At this critical moment, my reaction was also extremely quick, and I quickly dodged sideways.

However, what makes my back sweat is that this monster's attack is not just a single attack, but like a tide, one after another. After its mouth failed to bite me, its tail flicked towards me Called over.

The tail of this thing is very thick, and it looks like a huge stick. If a stick hits the body, it will definitely be difficult.

And because I just dodged the first blow sideways, this second blow has given me no time to dodge.

So, in a hurry, I could only cover my head with my hands to prevent his attack.

Hearing a bang, the monster's tail slammed into my body all of a sudden. The force was beyond my imagination. I couldn't stand still, and was thrown backwards, hitting the wall of the tomb. face.

Just like making a movie, the wall was smashed like a cracked earth, and the people who watched it were terrified.

Even the walls are like this, you can imagine how much damage my body has suffered.

At this time, I just felt that there was no pain anywhere in my body, and every bone seemed to be broken.

If it weren't for my excellent physical fitness, I am afraid that ordinary people would be gone on the spot.

But at this moment, seeing that I was being attacked, Qian'er and Yu Chengyao didn't stay idle, they both took the opportunity to shoot at the monster quickly and gave me strong support, otherwise I'm afraid my end would be even more miserable .

Especially Xi'er, her marksmanship is very superb, she even seized the opportunity, and shot the monster's eyeball, no matter how scary this monster is, its eyes are also vulnerable parts, and it hurts to be shot in. It rolled wildly on the ground, and didn't care about attacking me.

This gave me a chance to breathe.

Otherwise, let me fight alone with this thing, I'm afraid I might really die here.

Xi'er and Yuchengyao evaded while shooting.

Maybe it's because the big guy lacks one eye, and the collision accuracy is not so good. Although Qian'er and Yu Chengyao probably didn't react as fast as me, they haven't been hit by the strange snake at this time.

Of course, it wasn't completely harmless. Yucheng Yao's calf was rubbed by the monster's tail. Although the wound was not deep, the blood flowed profusely, which made me feel a little distressed.

This made me a little angry. In front of me, the woman who hurt me must kill this guy as soon as possible!
After I regained my composure, I immediately went to kill the strange snake.

When the strange snake saw me coming, it opened its mouth wide and bit me fiercely.

However, because of the many injuries on his body, its movements were a little slower, and I was well prepared. Fortunately, I didn't dodge this time, but quickly aimed at his mouth and fired a shot.

Naturally, I use a shotgun with a huge single shot damage.

This shot opened the monster's tongue, and the severe pain forced this guy to stop biting me, writhing crazily in the chamber, and those bottles and cans on the ground were all covered It made a mess.

A strong smell of alcohol wafted out.

What made us very horrified at this moment was that after the wine jars burst open, we discovered that these wines were not ordinary wine, but medicinal wine soaked in something.

It's just that the thing that soaks in wine really makes people's scalp tingle.

But at this moment, what appeared in front of our eyes along with the liquor was the white and swollen corpses of babies one by one!
Looking at the bodies of those babies, they are very small, and some of them are not even fully formed.

Obviously, I'm afraid these babies are not just born, but directly cut out of the stomachs of immature pregnant women!
I have to say that this kind of thing is very disgusting, and it makes people want to vomit.

It is hard to imagine how cruel the ancient savages who built this tomb and left behind these things were able to do such a thing.

And what makes me feel a little fortunate is, what the hell, fortunately I didn't drink these wines before, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been vomiting and diarrhea by now, right?
Of course, at this time, we were not marveling at the wine. After I opened the tongue of the strange snake, it no longer had the menacing vigor it had before, but it seemed a little scared of us.

The guy twisted his body and started to run away.

And because of the thrilling battle before, at this time, the ferocity in my body was also aroused. Seeing that the monster was about to run, I chased it directly and hugged its tail with both hands.

I stuck my feet firmly on the ground, exhausted all the strength in my body, and dragged this monster, no matter how hard it rolled, it couldn't escape.

At this time, Xi'er and Yuchengyao were beside me, shooting at it from left to right.

Bang bang bang gunshots, in the silent tomb, very pleasant.

This guy was in pain and his strength became great, but because of fear, he didn't fight back at all, but kept twisting forward frantically, trying to escape.

At this time, I only felt that I had grabbed a wild horse in my hand, and was being led by it to slide continuously on the ground.

However, I grabbed the bone sword with one hand, inserted the bone sword into the ground, grabbed this guy tightly with one hand, and crazily grabbed it.

This bone sword is indeed a god-like weapon. It was deeply inserted into the ground of the tomb, and it really helped me stand firm for a while!
However, I am also very uncomfortable being ripped off now, and I feel like I am about to be torn apart by five horses.

When Xi'er and Yucheng Yao saw that I was holding the monster, they also became ruthless. They all shot crazily while drinking, and the bullets poured out like rain.

The strange snake was beaten and bruised all over, and howled non-stop.

I thought that this guy was definitely going to be killed by us, but at this moment, I suddenly felt my hands loosen, and I sat on the ground with my buttocks, and my buttocks fell in severe pain.

Taking a closer look, the monster had already sprinted into the darkness and disappeared.

But in my hand, there was a string of very huge tails.

I was a little dazed, and it took me a while to realize that this snake-like animal, like a gecko, has the ability to escape by disconnecting its tail.

This guy seems to have been cornered by us, he cut off his own tail and ran away.

This made me feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, and I also had some hidden worries.

This monster seems to have some intelligence. I doubt it very much. It already remembers us, and it will definitely have hatred for us. It hides in the dark, and maybe it will come to attack us.

This is not a small threat to us.

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