke the chains on my hands.

After freeing the hands, it is much easier to get rid of the feet.

Soon, those rusty iron chains were thrown into the garbage dump on the corner of the street with a clang.

But at this moment, it was getting late, and the gloomy sky before was gradually clearing up.

Sufficient light is not a good thing for me at the moment, it will increase the probability of my being discovered.

I continued walking towards increasingly remote places.

While walking, I also stole a hooded dress from the side of the road and put it on.

Because lizard people are generally bigger than me, wearing such clothes can well cover my body and face. Although it looks a bit suspicious, it is not so conspicuous.

The lizard people seem to be used to getting up at noon. At this moment, the city is gradually becoming lively, with various voices and hawking sounds, and the water capital is like a person waking up from a deep sleep, starting its daily life .

If, in this peculiar city, people living in this strange city are not lizard people, but ordinary human beings, this city also has the unique ancient charm of the feudal period.

I wrapped my black robe tightly around my body, and walked carefully in the alley. I soon discovered that, maybe it was because of customs, such a dress seemed to be quite common in the city of water, which reassured me Quite a lot.

I thought, let's inquire about the situation first, those people came to transfer me for no reason, something must have happened.

Sure enough, after I carefully probed, a stone in my heart fell to the ground.

Dumu Khan has really recovered his reputation, and I don't even need to inquire about it. Now the lizard people in the streets and alleys are talking about this king who was imprisoned by foreign races for more than ten years, but finally returned.

After all, such an experience is too legendary, and it makes everyone who has heard it feel very incredible.

Moreover, I also heard that the brother of Dumu Khan, the current Holy Majesty, will hold a huge celebration, a ceremony to worship the heavens, in order to thank God King Mu for protecting his brother and allowing his brother to return to his hometown.

At this moment, the entire city of water is filled with joyful atmosphere.

Of course, I also understand that although Du Muhan has regained his identity now, it is not an easy task to regain power.

However, now that we have an official identity, at least it is much safer than before, and we don't have to hide.

And I, too, can be a little safer.

It's just that there is another trouble in front of me now.

At this moment, I asked those lizard people about the monkey man, but these guys didn't care much about it. They only knew that there seemed to be a monkey man who came back with the fighting king in the legend.

But no one cares about this monkey man's current situation and the arrangements for him in the palace.

After all, a foreign race like me is not very popular among the lizard people. To them, I am just an inconspicuous symbol in the legend of the fighting king.

This disappointed me a little, but I also understood that Dumuhan would not ignore me. I understand his personality after getting along with him these days.

It's just that now I must find a way to contact him as soon as possible, otherwise he may think that I am dead.

After all, my fake corpse has probably been prepared in the prison now, and it may have been sent to Du Muhan.

Without Dumu Khan's help, a foreign race like me would have no good end in the capital of the lizard people, especially if there are still people secretly targeting me.

After some inquiries, I learned that Du Muhan's current residence is a prince's mansion on Tianshui Street.

I immediately walked towards the mansion.

In the city of water, the roads are intricate, and I tried my best not to attract the attention of those patrolling personnel. When I arrived at the palace, it took a lot of time.

However, after I came to this palace, I felt a little surprised in my heart.

Although this royal mansion is magnificent and looks very dignified, it seems quite deserted. Except for the guards at the gate, there is no one who comes and goes.

It seems that even if Du Muhan regained his identity, his status is still very embarrassing, and no one is even willing to approach him.

I asked people around, and they said that Du Muhan came back to his hometown after a long journey, and was very tired, so he got a serious illness, and now he refuses all visitors.

When I heard this, I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Du Muhan, his body is like a monster, how could he be sick?
I doubt if this guy has been put under house arrest in disguise.

After all, his return will definitely make someone in power feel uneasy.

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