Fast forward in time, and soon three days passed.

But our ship is still drifting on the sea, not even the shadow of the mainland.

It's not that the fat captain is doing something in there.

It's just that we were a little unlucky, and we encountered a storm at sea.

The continuous torrential rain seemed to flood the world.

The wind, the waves, and the torrential rain are connected together, and the world is full of water!

Water, water, water, water!
In such weather, it takes a lot of manpower to clean up the water on the boat every day.

Moreover, we also need to be careful to avoid the damage caused by wind and waves.

It's a challenge for everyone on board.

We asked the fat man, when will the rain stop?

The fat man said: "Storms at sea sometimes have no warning at all. Some storms can disappear without a trace in a few quarters of an hour, but some may last for several days, or even months."

This undoubtedly added a layer of haze to our hearts.

I only have ten days left, will it be too late?

During my short waking moments, I will let Xi'er and Yu Chengyao support me, stand on the side of the ship on the deck, and look at the sea and rain outside.

The rain is really heavy, the rain curtain and the sea seem to be connected into one piece, the dark clouds in the sky and the color of the sea water on the ground are very similar, if it is not for those violent lightning.Sometimes in a trance, I feel that our ship is not sailing on the sea, but floating in the sky upside down.

In the stormy weather and the turbulent sea, our three-story ship is as small as a leaf. I always suspect that it will become fragments in the next second and completely dissolve in this water world...

Time passed bit by bit, and three more days passed like this.

Adding the previous three days, it is six days, and half of my only dozen or so lives were wasted at sea.

Moreover, the sky is still gray at this moment, and the torrential rain is still pouring down, with no sign of stopping at all.

My situation is getting worse and worse. In a day, I can actually sleep for nineteen hours. It's really not far from a long sleep.

"We can't wait passively like this, we have to find a way to change this situation!"

Half asleep and half awake, I heard Yu Chengyao gritted her teeth and said.

"Well, this big ship is going too slowly!"

Sierra replied.

They muttered, as if they had made some very dangerous decisions.

I really wanted to wave my hand to tell them not to be impulsive, but sleepiness overwhelmed me like a tide, and I didn't even have the strength to speak.

I fell asleep again.

And when I opened my eyes again, I noticed that the three of us had left Fatty's big boat.

Xi'er and Yu Chengyao rowed a small wooden boat on the left and right, advancing in the vast sea.

This wooden boat seemed crowded to accommodate the three of us, and it was obviously a small boat used for escape on the fat man's boat.

But at this time, the storm still did not stop.

In such violent storms and heavy waves, our ship, like dancing on the tip of a knife, may be completely capsized at any time.

Xi'er and Yuchengyao were covered in water, but they were still rowing desperately.

Seeing their pale and pretty faces, clenching their teeth and working hard, my tears fell instantly.

At this moment, I really feel sorry for them, but there is nothing I can do.

In order to prevent me from making trouble, they tied me tightly with iron ropes, and I couldn't move at all.

"Let's go back. If this continues, you will be killed by me too. Throw me into the sea, and everything will be over!"

I couldn't help shouting.

It's not that I give up on myself and want to give up my life, it's just that I don't want to drag the two of them to die with me.

"Silly brother, don't talk, we will live!"

Xi'er said, and gently kissed me on the mouth.

Because of the cold, her lips were already black and purple, and the touch was extremely cold, but I swear, it was a touching kiss, enough to be remembered for a lifetime.

I really wanted to say something to her, but the sleepiness swept over again.

Between half-dream and half-awake, I seemed to hear Qian'er and Yu Chengyao beside me, crying, screaming, and despairing.


And when I woke up again, I noticed that I was already lying on the beach.

Xi'er and the others succeeded?
Their persistence and hard work allowed us to reach the land ahead of schedule.

Of course, all this is not over yet.

Arriving on land is just the beginning.

At this time, we were on a deserted coast, and in front of us there was a lush forest, which looked full of life, but because there were no people, it looked a bit gloomy.

The three of us were very tired, so we could only support each other and walked towards the woods with all our strength.

"Zhang Qi, it turns out that we are right. It is the ninth day. Although the situation is still not optimistic, you have to believe me, sister, I will save you no matter what!"

Yu Chengyao, who likes to have a cold face, even deliberately said witty things, sister?You may not be as old as me.

Her abnormal behavior moved me from the bottom of my heart, but also made me very uncomfortable.

I know that she is comforting me and comforting herself.

It's the ninth day, there is only one day left, two days at most, can we really complete the prescription?

If Fatty lands with us, maybe we still have a chance, but right now, none of us are familiar with the place, and maybe we will be made things difficult by some savages.

We also need to find the great scholar and decipher the remaining three medicinal materials.

Is it really in time?

Of course, even if it’s too late, I can only do my best to complete it, because I want to survive, and because I know that the kindness of Xi’er and the others must not be wasted.

The thin figure of the two of them paddling hard in the storm is still in my mind.

At this moment, we quickly passed through the small forest, but in front of us, there was a savage pass.

In the pass, many heavily armed warriors walked back and forth.

I figured it was to guard against the lizardmen climbing up from the sea.

"You came from the sea? What's the matter? Any citations?"

Several warriors blocked our way, drew their weapons, and said indifferently.

The bearded warrior in the lead looked at Xi'er and Yu Chengyao with a strong possessive desire, which made me very uncomfortable.

Even after going through the storm at sea, Xi'er and Yuchengyao looked very bad now, but they became more and more charming, and there was a pityful beauty, which made the leading warrior move evil thoughts.

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