Everyone's situation is undoubtedly very bad now, but we all understand that the worse the situation is, the more calm we must be.

We forced ourselves to calm down, and we all got together and began to carefully discuss the next steps.

First of all, we all feel that there is a high probability that we are still in Devil's Lake.

The criterion for judging is that the lake water in Devil's Lake is poisonous.

I tried to take off the diving suit with one hand and put it into the lake to feel it, and I really felt the toxin here.

However, there is still a very small possibility, that is, we have not been to the sea area outside the deserted island. Maybe there is a place connected to the Devil's Lake, so it is also toxic to a certain extent.

Of course, considering that this possibility is very small, we can ignore it for the time being.

"Everyone, look at the sun above our heads. We're going to swim in this direction. We can't delay any longer. We must find land, even a small island!"

I thought about it and said quickly.

Everyone had no objection to my decision, and started swimming after following me.

In fact, there is a compass on our diving suit, but it is a pity that it was corroded in the body of the giant monster before, and it is now unusable.

After a long journey inside that monster's body, we are already exhausted, but we have no choice but to cheer up and swim with all our strength.

This is all for living!
And swimming in the water is not much worse than what we spent in the monster's body just now.

After all, water resistance is no small matter.

It didn't take long before we were all pale and out of breath from exhaustion.

But what is desperate is that there is still water without any ups and downs around us.

And my physical condition is getting worse, because I didn't get enough rest and absorbed too much toxin. At this time, even if there is a curse to keep resisting the damage of those poisons, the poison in my body is still getting worse.

My face was pale, and my hands began to tremble non-stop, almost to the point where I couldn't move.

Originally, I didn't tell anyone about my situation.

One is not to want Xi'er to worry, and the other is to beware of the devil Kogoro.

However, judging from the current situation, I can't hide it anymore.

"Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you! Don't worry about anything!"

Xi'er hugged me, tears streaming down her cheeks.

I lay in her arms, looking at her pretty face, I was also very moved.

You must know how calm and strong Qianer is.

When she was a few years old, she lived alone in the wilderness. For so many years, what danger has she not encountered?

But at this time, when she saw something happened to me, she burst into tears instantly, just like those little flowers in the greenhouse.

It can be seen that my position in Xi'er's heart is really important.

At this time, Yucheng Yao also quickly swam to my side, took off the miner's lamp on top of her head, and pulled my eyes to illuminate it. The strong light made me uncomfortable, but I knew that she was helping me. I check the body.

It's just that after the inspection, Yucheng Yao, who has always been calm and rational, looked a little flustered.

"This... Zhang Qi, you have been poisoned so deeply, why didn't you say it earlier!"

Yucheng Yao grabbed my hand and shouted anxiously, wishing to give me two slaps.

I smiled wryly, I thought I would be fine, you know how many times I have survived the poison that sees blood and seals my throat, but this time, this long-term and chronic exposure to poison, Almost beat me to it.

It turns out that I am not invulnerable to all poisons.

My curse may be able to block the toxin in a short period of time, no matter how strong the poison is, but the long-term, uninterrupted erosion of the poison can exceed its tolerance.

This may be a shortcoming, but it may also be the key to lifting the curse!

It's just a pity that I probably won't be able to wait for the day when I find a way to lift the curse.

I asked Yucheng Yao if I was hopeless.

She forced a smile, then comforted me and said, "Don't think about it, how could you die? Don't you know what your body is? It will get better!"

Xi'er also asked her several times if I would be okay.

Yucheng Yao kept nodding, kept nodding, but there were warm tears rolling down her face.

She is a guy who always has a cold face on weekdays, but she suddenly cried, like an iceberg melting, giving people a unique sense of beauty, which made me reluctant to take my eyes away.

It seems that with the passage of time, Yuchengyao's deep feelings for me not only did not disappear, but became more and more intense.

This made me feel very guilty. Is the person she loves really me, or the phantom in the dream?
Or, in Yucheng Yao's heart, we have already overlapped together?
Perhaps this will be a mystery that I will never be able to solve.

Because, looking at Yucheng Yao's appearance, I'm probably really going to die in this seemingly endless devil's lake.

In fact, this is also a good thing.

After all, my curse has developed to a horrific level. When I think about the strange things that happened to me, I still have nightmares again and again.

Maybe it was a blessing to die like this.

However, I still have a nostalgia for life and unwillingness to die in my heart.

What a beautiful world it is, it's a pity I'm leaving.

I took a deep breath, and tightly grasped the hands of Xi'er and Yucheng Yao: "After I die, you must destroy my body, it is best to burn it, or chop it into several pieces, as for why? , Yao, you understand, I don’t want one day even if I die, I won’t be able to find peace..."

Having said that, my body became weaker and weaker. If it wasn't for Xi'er and Yu Chengyao who supported me vigorously, I'm afraid I would have drifted away with the current. At this moment, I would be weak even to speak.

"If there is really no way to destroy my body in the sea, then find a way to sink me into the sea and never bring me back to land!"

Yucheng Yao looked at me with teary eyes, and clenched her silver teeth to prevent herself from crying.

Xi'er was already crying loudly, "No, brother Zhang, you won't die, you won't die!"

"Silly girl, I don't want to die, but people will die one day. I probably just came earlier than others."

In fact, death is a kind of relief for me, a way to get rid of the so-called fate.

And at this moment, before I die, I have one more wish.

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