Almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed to me.

And during the process of his sprinting, the rate of fire of my rifle was also very fast. In a short period of time, I fired six or seven shots, almost all of them hit.

But it's a pity that his tail is huge and fleshy. Although he saw blood flowing from it after several blows, it was not a fatal injury.

After sprinting in front of my eyes, Lie Shanhong sneered, and chopped off my neck with a knife.

With the help of his sprinting power, this knife is fast and ruthless, very sharp, if I am not careful, my head will be cut off directly.

However, I am not someone who is so easy to die. I quickly turned my body slightly to avoid his attack, and at the same time, the gun in my hand was aimed at his chest again, and shot out.

Right now I am standing on his left side, the direction of this shot is his heart, once it succeeds, this guy will definitely die.

It's just a pity that Lie Shanhong is one of the best monsters among the tail people. He seemed to have predicted my attack long ago, and with a move of his tail, he blocked his heart.

My shot hit his tail and made a muffled pop, but still failed to kill him.

Taking advantage of the moment he was shot, I retreated again and continued to attack.

Lie Shanhong adjusted his posture and continued to charge towards me.

Our battles are fierce.

Lie Shanhong held a very large sword, which was extremely sharp and had a very large attack range.

It would be difficult for an ordinary person to control such a large weapon, but this guy has a terrifying physique and great strength. In his hands, such a huge sword is as tricky and sensitive as a dagger, very ferocious.

Even if I wear that sun armor, I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand his ferocious sword strikes.

Of course, this sun armor is also of great help to me.

Several times, instead of cutting me with the sword, this guy would hit me with feet, elbows, knees, whatever.

At this time, the sun armor can help me offset a large part of the damage.

In addition, I have to say that I am not the only one who is in danger, Lie Shanhong, a monster, is also licking blood with the tip of a knife.

My rifle has amazing lethality. This guy hasn't been fatally injured yet, but his tail is already bleeding, and as long as he slows down a little, he is hit by me once. Serious injury is death.

Our battle lasted for a short while, and Lie Shanhong's face became more and more ugly. He had already noticed that he couldn't kill me quickly.

It would be very unfavorable for him to continue to delay like this.

"Hillbilly, I have already developed a lot of interest in the weapon in your hand. It seems that today I want to show you my true strength."

Saying this, Lie Shanhong continued to sprint towards me.

To my surprise, this guy's speed and strength actually increased again.

Moreover, his tactics have also changed.

In the beginning, he was planning to kill me by himself, but now, this guy's main target is my hand.

He wants to cut off my hands and at worst my weapons.

This time, Lie Shanhong increased his strength and changed his attack strategy, and my pressure also increased instantly.

In this way, we probably fought back and forth three or four times, and this guy suddenly used a series of chops, one sword and one sword in a row, more than 20 swords.

Relying on the power of inertia, his sword is more powerful than a sword.

After I borrowed a few swords, I became more and more powerless, and was finally chopped on the handle of the gun by his sword.

The whole gun flew out directly.

Even, if I hadn't reacted quickly, I'm afraid it would have been my hand that was cut off just now.

Of course, after using that trick at this moment, Lie Shanhong’s physical exertion was also very huge, but at this moment, Lie Shanhong felt that it was worth it. He looked at me indifferently and said loudly: "Hillbilly, You are dead!"

Without guns, my situation at this moment is indeed very dangerous, but I am not discouraged.

Because, at this time, Nalie Shanhong is not having a good time.

This guy used up a lot of energy because he used his sword continuously, and his sword also collapsed and flew out.

Of course, the most important thing is that in the previous battle, my injuries were actually very few. After all, every attack by that guy was very terrifying. If I got hit by a sword, I'm afraid I would have died immediately.

But my gunfire is very difficult to dodge. This guy's tail is bleeding all the time, it can be said to be bloody, and the tail is also a human being, so he lost too much blood.
I can see that this guy's movements are a little slower at the moment.

In addition, the tail was originally a powerful weapon of the Tailman, but now it is basically useless, and even painful, it has become his weakness instead.

Without this tail, what is the difference between this guy and an ordinary savage warrior? Why can't I win?

At this moment, we wrestled together and started a new battle.

"The real fight is coming!"

The audience in the audience shouted excitedly.

Indeed, this moment is the real fight.

Of course, there is actually a gun on my back, but Lie Shanhong has also noticed this, and has been guarding against me, attacking me one after another, so that I have no chance to take out the gun.

The current battle situation is also very anxious.

In terms of strength alone, I am probably not as good as Lie Shanhong, but at this moment, he is seriously injured, so I can fight him.

Lie Shanhong now knows very well in his heart that as time goes by, it will become more and more bad for him.

At this moment, his attacks on me were extremely swift and violent, like a tide.

Facing his high-intensity attack, the bloodthirsty and fighting desire in my heart was also ignited at this moment, and I was completely immersed in the battle.

At this moment, my attacking moves and coping methods are also extremely clever, and I have almost mastered the skills I have learned from the presiding judge and Xi'er.

At this moment, those who watched the battle were all amazed, and some people who were proficient in martial arts frowned, feeling very puzzled: "This guy seems to have learned the martial arts of the Holy See, but there are also some who have never seen it before." His strange move is among them, could it be that he created it himself? That's amazing."

"This kid is so young, it's unlikely that this move was created by himself. It's too sophisticated and ruthless. Maybe there is some expert behind him."

Many martial arts masters are whispering, and they are also very curious about the tricks I use.

After all, the fighting skills I learned from Xi'er are also a combination of fighting skills from China and Japan, and they are practical advanced killing skills.

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