The number of guards in the imperial city has obviously increased. Looking from a distance, there are many lizardmen coming and going in the city, and the guards are heavily guarded.

And outside the city, on the beautiful lake, there are also fast boats, drifting back and forth, and teams of warriors are waiting on the boats.

I'm afraid there are still many murlocs swimming around underwater, so be careful.

Whether we go underwater or on the water, it seems difficult to enter the city.

Our previous method of disguise seems to be ineffective now, because the man in the palace seems to be very angry because we have not been caught for a long time, now as long as a big lizardman appears, no matter whether you look like Dumuhan or not, you will all be killed. grab it.

Du Muhan's trick of pretending to be a eunuch was useless.

Just yesterday, we almost got caught and killed a lot of guards before we escaped.

For some time we hid near the lake, very sad, not knowing how to get in.

In the end, Du Muhan gritted his teeth, and suddenly said to me: "Actually, I know a way that can enter the imperial city, and even directly enter Da Nei, but I never wanted to use this road. "

I can't help but feel very strange, it's this time, what else can you use or not, and if there is any way, tell me quickly!
Seeing my surprise, Dumu Khan couldn't help but smiled wryly, but said: "Because this road not only leads to the palace, but also leads directly to the holy land. You know, in our lizard country, the holy land Only shamans can enter."

"Whether it's you or me, as long as you enter this passage, it is against the ancestral precepts. When I learned about this passage from Grandpa Shaman, he told me that unless the king's capital is captured by the enemy, My life is at stake, otherwise I must not enter this passage."

After I heard this, I couldn't help saying: "Think about it carefully, isn't it just that the capital has been captured by the enemy, and your life is at stake?"

But I thought for a while and asked again: "Since you know this road, does the person in the palace now also know that if we walk it, we won't fall into a trap?"

"That's not true. In fact, this road should only be controlled by the great shaman, and I have no right to know. It's just that when I was young and playful, I accidentally strayed into the secret road. The great shaman then You had to tell me about it.”

And according to Dumu Khan, this secret path was originally built secretly by another great shaman thousands of years ago in order to seek the throne. This secret path is actually only a semi-finished product. , once wanted to widen it and send troops into the city.

But later, the matter was revealed, that guy died, and the matter of widening the secret path did not continue.

Today, this secret path is very narrow and can only be used for escape. It has been preserved by shamans of all ages as their last escape route.

However, this secret path also has a shortcoming, that is, there is a long distance, and it is all underwater. Whether I can hold it is a big question mark.

But Dumuhan, he can breathe in water, so he will definitely be able to pass.

We discussed it and decided that I should not go and let Du Muhan go in first.

To be honest, I am very interested in the origin of the lizard people, there may be clues to my curse in it.

But I thought about it, I don't have diving equipment, it's better not to take this risk.

It would be a big joke for a legendary person like me to be accidentally drowned.

"Brother, hide yourself well. Once I prove my identity, I will come to pick you up immediately!"

Du Muhan patted my shoulder and quickly disappeared into the woods.

And I continued to lurk here.

It must be very dangerous for Dumu Khan to go, but it is not easy for me to be here. The teams of patrolling warriors are very troublesome.

I can only keep shifting my position.

At this moment, I am hiding in a cluster of trees. If the patrolling warrior approaches, I will quickly move to other woods that are in the opponent's blind spot.

I have to say, this is very energy-intensive and thankless, and I have almost aroused the other party's alert several times.

I thought about it carefully, and felt that if I stayed for a few more hours, I would probably have a fight with them, so I started to stay away from Huangdu.

Anyway, I don't have to venture into the city anymore, and it's useless to stay here.

After about two hours, I could hardly see the magnificent capital in my sight, so I felt a little relieved.

The patrolling warriors nearby were indeed much less.

But what made me feel a little bad was that not long after, there was a group of lizard warriors with nearly a thousand people walking towards us not far away.

There are too many people in this group, they came together and almost completely covered the grove where I was hiding. The chance of my being discovered is as high as 80.00%.

I had no choice but to slowly dive into a river beside me.

The place where the lizard people live is really too much water.

Streams, swamps, everywhere.

Of course, this underwater is actually no safer than on the shore, and it is even more terrifying. After all, there are a lot of murlocs underwater.

And I'm a land creature, and I'm a bit weaker when I compete with other murlocs underwater.

At this time, after entering the small river, I noticed that there was a village of murlocs not far from me.

Many beautiful mermaids are active around the village, as if hunting some fish.

And their villages, architectural style also amazed me.

It is more like a lair than a village.

From the outside, it looks like a large beehive, with many murlocs coming in and out, which looks very strange.

In order to prevent those murlocs from discovering me, I quickly hid behind a big rock. There are many swaying aquatic plants growing near the rock, so the concealment is good.

Hiding in the dark, I quietly observed those murlocs.

Soon, my whole body was shocked, my eyes widened, and I was very surprised.

Because, I suddenly discovered that a murloc with blue eyes had a glass bottle hanging around his neck.

The glass bottle is transparent in color and reflects the sunlight underwater, making it very beautiful. Of course, the main reason why I noticed this glass bottle is not because it is beautiful.

But inside this thing, there is actually a note with Chinese characters written on it!

Although it is relatively far away, I can't see exactly what is written, but I can be sure that it is definitely Chinese characters, the characters of the lizard people, not that style!

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