We have been waiting on this boat for several days, and we have long been a little impatient. Now that this fat man has found a place, we can't help but feel very happy.

He told us that the sea area where we are currently located is where the treasure is located.

We hurried to the deck to have a look, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

At first glance, there is no difference between this place and the sea we usually see. There is nothing on the surrounding sea, except water, which is still water.

This made me very curious, how did Fatty and the others find this place, and are they sure that this is where the ruins are located?
Seeing my question, the fat man explained.

They judge the position by the stars.

This surprised me a little.

Judging geographical location by stars is actually recorded in some ancient Chinese classics, but very few people can do it, and even this ancient technology may have been lost.

Unexpectedly, these native savages are very powerful.

Of course, at this time, we have finally arrived at the place, and it is time for the fat man to tell us what the ruins are.

This time, the fat captain didn't shirk, but told us eloquently.

He told us that this relic is a place in myths and legends.

It is said that before God King Lu left the world and went to the fairy land, he once built a mysterious temple on the highest mountain, and he sealed many mysterious treasures in the temple.

The story told by the fat man made me very skeptical. God Wang Lu went to the so-called fairy land?

This point is a bit contradictory to other savage myths I have heard. According to the legends of other savages, after death, the king of gods becomes a ubiquitous existence like air, watching you all the time.

Therefore, many statues of God King Lu have exaggerated eyes.

Of course, because of the age of mythology and the fact that there is no scientific basis, it is normal for all kinds of contradictions to appear, and I have not taken it seriously.

Just listen, the fat man continued.

That mysterious temple existed on the highest mountain for many, many years, but one summer day, a terrible thunderstorm hit the temple, and the walls of the temple were damaged, and some buried treasures were Fell into the world.

This statement also made me think about it. The thunderstorm hit the temple, causing the things inside to flow out. How do you feel that this so-called temple is more like a prison. Because of the damage, the bad guys inside ran out?
And the fat man continued to say, among the treasures wandering in the temple, there is one thing that is very precious and miraculous, and that is the dew of purification.

The dew of purification fell from the highest mountain to the world, and it happened to be touched by a lizard and a small fish.

And this lizard and small fish, because of the dew of purification, have human wisdom.

This is where the lizardmen and murlocs come from.

Of course, it was precisely because the lizard and the little fish shared the dew of purification, so their bodies could only be turned into half-orcs, and they could not completely get rid of the image of animals.

Lizards only have the lower body of a human, while murlocs only have the upper body of a human.

However, these two monsters were not accepted by the world, so they had to hug each other to keep warm. It happened that they were a male and a female, so they joined together and gave birth to offspring.

This is the origin of lizardmen and murlocs.

Fatty's words made me feel very unbelievable. Although I knew that this was a myth, there must be some nonsense, but I never thought that the lizard people and the murlocs were actually the same race. However, it is said that the lizard people are only male. Murlocs are only female.

But what does all this have to do with the treasure we're looking for?

I couldn't help asking.

The fat man smiled and told me not to worry, he was going to talk about it soon.

I don't know how long ago, the temple on the highest mountain dropped the dew of purification, which created the murlocs and lizardmen, and this was not the last drop of the dew of purification.

The fat man said that just 4000 years ago, this mysterious temple had a problem for the second time.

Still in a thunderstorm summer.

The second drop, the dew of purification accidentally spilled into the world.

But this time, the bottle containing the dew of purification was not broken, but was taken by a great navigator together with the bottle.

The navigator's name was Abra.

Abra, the navigator, knew that this dew of purification was very precious and miraculous. He couldn't help thinking that the dew of purification could make any animal or even plant possess human wisdom.

But what would happen if the guy who swallowed it was a human being?

Abra couldn't resist the temptation and drank the thing.

As a result, he got amazing strength and became a god-like warrior.

Abra also gained a very high status in Honglu Island and became a big man with great power.

However, one day suddenly, the fact that he drank the dew of purification was discovered by the world.

Everyone finally understood how his divine power came from.

Therefore, many people discussed to kill him and eat his flesh to gain the power of the Purifying Dew!

This even includes Abra's friends and countless former followers.

In the end, Abra died.

However, those who killed him were not satisfied with it. In order to snatch Abra's flesh and blood, a terrifying bloody storm swept across.

Because the meat possesses divine power, it will not even rot. This bloody struggle lasted for hundreds of years, and countless people were involved in it, fighting constantly.

In the history of the savages, this period is known as the dark turmoil.

At this moment, Fatty told us very excitedly that the underwater ruins we are going to this time is also the tomb of a great navigator.

It is said that this person got a lot of Abra's flesh and blood back then, some of which he had already consumed, but there were still many, which he collected as his funeral objects.

This made me feel very weird.

First of all, the fat man stated with certainty that everything he said was recorded in the history books and was a real thing that happened.

But to me, it all looks like a false myth.

However, I thought about it again, I am afraid that if I tell others about the curse on me, no one will believe me.

But it is true.

Regardless of whether there is the so-called Abra's corpse in this underwater cemetery, there is no harm for us to explore it.

I always feel that these myths may have some inexplicable connection with my curse.

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