This is how it happened?
It seems that in the fat man's cognition, the images of the devil Huang and the god Wang Mu are completely misplaced.

Of course, at this time, although I was puzzled, I didn't ask too much. After all, the current situation is a bit troublesome for me.

Once I ask, who knows what they will do if they realize that our "belief" is different from theirs?

For this strange phenomenon, I have special attention.

I gradually noticed that here, the images of the gods that the savages believed in were almost reversed.

In the outside world, the devil Huang is a demon with a fetal sword and slaughters endlessly, but here, this is the image of Lu, and the devil Huang is the one holding the scepter.

In addition, there is a small detail that also makes me a little concerned. I noticed that the writing habits of these savages are from left to right, which is consistent with the way we modern people read books.But on that mysterious island, the documents of the savages are all from right to left, which is the opposite.

There are many other similar details.

This made me couldn't help but have a very ridiculous guess.

I thought, could this place be a kind of mirror image or reflection of the original deserted island?

In the former desert island, the entire island was land, and there was a large lake in the middle, which was the Devil's Lake.

But here, it is a boundless sea with two pieces of land in the middle.

Is this a coincidence?
It's all really weird and unbelievable.

But at this time, we didn't have time to think about it, we just continued drinking and chatting with the fat captain.

However, while we were drinking, a guard came and told the fat man in a panic that the witch doctor had died.

When the man spoke, his eyes were still sneaking at us.

Obviously, he has judged that we are the ones who killed.

At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly froze, and I quietly clenched the weapon in my hand.

However, the fat captain laughed quickly and said, "That guy was naturally killed by the lizardman during the battle. For such an obvious matter, do you still need to ask for instructions?"

The soldier who reported did not expect the captain to say such a thing. He seemed to want to say something more, but the fat man gave him a cold look, and the guy rolled away knowingly.

After sending the guard away, the fat captain smiled at us: "It's just a witch doctor. The lizardmen have killed so many people, and there is no shortage of him."

What this guy said reassures us a lot. Speaking of which, we have heard some rumors. It is said that this fat man and the so-called witch doctor are not very good at dealing with each other. There are some conflicts between the two.

Now that we help him kill someone, he might be grateful to us from the bottom of his heart.

However, when it comes to this, the fat man reminded us: "Brave men, there is one thing, I still have to remind you, on our Honglu Island, the power of these witch doctors is not small, witch doctors They have their own organization called the Witch Society, which is rape, robbery, and evil. I hate them very much on weekdays. This time, this guy deserves his death, but our dead Ke Muer is someone from the Witch Society. The elder's illegitimate son, we will most likely be targeted after we go back."

When the fat man said this, he also showed a bit of embarrassment, "These guys are very vicious, even if I want to help you, it will be very difficult."

It's very difficult, that is, can you help us?
However, judging from what this guy means, there are probably some conditions and a little reward is needed.

I don't play those fake things with him, just ask him what he wants.

The fat captain couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard this, and said enthusiastically, "Dad, it's such a pleasure talking to someone like you!"

I told this little savage that my name is Dad, so now these people have to call me Dad.

But at this moment, I only heard the fat captain say this: "To be honest, I am actually a member of the merchant shipping club on the island. This merchant shipping club was originally a sea-going organization organized by some nobles in the past, but it has gradually developed into Well, the island is one of the most powerful forces on the island. On our Honglu Island, there are now three major forces ruling the hegemony. The first is the power of the royal family, the second is the witch society, and the third is our Merchant Shipping Association. "

"And our Merchant Marine Association and the Witch Association have always had serious conflicts and struggles.

Due to an ancient treaty when the Merchant Shipping Association was established, every ship that went out to sea for treasure hunting and fishing had to hand over [-]% or even [-]% of its income to the witch association.

This is also the reason why the fat man has the witch doctor on his boat.

In the past, when the merchant ships were weak, although they were not happy to pay this money, they could only endure it.

Now that the people of the Merchant Shipping Club are stronger, they are naturally very unhappy about it.

As a result, the conflict between the two sides became more and more intense.

The fat man said, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, and he will help us.

In addition, the reason why Fatty values ​​us is naturally because of our strength.

He has now obtained a treasure map of the ancient ruins, and hopes that we can help to explore it.

"When I go to sea this time, fishing and salvage are secondary. In fact, my real purpose is to come for this ancient ruins under the sea. It is said that there is a huge treasure hidden in this ruins!"

I didn't expect this fat man to have such a secret.

This secret caught my attention instantly.

Ancient ruins in the sea?
This place is already weird, and the ancient ruins here are very likely to be extraordinary, maybe I can find what I want in it.

We all expressed our interest, and quickly asked the fat man to explain it to us carefully.

But this guy smiled at us, saying that the secret of this treasure should not be revealed easily, and he will tell us the specific news about this treasure only after he has found the place.

This disappoints us very much, that is to say, whether this treasure can be found, the fat man himself is not sure.

I thought about it and found it understandable. In this vast sea, it is not so difficult to find a treasure buried under the sea, especially since their productivity level is still in the feudal era, and there is no decent positioning product at all. .

But Captain Fat assures us that if we find the right location, this treasure will definitely surprise us.

That's something I'm looking forward to.

After all, exploring an ancient ruin may help me find a way to lift the curse, and then help this fat man. When I return to land, he can help me avoid the persecution of the witch society.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

In this way, we lived on this boat with peace of mind, of course this time we lived in the noble area.

And at this time, Kogoro also suddenly appeared, found us again, and wanted to join us.

This made me sneer.

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