We boarded a military fast boat, and in a short while sailed into the grand gate of the water city. On both sides of the river, on top of the buildings, there were many civilian lizards poking their heads out. Very curious pointing to me, talking non-stop.

After all, they had never seen an ape-man like me, tied up with such a thick chain, so solemn.

Some people laughed and threw some stinky fish eggs at me, which was similar to being thrown rotten eggs outside.

Made, the way they watched the excitement was really ignorant and barbaric.

I despise these uncivilized beasts from the bottom of my heart.

Of course, at this moment, it is very ridiculous and sad for me, a civilized person, to be watched by barbarians in a cage.

This inhumane street parade lasted for half an hour before I was finally escorted to the dungeon in the capital.

What surprised me was that there was water everywhere in the capital, but unexpectedly, the prison cell was very dry. Not only was it dry, but it was also a little hot. I came to a desert by myself.

However, I quickly figured out why.

First of all, the dryness and heat here are by no means natural, but artificially created by these lizardmen to make people feel uncomfortable.

After all, lizardmen and murlocs cannot do without water for their entire lives, and living in a water-scarce environment is a great torture for them.

This sky prison is mainly for those lizardmen. It is made so dry, just to torture the prisoners.

However, for a human like me, this place is quite comfortable.

I often soak in water these days, and I feel like I'm going to be soaked, and I'm covered in moisture.

It's better now, living in this cell, I actually feel a little comfortable for no reason.

As for the environment in this cell, I am even more satisfied.

In addition to the overall dry environment, the prison cell is also the same. The floor is covered with a layer of dry straw. Although it is not soft, it is so dry that naturally there are few insects breeding. Sleeping on it is more lethal than in the wild. I feel comfortable.

If it's not that I can't move around freely, I would be willing to give me some money to come in this place!
I lay down comfortably and rested for a while, but my eyes began to pay attention to the other prisoners around me.

First of all, in the cell where I am, through the stone fence outside, I can see some situations on the opposite side and on both sides.

Many lizardmen and even murlocs imprisoned here have dry faces and look like they are dying, which is undoubtedly caused by lack of water.

Seeing me so relaxed, those people couldn't help showing a hint of envy and jealousy.

However, my relief didn't last long.

Because soon, a Lizard officer took me out and tortured me.

At the beginning, I just talked nonsense about a place, and they put me back, and even rewarded me with some food.

But they sent people to search, but they found nothing, and their attitude towards me suddenly became bad.

I said, maybe that guy is gone, and I still know a place where he should be.

This time, the lizard officer was not so easy to fool.

He beat me up pretty badly before he went to search the place.

As a result, of course nothing was found.

So, I went through some inhuman torture.

These experiences are really too painful. Until now, I don't want to recall them carefully, nor do I want to describe them too much.

Dear friends, all you need to know is that the more barbaric and backward the place, the more cruel their punishment law will be.

For me, a red-hot soldering iron sometimes even becomes the simplest and most reassuring instrument of torture.

The only thing I'm thankful for is that I didn't become disabled by it.

However, even a person with an extremely strong will like me couldn't bear such torture, and I didn't know how many times I lost consciousness directly from the pain.

I have been struggling to support.

I believe that Dumuhan will come to rescue me.

If his plan succeeds and his reputation is restored, I can naturally live on, but if I reveal his whereabouts at this moment, everyone will die.

Sometimes, I think suffering may be an honor to me instead.

I am like those ancient ascetics, in constant torture and pain, improving themselves.

Perhaps my strength has not increased, but my mind has become more and more determined.

Heaven is about to send a great mission, and to the people of Sri Lanka, they must first suffer from their will, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and disturb their actions.

I didn't understand this sentence before, but now I understand it.

I will persevere, I will survive, I will leave this deserted island, return to China, and return to my homeland.

By that day, I will be a real strong man, inside and out!

This kind of torture lasted for about two days, but it seemed as long as two centuries.

But on the third day, things suddenly changed.

It was about morning, I ate a stinky steamed bun thrown in by the guard with my bloody hands, and I was about to lie down to digest my food. At this moment, a guard, with a flattering look, accompanied several lizards in black hoods People, came to the front of the cell.

"My lord, look, this is the ape-man. He has a stubborn mouth and is still very strong. Several of our brothers were injured when we interrogated him!"

The guard nodded and said.

The lizardman wearing a black hood glanced at him indifferently, and said disdainfully: "That's your trash, what kind of waves can an ape-man like him make?"

What I mean is that my body is covered with chains, and I was poisoned by them.

"We're going to take him away now, and when we're gone, you know what to do, don't you?"

"My lord, don't worry, a corpse similar in size to him has been prepared long ago!"

While the guard was talking, he lowered his eyebrows and opened the chain of the cell.

I heard their conversation, but I felt a very bad feeling in my heart.

See what they mean, after taking me away, find a corpse that is similar in size to me. This is to create a scene of my fake death, right?

Is Dumuhan coming to rescue me?
However, judging by their tone and demeanor, they don't look like good people.

If Dumu Khan regained his identity, there would be no need for these conspiracies.

But at this moment, without allowing me to think too much, two guys in black hoods got into the cell, picked me up one by one from the left and the other from the right, and walked out of the cell in a hurry.

Moreover, I noticed that they did not go through the main entrance, but left through the back door. The two of them lowered the brim of their hats, hiding their heads and showing their tails, sneaking around, not like a good thing.

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