The first to escape was the general who was talking and laughing with the yellow beard.

This guy saw that Du Muhan was coming up, and it was difficult for me to kill him. Without saying a word, he turned over and rode on a giant horned ox beside him, and rushed down the cliff.

However, Du Muhan didn't intend to let him go at all.

Seeing that this guy was about to run away, Du Muhan jumped up suddenly and came to the side of the giant horned ox. He raised his arms like carrying a tripod, and lifted the giant horned bull up.

The general screamed in panic, and was thrown from the cliff by Dumuhan Lian Niu and into the valley.

At this moment, the valley had already turned into a sea of ​​flames. After this guy fell, he was directly burned to death, and the miserable howl was very ear-piercing.

Originally, there was an echo in this valley, and his howling sound combined with the echo special effect was extremely frightening.

Both leaders died, and one of them died so miserably. This was definitely a huge blow to the remaining lizard warriors.

They were completely defeated and scattered in all directions.

Du Muhan and I chased and killed them for a while, but we also felt that it was meaningless. They were just a group of low-level soldiers, and killing a few more would not change anything.

After the group of people finally escaped, Du Muhan and I sat down in the woods, gasping for breath and smiling at each other.

"Brother, if you hadn't come up with such a brilliant idea this time, we would all be burned alive today!"

Du Muhan patted me on the shoulder and thanked me very much.

After I said a few words of humility, Dumu Khan looked at the corpses of lizardmen all over the place, and couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that the king would have to deal with this in less than three days after returning to the hometown that I miss every day and night. My compatriots strike, and the wine and women I expected turned into flames and arrows in the end!"

Dumu Khan was undoubtedly in a very depressed mood at the moment.

This is too far from the hometown he imagined.

Although he tried his best to refute Huang Huxu's words just now, Du Muhan actually knew in his heart that what Huang Huxu said was probably true, and probably his brother, whom he hadn't seen for many years, really wanted to kill him.

After yelling a few times, Du Muhan firmly said to me: "Brother, no matter how they treat me, I must go back to Kyoto. I want to see my family, my wife and mother. However, I Understand that this road may not be peaceful anymore, and you will no longer be safe if you follow me, and even I will not be able to protect myself. I hate it, I am afraid that I can’t give you the glory and wealth that I promised you back then, so we might as well part ways.”

Du Mu Khan was worried that he had affected me.

But after I heard it, a surge of pride arose in my heart.

This trip may be very dangerous, but I have been on the isolated island for such a long time, and which experience has I not escaped death?

Although Dumuhan and I are of different races, I also regard him as a real good brother when we get along these days.

So what if I risk my life to accompany the gentleman this time?
"Seeing that my brother is in trouble, how can I leave alone? Besides, I also want to see and see, the water city of your lizard people, the glory and wealth you promised me, beauties, dead men, not one of them!"

I'm actually not particularly interested in those murlocs. Up to now, I've had enough women around me, and sometimes I can't take care of them at all.

Murloc or something, it's just a vase, it doesn't mean much.

As for what Du Muhan said, I am not looking forward to it. I have been the king of the savages not once or twice, and I feel that way.

It was the dead men mentioned by Dumu Khan that really interested me.

Those disabled royals who were born due to the marriage of close relatives, and the dead soldiers who were trained, every strength is comparable to Dumu Khan.

I really want to have one of these men.

Because the number of lizard people is small, they have quite primitive and erroneous concept of marriage. Marriage between close relatives is quite common among the people.

And among the royal lizard people, the proportion of close relatives getting married is even more frightening.

Dumu Khan and their lizardman royal family have a rule that we outsiders find incomprehensible, even disgusting. In order to maintain the purity and nobility of the royal blood, their royal family can only marry close relatives.In some cases, it even happened that the father married his daughter.

After all, according to the lizard people's point of view, the royal family is not human, but half-human and half-god. The marriage between the gods is naturally different from that of humans. The birth of children between gods and humans is the corruption and pollution of blood.

It is precisely because of this weird custom that the proportion of disabled people in the royal family is very high.

It is embarrassing to see a human tragedy.

Of course, this tradition of the lizard royal family is not unique. In fact, in the outside world, the very famous ancient Egyptian civilization, the royal family also advocates the marriage of close relatives. Sisters, brothers and sisters, fathers and daughters, are in a mess.

In ancient Greek mythology, Zeus, the king of all gods, had an extremely chaotic private life, and there is also the very famous Oedipus who married his mother, which can also reflect that some ancient civilizations have very strange ideas about the marriage of gods.

But at this moment, seeing that I insisted on helping him, Du Muhan was immediately very moved. He patted my shoulder, and his eyes were moist, but he didn't say much.

After all, there is no thank you for your kindness, everything is in silence.

We did not rest too long in this chaotic battlefield.

Soon, I was sitting on Du Muhan's shoulders, and quickly walked towards the depths of the woods.

In order to avoid other pursuits that may come, we began to pick some remote roads that are sparsely populated.

This time, although we successfully resisted the ambush and pursuit of the yellow beard.

But what about next time?

What we are most worried about now is that after the royal family makes a move, it is very likely to send that kind of extremely powerful dead soldier.

This kind of dead warrior is comparable to Dumu Khan in strength, as long as two or three casually come, we will surely die.

Moreover, besides the lizardmen, among the murloc assassins, there are also very terrifying existences. It is said that some murlocs have no human body at all, and their upper body is also covered with scales.

The assassination ability of these guys is also very terrifying.

Du Muhan and I seem to be strong, but we are weak after all, and this journey can be said to be full of crises.

I have been walking in this deserted forest for about ten days. Although I have encountered sporadic pursuits and dangers a few times, we all came here without any danger.

However, soon, a very troublesome problem was placed in front of us.

To enter the royal capital, there is a road that must be passed through, Tianzha Pass.

This pass is an important military town, not to mention many warriors stationed there, and behind it there is a bustling city second only to the water capital, which is the second largest city in the Lizard Kingdom.

There are many people in this city, and it is easy to be exposed, but we have to go in and walk around.

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