A gust of wind blew, the branches swayed, and there was a sound of hunting.

To me, the sound of the wind was not the sound of the wind, but the howling of the enemy's arrows.

The swaying of the branch was not the swaying of the branch, but the soldiers fighting bravely and roaring crazily.

The green primeval forest looks like a bloody and terrifying ancient battlefield.

I am always in mental torment.

What's even more frightening and inexplicable is that once, when I was walking, I suddenly felt that my limbs seemed to be out of control, and I fell straight down.

I am sure that my body is very strong.

At that time, I couldn't order my hands and feet.

Maybe, at that moment, something else took over my body?
This made me anxious, and rushed towards the mysterious lake of devils as fast as possible.

It didn't take long for me to return to the sphere of influence of Luzhi City.

After arriving near Luzhi City, I had to slow down.

If I was captured by those savages in Luzhi City again, and I was delayed for a while, I'm afraid I would really become a victim of the high priest's conspiracy, and sacrificed for his ridiculous plan of immortality.

That old guy, the High Priest, will definitely not let me go casually. Not only did I ruin his plan, I even chopped off one of his arms.

It's me, and I can't swallow this breath.

Fortunately, I am agile, and my level of concealment is not bad. Although I accidentally encountered some savages several times, I was never surprised and was not found.

Moreover, I am quite courageous, seeing a savage acting alone, I seized the opportunity, captured this guy, and asked carefully about the current situation in Luzhi City.

That day, after I escaped, although chaos erupted in Luzhi City, it didn't take long for it to return to stability. The high priest controlled many temple troops and regained the pinnacle of power.

Of course, in this chaos, His Royal Highness the Eldest Prince took the opportunity to give himself the title of Prince Regent.

So he had a strong conflict with the temple, and the crazy power struggle was going on in full swing in the city of savages.

The entire city seemed to be peaceful at the moment, but in reality it was turbulent, and troubles could arise again at any time.

Of course, they fought fiercely, so it was impossible for them to continue to fight against the people in the company.

They not only gave back the equipment of the people in the company, but also sent a gift, like more than a dozen beautiful savage maids, and some money.

I was speechless after hearing this.

Made, these savages, especially those freaks with long tails, didn't they all look down on us outsiders at the beginning, why are they groveling and acting like traitors now?
Slap in the face?
Made, that is, I don’t have high-tech weapons in my hand, otherwise I’ll get one of the company’s shells, and I’ll hit those weird people with tails a few times to let them know how powerful they are.

Now I just don't have time to clean them up.

When the curse on me is resolved, I will definitely find these people to settle the matter.

Whether it is those tail people or the high priest who accelerated my curse, they are all my enemies, and this revenge will be avenged sooner or later!
Let's not talk about the things in the city of savages.

At this moment, what makes me a little headache is that I noticed that the company's people's forward route is highly overlapped with mine.

I very much doubt that their next target is also the Devil's Lake.

If this is the case, then I must be a little annoyed by this trip.

If we all have the same goal and want to get the same thing, it will be very difficult for me to grab them.

After all, the power of the company not only has a large number of people, but also an organized and disciplined group of guys who are more military than soldiers.

Of course, I also have advantages.

I found that they seem to have only one general direction. When they are moving forward, they often go the wrong way, and then go back and forth, wasting a lot of time.

But I am different, I have a map in my hand.

Although I set off after them, it is very possible that, relying on the advantage of the map, I will arrive before them.

That's up to each other.

Not long after, I left the sphere of influence of the city of savages.

At this moment, the area in front of me is called Zizhu Forest by wild people.

The bamboos in the Purple Bamboo Forest are actually green, but the place is filled with poisonous purple mist, and under the cover of the mist, the green bamboos also turn purple.

Not even wildlings dared to stay long in this forest.

Because once an ordinary person enters, within 10 minutes, he will undoubtedly die.

As for me, I didn't care too much. After experimenting on the edge, I stepped forward calmly.

Even a toxin that can kill a person in an instant can only make me faint slowly. This kind of poisonous mist will not endanger my life.

In fact, I originally wanted to avoid this poisonous forest.

But I thought that the people in the company, with high-tech gas masks in their hands, would definitely be able to pass through here in a straight line.

If I want to get ahead of them, I might as well take a risk.

After entering this forest filled with poisonous mist, I felt as if I had suddenly come to a dark purple night. I could only see a distance of two or three meters around me clearly, and if it was a little further away, I would be completely blind.

And in this poisonous forest, the plants are surprisingly dense. Although there are very few types of plants, they are all slender green bamboos and some dim-colored vines.

The ground here is almost covered with vines, like a carpet of vines, giving people a strange feeling.

After walking for less than 10 minutes, a strange thing happened suddenly.

There were faint voices calling for help in the woods.

The speaker was a woman, speaking in Savage language.

However, what surprised me was that this woman's voice was very similar to Eve's.

Could it be that the people from the company also entered this poisonous forest, and Eve encountered danger in their team?

Surprised in my heart, I quickly ran over there.

Because the fog in this poisonous forest is extremely thick, even the strong light of a flashlight cannot dispel it. This is more troublesome than the night, and it is very easy for people to lose their way when walking in it.

Fortunately, in this place, the compass is still functioning normally.

I carefully identified the source of the life-saving voice, and ran over quickly.

However, after I ran a few steps, I was suddenly startled, and suddenly found Eve's cry for help not far away, which was very strange.

I didn't realize it at first, but now after the voice yelled a few times, I noticed that the yell didn't have much emotion, it just kept yelling one after another, like some kind of repeater .

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