And after I gradually learned about the cultural system of the Honglu people, I also felt a little funny in my heart. Literacy and hyphenation are actually the privilege of gods. In your opinion, isn’t that all at the level of gods? ?

But at this moment, after the eunuch of the temple beat me in a strange way, he saw that my reaction was flat, and he hardly paid him any attention. It was a punch on the cotton, which was very uncomfortable.

I didn't bother to talk to him, and after calmly drinking a cup of tea, the so-called little priest who invited me over finally showed up.

To my surprise, this little priest turned out to be a woman, and she looked very young and beautiful.

I reckon that this chick will definitely not be over 20 years old, but from her words and deeds, it can be seen that she is a woman who is used to being superior, and the expression between her eyebrows and eyes is full of arrogance and indifference.

There is also a very beautiful red mole in the corner of her eye.

"Are you a country hero who knows how to use so-called artifacts?"

The red mole girl looked me up and down, and said indifferently: "You must have heard that the princess who disappeared a while ago has some clues. It seems that someone has seen her. It is said that there is a maid by your side. Looks very similar to the princess?"

I hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Master Priest was joking, the two maids beside me, one named Yuanyuan and the other named Ai Ai, have nothing in common with the missing princess."

There is no doubt that the plan of the temple is to let Ah Ruo pretend to be the missing princess.

For Ah Ruo, being a princess is not necessarily a bad thing, because I heard that the royal family of Moon City has no heirs, and this missing princess will most likely become the heir to the throne.

While it's true that wildlings favor boys over girls, royal women are different.They have the same inheritance rights as in ancient Europe.

Therefore, Moon City has a queen.

But at this moment, seeing my answer, the red mole priestess couldn't help but nodded, with a satisfied expression on her face, she said: "You are a very smart warrior, I also know that you are very powerful, and you are a person favored by God. , our temple still lacks a young commander, so I will leave it to you."

The young commander of the temple?

This job looks like a good one.

Because I really want to stay in the temple, now Ah Ruo should be somewhere in the temple, doing some training to imitate the princess, if I want to see her again, staying in the temple is very good.

Moreover, I need to get a warrant to go to Devil's Lake, so it will be much more convenient to stay in the temple.

I happily accepted the seal of identity, and bid farewell to the little priest.

However, after I took office, I found that the reality is very different from what I imagined.

I, the so-called minor commander, is only responsible for guarding the area of ​​the trial office. If I want to go to other areas of the temple, I must report.

And the reason why these people arranged me in the trial office, I am afraid it also has the meaning of warning me not to make trouble.

After all, the prisoners in the trial house are getting worse one by one.

For me, this is tantamount to a special kind of imprisonment.

They found that they couldn't kill me, so they settled for the next best thing and chose to control me.

In addition, what makes me feel very uncomfortable is that I, a soldier under the minor commander, are still very rude to me.

Probably because I came here by air, and I am smaller than the average savage, so these guys don't think much of me.

He didn't say anything to me, and secretly said bad things about me.

What kind of dwarf, little boy or something.

This makes me very unhappy.

"We must find a way to break through the current predicament, otherwise we will continue to delay. When the people from the company come, my lie about the artifact will definitely be exposed, and it will be troublesome if we want to leave this city alive. "

However, what annoys me is that after several days in a row, I didn't think of any useful solution.

However, I have not wasted these days.

There is a saying that beating children on rainy days is idle anyway. Although I have no children to beat, the soldiers who are not convinced by me can beat them.

"This evening, after work is over, everyone came to the barn door. I have something to announce."

I said lightly.

These people dealt with me casually, and then dispersed.

Looking at the appearance of these people, I didn't take it seriously.

However, I don't care, I'll see who hasn't come when the time comes.

As a result, in the evening, out of the seven people under my command, four came, and the other three who liked to make troubles the most didn't come.

This made me sneer in my heart, and I couldn't help but calmly said to the people who came: "Now I want to congratulate you, how many of you have escaped, the other three absent, from now on He is no longer a member of our temple!"

Saying this, I directly took out the roster in the leadership team, and crossed out the names of those who were absent in front of these people.

The rest of the people were a little stunned when they saw it.

However, they reacted quickly, and one of them, with a sallow face that was usually a bit prickly, jumped out and shouted: "Little bastard, I'll give you a face, we all have backgrounds, you can name it if you want." Name? Do you really treat yourself as a dish?"

"Refused to obey the orders of superiors, and has the right to execute dismissals. This is the power of my captain."

"Who do you think you are? You will not end well if you do this!"

The sallow face said gloomyly.

I smiled slightly and didn't care: "Then let them come. I want to see what they can do for me. If I lose this job, I can't wait for it!"

I have already felt that this so-called position of lesser commander is of no benefit to me, it just traps me here, if the people behind these people can get me to another position, that is the best It couldn't be better.

I wish for it!
This is not just casually speaking, it is my sincere words.

It's a pity that those people with sallow faces don't understand. They thought I was mocking them, and their faces seemed to be livid.

"Very good, I have the ability, just wait and see!"

The sallow face shouted angrily.

Seeing him being so arrogant, I felt very displeased. I haven't crossed out your name yet, but you're jumping up and down here. Do you really think I can't cure you?

"How do you talk? Is this the attitude of talking to Shangguan?"

I sneered, raised my hand and slapped him across the face, causing him to cover his face and scream, almost falling over.

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