Of course, I knew in my heart that if something really happened, only Eve and I would be more useful. As for the other women, it would be nice if they could protect themselves.

Don't look at Eve, a British chick with a hot figure and full of femininity, but she is a pilot who graduated from a military academy.

In other words, she has practiced.

In the fight in the woods, if Eve hadn't been hunting hungry, Sister Man would not be her opponent.

A group of us entered the jungle, and Xiaobai ran happily in front of us. The cute look of this little guy made us feel better.

Xiaobai is naturally the little wolf that I caught back. Although it has only been more than half a month, Xiao Qing has really trained him a little bit, at least now he won't bark his teeth at us.

Moreover, Xiaobai has grown very fast. In half a month, he has grown from the size of a palm to a size comparable to a small teddy.Maybe it won't be long before it can become a combat power that cannot be underestimated.

"If only I could catch a woodrat or two."

Xiaomeng rubbed her stomach and said expectantly.

Like the woolly wolf, the wood rat is a special animal unique to this island. It is very similar to a mouse, but it is much larger.

We caught a few of them before, and the meat of this little thing has a clear fragrance of oranges, and it tastes very delicious.

And its fur is thick and warm enough to make gadgets like gloves.

Several women are still wearing a pair of woodrat gloves on their hands now.

We're still missing some warm shoes.

It's just that this little guy is relatively rare, and it is considered a rare commodity.

There is a saying that misfortunes never come singly, probably bad luck comes one after another, today our luck is very bad, everyone wandered in the woods for a long time, but only picked some dry fruits, dug some wild vegetables, did not hunt a single animal .

I thought about it, and thought that there might be too many people and too much noise, which scared the animals away.

Several women comforted me and said that everyone can eat wild vegetables.

But I disagree, how can vegetables compare with meat?

After hesitating for a while, I still let them go back first, and I want to search for the warmer jungle deep in the deserted island.

Because of the howling of wolves in the forest to the north, I seldom go there, but now that the situation is urgent, I have to take the risk.

Seeing that the weather is getting colder and colder, and winter is approaching, we don't have any food reserves. If this continues, people will die!

"Be careful, if you are gone, all of us will be finished. It's okay to be hungry once or twice."

Xiaomeng took my hand and told me to be careful.

Eve gave me a thumbs up, "You are the best, come on, we are waiting for your triumphant return, my hero."

The foreign chick is enthusiastic and a hero, I am a little embarrassed to say that.

I sent a few women back to the cave and asked them to pay attention to heighten their vigilance before turning around and heading north.

About two, three, and 10 minutes later, seeing the warm forest in front of me, I took a deep breath, held the gun tightly in my hand, and stepped in slowly.

As far as I know, wolves are different from ordinary predators. They are very cunning and vicious animals. Once they are targeted, it is difficult to survive.

The only thing that gives me peace of mind and some reliance is the gun in my hand.

After more than half a month of use and exercise, my marksmanship has improved a lot.

Although it may not be as good as a professional, it is not bad.

Hopefully this time, I'll be able to find more food.

And to my surprise, it didn't take long for me to go deep into the jungle, and I made a very good discovery!
I walked under a few big trees with luxuriant branches and leaves, and suddenly found that there were many large birds perched on the trunks!
This kind of bird is generally as big as a human head. Their necks are very long, but they like to bow their heads in their wings, which makes this kind of bird look like a hunchback, which is ugly.

Let me call them humpbacks.

The humpback birds stood very densely on the branches, one by one, which made me very happy, as if I saw a moving meat warehouse.

They stand so close together, no matter how bad my marksmanship is, I can kill one of them with just one shot!
Of course, things can't be that simple.

These birds are so big, and their beaks are very sharp. They are aggressive at first sight. There are so many of them.

Under normal circumstances, I would not provoke such groups of guys.

After this period of survival in the wilderness, I have deeply understood the truth that many people are powerful, and most animals that live in groups are not easy to mess with.

However, food is so scarce now that I have to take risks.

After observing carefully for a while, I found a relatively hidden bush and shot at those big birds!

After a loud bang, a big guy fell down in response, thumped a few times on the ground, and died.

This sudden situation caused the other humpback birds on the branch to fly instantly. They circled around, as if they were looking for the enemy. With this guy's IQ, he obviously didn't understand why his companion fell down.

I hid in the bushes and didn't dare to breathe out. These humpback birds flew for a while, and stopped on the branches again without finding the enemy.

And what I was waiting for was this moment, to shoot again in an instant...

After seven or eight times like this, four big birds fell to the ground under the big tree.

And there was none left on the tree.

Because as soon as those humpback birds stopped on the branch, I shot immediately. After several rounds, these guys couldn't help but associate the action of stopping on the branch with the loud noise.

Probably thinking that the big tree was no longer safe, the humpback birds flew to other nearby trees one by one.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that there were fewer humpback birds nearby, I carefully drilled out, rushed over quickly, picked up the dead big birds, tied them with iron wires and carried them on my back. superior!

I am very satisfied with this harvest, there are enough humpbacks for us to eat for a day or two.

After putting away these prey, I started to walk back. In fact, I kind of wanted to shoot a few more, but I felt a little bit distressed by the bullets.

My bullets are limited, and every time I shoot, I lose one round.

Now there are other people on the island, and a gun with bullets is a deterrent.

Patting the prey on my back, I started to walk back contentedly, but after walking a few steps, I stopped abruptly.

Because I found a very strange place.

The distribution of those humpback birds seems to be somewhat regular, the closer to the southeast of the zoo, the denser it is.

Moreover, I noticed that there is always a warm wind blowing from the southeast.

I soon discovered that the wind was blowing from the valley to the southeast.

In the past, I always felt that the deeper the desert island was, the warmer it was. I wondered if there were volcanoes.

Now I have some doubts, the heat source seems to be near me!

What is it that is heating up?

Could this have anything to do with the secrets of the island?

These days I was hunting in the woods, and I found many traces left by the islanders, such as inscriptions on some stones, etc. Unfortunately, I don't understand Japanese.

I think, during World War II, many islanders must have come here. What did they do?
what's on this island
Does this have something to do with the hot wind blowing from the valley?

Curiosity drove me over there.

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