After I came up, the Goddess didn't look back, she just looked at the sunset scenery of this savage city, and said with emotion.

It is true that this woman can succeed with a little help from me, but if I say that this city also has my share, I don't quite agree.

You are the king now, and you have nothing to do with me.

Of course, what this woman said at the beginning was that she wanted to marry her sister to me, so that I would also be a relative of the emperor, so it is not wrong to say that this city has a part of me.

Judging by the tone of this woman, she probably wants to win me over and let me continue to follow her.

However, it is a pity that I am not very interested in the power she promised me. I have already seen the brilliance of the sun, how can I be infatuated with the light of rice grains in this little savage city?

Of course, I am very interested in the sister she mentioned who looks like her, but unfortunately, solving the curse is my top priority.

Life is gone, but still greedy for beauty, that is too stupid.

It's just that I don't dare to confess to this woman about the strange curse on me.

All this time, I have been very careful to cover up the mark on my wrist. Once this woman finds out about my situation, who knows what she will do?

"It can be seen that you are determined to leave."

The goddess glanced at me, and then said: "However, even if you leave, I will not forget your contribution. When you leave, I can help you take care of that silly girl, Ah Ruo. However, if you want to take Let her go on an adventure together, and I won't stop you."

It's true that I'm going to the Devil's Lake and bringing A Ruo with me is definitely not a good idea, but I don't want A Ruo to stay in this woman's hands, I have to make another plan.

And at this moment, as the goddess said, she asked the guards to bring me a small box.

When I opened the box, I saw a few small black bottles inside. I had obtained this stuff before, and it was a drug used by the Holy See to control people.

And looking at the number of these small bottles, I couldn't help but sneer in my heart.

Mad, she said it nicely, but this woman never thought of letting me go completely free. The amount of these medicines she gave me is usually only enough for me to use for two months.

For this thing, I have to come back sooner or later.

Forget it, though, this woman, I didn't become a junkie at all.

Naturally, it will not be controlled by this thing.

Of course, at this time, I didn't express what I was thinking on my face, I just said hastily: "Thank you, Your Majesty Goddess, and now I have an extremely critical piece of information that I must report to you!"

The Goddess was taken aback when she heard what I said, and quickly motioned for me to say it.

I told her that the blue-eyed man in the poisonous forest is very scary. These blue-eyed monsters are very ambitious and murderous. Wherever they go, they will kill the local residents.

As for the various weapons owned by the group of people in the company, I told the goddess one by one.

After all, the group of people in the company is too powerful. I hope that the group of Goddesses can stop their progress and buy time for me to search in the Devil's Lake.

I am very happy to see a dog eat a dog.

And after getting information from these people in the company from me, the goddess also frowned, obviously feeling troubled, she shook my hand and said: "Yes, Lianshanhegu, the message you said has an effect on me Not small, in return, I will give you a magic sword forever."

When I heard this, I felt like scolding my mother, what do you mean by giving me a magic sword forever? That thing belonged to me in the first place, but after a long time, it turned out to be your gift.

This woman is really black-bellied and shameless.

And after leaving the Hall of the Moon, I finally reunited with my little Aruo in a cold side hall of the palace.

My lovely little A Ruo, although her status is noble now, she has not lost her habit of being a maid. When I came to this side hall, this little darling was sweeping the floor and making the bed.


As soon as she saw me appear, she threw herself into my arms with a cheer.

The warm and familiar breath on her body, the pure and fresh fragrance made my heart soften.

Picking up the girl by the waist, I lifted the curtain of the bed and got in.

"Bad master, he just came back and wants to do bad things..."

Ah Ruo lowered his head, blushed, and let out a low sound of joy and anger.

And I gave a strange smile, and approached her with a face full of stubble...

The next morning, Ah Ruo and I still wanted to sleep late, but unfortunately, in the morning, the Goddess came over and asked us to get up early and get ready to attend a banquet in the palace.

This banquet was specially prepared by our goddess to celebrate the victory. As the incarnation of the devil and an important role in the coup, I also have a place. The goddess also said that this is also a farewell banquet for us. The farewell banquet must be join.

So I had no choice but to go hand in hand with Ah Ruo.

I have to say that the standard of this banquet is still very high, there is no shortage of wine, meat, singing and dancing, there are many rare foods, I have never heard of them, and they taste very good.

However, the biggest highlight of this banquet is of course not the food, nor the ordinary singing and dancing.

Instead, the goddess ordered that the leaders of the rebel army, the nobles of the former royal family, be brought up and killed to add to the fun.

The one who was killed was Na Lie Shanhong.

As the tail of the royal family, this guy has extraordinary strength and has always had a high status. How arrogant he was back then, and how he looked down on me.

Especially when I was kicked off the throne that day, he was the one who smiled the happiest.

But now, this guy can't laugh anymore. I am still aloof. I am the incarnation of the devil beside Her Majesty the Goddess. I am afraid that my status is equivalent to that of the little priest in the past. I am below one person and above ten thousand people.

As for him, he was just a prisoner, unwilling to be killed.

However, the bloody scene made me feel a little uncomfortable.

No matter how beautiful the Goddess is and how talented she is, she still has savage blood flowing through her. At a banquet, killing enemies for fun is still a bit too much in my opinion.

What I didn't expect was that even more speechless things were yet to come.

In order to reward the meritorious officials, many noble ladies of the royal family in the past were turned into singing prostitutes to perform some provocative dances in public.

Those noble ladies who used to be high above have now fallen into such a miserable situation. Their beautiful faces with tears, full of humiliation, made some people of the Kova tribe look at it with relish.

Maybe this is war, and they are the victims of war and conspiracy.

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