It is said that in the history of Hong Kashima Savage, there are only a handful of people like me who can pass the first four levels.

Every such person is a warrior who is famous in history.

Ignoring these trivial matters, I soon came to the sixth floor, which is the place of the fifth trial.

This floor, at first glance, looks almost identical to the previous one.

The same ground, the same tables and chairs, and what's even more weird, there is the same old man.

The old man's beard and hair are all white, and his face is dry, like old tree bark.

What surprised me even more was, what the hell, isn't this guy the old bastard I just shot, why did he still run ahead of me.

I couldn't help but ask him, why are you here again.

But he laughed at me, "Young man, take a good look, the one downstairs is the old man's twin brother!"

Hearing what he said, I finally understood from the bottom of my heart, so it was so.

This old guy's complexion is indeed a little rosier than the one just now, after all, I shot that guy in the leg.

"Young man, since you can pass my brother's test, you must be a little smart. But if you want to pass my test, it will be difficult. My test is great wisdom!"

Oh, look at what this old man means, his level is also a test of wisdom.

This left me speechless, it seems that my gun can come in handy again.

However, just when I was about to start working, the old man's words made me stop. He said: "The last level, it was my useless younger brother who asked you a question. What about this level? It was you who asked me, "

The old bastard looked very confident. He smiled and said to me: "My knowledge is as profound as the sea. I know half of the things in the sky. I know everything about the things on the ground. Whether it's swimming in the water or drilling in the soil." Yes, this old man knows everything, knows everything! If you can beat me, you will pass the test!"

What this guy said made me feel very disgusted.

What is half known in the sky, you know everything on the earth, you think you are Shakyamuni.

This guy is purely egomaniac, and half the battle is already lost if he can say such a thing.

As we all know, the more we know, the more we will feel our ignorance. After all, the world is so vast and magical, human beings are so small, and their cognitive ability is so low.

The fact that this guy said such a thing is enough to prove that he is half-baked.

Looks like my gun is useless.

As a good young man in the 21st century, I have dabbled in literature, history, geography, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Isn't it easy to ask this old guy?
Forget it, I'll pass this level seriously.

I hesitated for a moment, then said, "Suppose you were to race a tortoise, and the tortoise started 1000 meters ahead of you. Suppose you could run 10 times faster than the tortoise.

At the beginning of the race, when you run 1000 meters, the tortoise is 100 meters faster than you; when you run the next 100 meters, the tortoise is still 10 meters ahead of you... So, you will never catch up with the tortoise, please tell me this Is that right?If wrong, why? "

This question is a famous paradox raised by the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Zeno.

"I'll never catch up with the tortoise, how is that possible?"

The old bastard smiled disdainfully, and immediately began to think, trying to grasp the mistakes in my words, but after thinking for a long time, his face became more and more ugly, and suddenly he opened his mouth and forgot what he said, and was speechless.

"what on earth is it?"

The old man rubbed his beard anxiously, a little speechless.

Seeing that the old man was stumped as expected, I couldn't help but smiled lightly and said, "Old man, have I passed the test now? How long do you have to think before you can give an answer?"

The old man glared at me, but he didn't speak. He just scratched his head and continued to think. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't help but said with a little dejection: "Young man, you really came up with an inexplicable question that stumped me. You got it right, take the key!"

The old man angrily threw a key to me.

Looking at his appearance, he is still not convinced, saying that I am playing tricks?
Seeing the old guy's arrogant and arrogant appearance, I couldn't help but want to teach him a lesson. Although I got the key, I still said, "Old man, don't be dissatisfied. I can ask you a lot of questions here. How much is it?" Yes!"

"Young man, you really look down on people. Don't tell me I have so many problems? Today I have to tell you why!"

The old guy was also furious.

"Very good, since you want to hear it so much, then I will not hesitate to teach you once, listen carefully!"

"There is only one barber on a street in the capital. One day, the nobleman gave him an order. The barber must shave the people on the street who don't shave himself, or he will be killed. Then, this barber , should you give yourself a haircut?"

If the barber cuts his own hair, he violates the rules and the nobles can kill him.

But if he ignored it, according to the order of the nobles, he had to have his hair cut again, and he would still die.

My story is also the famous barber paradox in history.

The old man was a little stunned when he heard it. He grabbed his hair and shouted: "How can there be such an unreasonable nobleman? This kind of person should be arrested and sent to the prison!"

"Old gentleman, don't worry about whether this nobleman is doing right or not, just ask you, how to solve this problem?"

I said lightly.

The old man's face was flushed, "This... this, no, this doesn't count. If you make another one, I won't believe in evil anymore!"

All right, let's do another one, I'll see if you can answer it.

"If the great god Mu gave us the ability to travel through time and let you go back in time, and after you went back, you accidentally killed your three-year-old grandpa, then the problem is, your grandpa is dead If you don’t exist, you don’t exist, so who killed him?”


The old man felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and he was stunned. He bit his finger and muttered something, as if he had aged many years.

"There are still such puzzles in this world, the old man is really a frog in a well, Yelang is so arrogant!"

The old man couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Totally pissed off to me.

As for me, I hid merit and fame deeply, smiled lightly, and went to the next floor.

As a good modern young man who has received countless scientific educations from the outside world, behind me are countless great figures in the scientific world. You, a little old man in a remote country, why should you compare with me?

This time I just asked a few mathematical and philosophical questions, and the guy who asked them was speechless. If I asked those scientific questions, he would not have a nervous breakdown.

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