Where we are now, we are already two to 300 meters underwater, and there is no air at all.

And in this hole, bubbles kept popping out.

There are only two explanations for this.

One of them is what kind of chemical reaction is happening inside the hole, and gas is constantly being produced.

The second is that the other end of the hole may be a place with air.

Of course, the first explanation is the most likely, and the second is almost impossible, but if it is really the second, then there must be some secret hidden, especially this place, which is still in the middle of this weird shipwreck. In, maybe what we are looking for is in it?
"Let's go and see!"

After Yucheng Yao finished speaking, she swam in first.

I quickly followed behind her.

And that Kogoro quickly followed me.

This strange hole is not very wide, but it is not too narrow either. There is no problem for the three of us to swim back and forth in it.

But, soon we ran into some trouble.

From this cave, many small fish with sharp teeth like the one that bit me yesterday came out very quickly.

We'll have a hard time getting out of here alive if our diving suits get bitten by these ugly things!

However, compared to yesterday, our equipment today has advantages.

Each of us has professional underwater guns and even flamethrowers in our hands.

Ordinary flamethrowers are definitely unusable underwater, but the one we have is a professional underwater flamethrower.

I have to say that using this thing underwater and watching the flames burn in the water is a beautiful picture.

Reminds me of my youth, when my junior high school physics teacher taught us how to use white phosphorus to make an experiment of burning flames in water.

But at this moment, under the offensive of our powerful weapons, those strange fish didn't last long before they were beaten to death by us and fled.

However, just as these small fish were fleeing in all directions, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and quickly kicked my feet on the stone wall of the cave, and took a step forward.

When I looked back again, I saw that there was no danger in the position I was standing just now, but the little devil, Kogoro, was standing there and glanced at me coldly.

When I saw his somewhat secretive expression, I couldn't help being very vigilant.

At that moment before, I clearly felt a huge sense of crisis. Countless times of life and death made me very familiar with this feeling, and I would never make a mistake.

Then there is only one possibility, Kogoro, this trash, just wanted to take the opportunity to kill me.

I probably guessed his plan. It was nothing more than secretly cutting my diving suit and even the oxygen tube, under the pretext that a small fish bit me.

And once he succeeds, the strong water pressure and the lack of oxygen underwater can kill me.

"Very well, since you want to harm me, then I won't be polite to you!"

I sneered and thought to myself.

Originally, I never thought about dealing with this Kogoro underwater. Although I had already decided to give him some color, but in this lake of devils, there was something weird everywhere, and I didn't want to because Infighting, kill yourself.

But now that this guy wants to sneak attack me, it's full of danger for me to keep him. It's better to find an opportunity to strike first and kill him.

And after we got rid of those sharp-toothed fish, we continued to swim forward. It didn't take long for the environment around us to undergo new changes.

On the stone walls around us, all kinds of ancient and clumsy paintings began to appear!
"Although these rock carvings have been severely corroded by the lake water, almost nothing can be seen, but this is a good signal. Maybe we have really found the right place. Where does this lead to?"

Yucheng Yao said happily.

However, the cave was much longer than we had imagined, and we swam for a while, but still did not reach our destination.

At this time, we are running out of oxygen left.

"We have to go back, wait until we re-enter the water, we will come straight here, maybe we can go to the end!"

Yucheng Yao said regretfully.

We also felt very sorry, but it was indeed risky to continue walking, and we hurriedly started the return journey.

And this time going back, Xiao Wulang took the lead, I was in the middle, and Yucheng Yao was in the back.

Looking at Kogoro swimming in front of me, my mind also began to float.

Previously, this guy was behind me and I was in front. It was easy for him to attack me, but it was difficult for me to attack him. Now the situation is completely reversed.

Now it's my turn to deal with him!
Moreover, this Xiaogoro's strength is far inferior to mine. If I want to deal with him, it must be much easier than him dealing with me.

It didn't take long before I got my chance.

If I remember correctly, there will be a [-]-degree corner in front of us soon. When Kogoro and I walk in front and Yucheng Yao is still behind, I will kill us quickly he.

I am confident that in this extremely short period of time, I will kill Kogoro.

If Yu Chengyao kills someone in front of her, she will definitely stop me.

However, after I kill someone, she probably won't do anything to me.

This is the strange tacit understanding between me and Yucheng Yao.

It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and I was surprised to find that the [-]-degree turning point I was waiting for did not appear!
At this moment, what catches my eyes is the cave road going straight ahead like a ruler.

"It's weird!"

The three of us looked at each other and knew something was wrong.

When we walked this road before, there was no fork in the road, and a road led to the end, but the road in front of us now deviates from the road in our memory.

"Let's continue walking around first!"

Yucheng Yao frowned and said so.

We continued to move forward, but undoubtedly at a much slower speed, carefully paying attention to the situation around us.

There is no doubt that we are now in big trouble.

In normal times, it would be all right to get lost, but now that we are in the lake, if we delay for too long, we will suffocate to death.

This temporarily extinguished my desire to kill Kogoro.

Vigorous exercise will increase my oxygen consumption. There is no need to waste my precious time to survive because of this garbage.

It can only be said that this little bastard has really good shit luck, so let him live on for a while.

And at the moment, I'm not in the mood to think about Xiaogoro's affairs, because soon, we will encounter new troubles.

Although there seems to be nothing around us at the moment, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart, and I have a strange feeling of being watched.

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