Seeing that the two girls had run away, the snake still flinched, the pearl fisherman screamed in anger, this guy just jumped off the snake and rushed towards me.

This guy was very fast, holding two sharp long knives in his hand, and rushed towards him like a whirlwind.

Even though my bullets hit him, he didn't seem to know the pain at all, and continued to rush towards me without slowing down.

Seeing this guy so crazy, I also felt a sense of hostility in my heart.

Damn, I still don't believe it, you are not afraid of pain, are you? Wait until I chop you into a stick and see if you can jump up and bite me!
Seeing this guy approaching, I simply put away my gun and started fighting him with my fetal sword.

This fetal sword is really too strong, the two sharp blades on the long arms were quickly cut into several pieces by me.

After losing his weapon, this guy is still fierce, but his hands and feet were quickly chopped off by me.

He fell to the ground with a bang, although he was still staring at me with gritted teeth, wriggling and trying to get closer to me, but he couldn't do anything to me anymore.

But, to my surprise, before I could breathe a sigh of relief, I suddenly felt a little bad.

In the darkness, there was a strange shout, which suddenly came out.

The yelling is very thin and long, as if it hits you from all directions at the same time, it will fill your mind completely.

I have never heard such a strange cry, that kind of cold and terrifying feeling, as if it can drive people crazy.

And at the same time as the shout came, a shadow-like thing jumped up from the neck with long arms, and rushed towards me!

Undoubtedly, this is the real culprit that turned the pearl fisherman's long arms into monsters.

If this thing succeeds in attacking me, I will probably become the second monster.

At this moment, I knew that the matter was urgent, and my reaction was extremely fast. At that very moment, my potential seemed to be stimulated, and I swung the bone in my hand at a speed several minutes faster than usual. The sword slashed at the approaching black shadow.

There was only a muffled pop, and the sword hit the bull's-eye.

There was only a hoarse and dull strange roar, and a trembling bleeding monster appeared on the ground.

After this thing was injured, it seemed to lose its camouflage ability, which allowed me to see its appearance clearly.

This thing is about the size of a palm and has an oval shape as a whole. There are many barbed horns on the edge of the body, densely packed, and it looks like a round centipede.

It is also somewhat similar to the face hugger in the movie Alien.

And more importantly, I noticed that this thing looked familiar to me. I didn't remember why at the time, but when I recalled it carefully, I remembered it.

There is a statue of this bug in the altar in the poisonous forest area outside the Moon City.

It seems that the ancestors of the savages had dealt with this thing long ago.

Of course, what makes me feel a little strange is that I have always believed that the person who controls the long arms is very likely to be the so-called corpse of Abra, an ancient embryo that survived in a strange way.

But now it seems that I guessed wrong, it is just a weird parasite that controls the long arms.

Where did Abra's body in the coffin go?

Perhaps it remained in the tomb?

This may be a puzzle that will never be solved.

Of course, it might be a better choice for this strange thing that does not belong to the world to stay under the deep sea forever.

But at this moment, after killing the strange insect, I looked up and saw that the giant snake had disappeared, but I still didn't dare to linger.

I always feel that there is something more terrifying in this tomb.

The corridor I am in right now has ten portals, each of which hides a murderous intent.

We hurriedly chased after Xi'er and the others in the direction they left.

Not long after, I came to the pool we entered at the beginning. At this moment, Qianer and Yuchengyao had already put on their diving suits and were waiting for me.

With their help, I quickly put on the diving suit and jumped down.

We don't want to stay in this weird tomb any longer.

What we didn't expect was that just as we jumped into the water, there was a burst of shouting behind us.

"Why did you leave by yourself, and me, don't leave me here!"

There was a hint of anxiety in that voice, but it sounded very normal, like ordinary people chatting.

But the more normal this voice is, the more it makes us feel cold when we hear it in our hearts.

Because the person who spoke was none other than the big black guy who just died.

I saw with my own eyes that his head was cut off by the long arm of a pearl diver, and his capital was separated. How can he speak to us?

We didn't know what monster was coming to harm us again, and we didn't dare to turn back at all, but just swam outward crazily.

I don't know if those monsters couldn't leave the tomb. We swam all the way there, but we didn't encounter any danger.

Soon, we got out of the robbery hole we entered.

The cold and deep sea water gave us an inexplicable sense of security.

At this time, we know that there is a high probability that we are out of danger.

Of course, we will not be truly safe until we get back to the boat.

We rested for a while, then quickly floated towards the surface of the water.

At this moment, Fatty was anxiously waiting for a long time on the boat. Seeing that we emerged from the water, he hurriedly sent several people to help us.

Everyone rushed to help, and finally lifted us all up.

"Both of them dead? Did you find anything?"

Seeing that no one else came out of the water, the fat man couldn't help but look a little sad, but this guy actually understands that three of us came back after five of us went down, which is already very good.

After all, only three of the thirty or forty people who went into the water last time came back.

"The big black guys are dead, and we didn't find the legendary Abra. We just got these things."

Saying this, he threw the bag of treasures collected from the dead body of the big black man to the fat captain.

At that time, the big black man actually had a lot of bags on his body, but I didn't take too many. Maybe if he didn't carry such heavy belongings on his body, maybe he could have avoided the knife from the pearl fisherman.

Did he die of greed, I can't tell.

The fat man couldn't help being a little disappointed when he heard that he couldn't find the legendary Abra's body, but he looked at the treasure in the bag and smiled with satisfaction.

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