When I was about 200 meters away from that guy, this big guy with sensitive senses was the first to spot me and ran away with his hooves raised.

Judging by its shape and pattern, this guy might be a kind of red deer. It ran so fast that it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

That didn't discourage me though, many deer are herd animals so there's a good chance there's a mate nearby.

I continued to wander carefully in the woods.

After a while, I found the second target, not the second giant deer, but a smaller antelope in front of me.

Although this guy is not as huge as a red deer, it still weighs more than 200 catties, and its fur is more beautiful than that of a red deer.

This time I learned my lesson and stopped at a distance of more than 300 meters from this guy.I held my breath, aimed for a while, and finally shot this guy!

I aimed at the head of the antelope. Unfortunately, due to the limited level of marksmanship, the shot finally hit the guy's front leg.

The antelope, frightened and hurt, immediately ran wildly.

What I didn't expect was that even though this guy was injured, he still ran fast. I followed it for a while and then lost sight of it.

Looking at the dense jungle around me, I couldn't help but take a deep breath, let go of the discouragement in my heart, frowned and meditated.

Now I understand a little bit why hunters have to keep a hound.

Because even if you hit the prey with a gun, unless you kill them with one blow, it is still difficult for a person's legs to catch up with the fleeing animals.

After all, many wild animals are good at running, and this dense jungle is their home field.

Moreover, I also thought of a very crucial question, even if I just killed the red deer and antelope, how would I take the heavy corpse of three or four hundred catties back?
Although I have great strength, it seems impractical to carry such a heavy thing for a long distance.

But at this moment, there was something even more surprising to me. Not long after the antelope escaped my pursuit, I suddenly heard bursts of very desolate and terrifying howling.

Immediately afterwards, a mournful cry was transmitted from afar.

"This is... a pack of wolves!"

The desolate howling one after another made my hands and feet feel a little chilly, and the injured antelope actually attracted a pack of wolves!
This forest is much more dangerous than I expected.

I became more and more careful in my actions. Although I failed to hunt large animals all morning, I caught a few small animals.

More importantly, I have been thinking about how to hunt those large animals?

It really made me think of a way!

At noon, I went back to the cave. The girls were a little disappointed when they saw that I hadn't brought back any decent harvest, but no one said much.After all, this is something that can’t be helped. We are not gods who can achieve what we want.

On the contrary, Liu Hui, a bastard, saw that I came back with a little disappointment, and a gleam of pleasure flashed in his eyes, a little gloating.

I sneered from the bottom of my heart when I saw this, too many things have happened in the past two days, and I haven't had time to deal with him yet, but soon, he will look good.

I said directly to everyone, "Although I didn't catch anything decent this morning, I came up with a good idea!"

I told everyone about the antelope hunting just now, and then shared my solution, "Direct hunting is obviously very difficult to succeed, we need to set up traps!"

Moreover, the hunting target also needs to choose some small and medium-sized fur animals, such as the fur wolf that is about the size of a small dog that I saw at the beach last time!

You know, a normal wolf is comparable in height and length to a Tibetan mastiff.

And this kind of small hairy wolf, I have captured one or two, and I have the strength to bring them back.

"However, if I set up a trap, I can't do it alone, and I need someone to help. Liu Hui, you will follow me later."

I glanced at Liu Hui indifferently, and said calmly.

This afternoon, I will find a way to kill you!

Liu Hui was gloating and enjoying himself, but he didn't expect that I would say this suddenly, and his expression changed immediately, "Brother Zhang, this is not appropriate, and I don't have warm clothes, something will happen!"

Liu Hui tried his best to object, and looked at other people for help, but unfortunately, everyone ignored him.

What this guy has done in the past few days has already angered everyone. Who will help him at this time?Although Eve is new here, she also knows from Xiao Qing and Xiaomeng that this guy is a piece of shit.

"Brother Zhang, I don't think this method of arranging traps may be effective. These animals are not stupid, and traps are useless..."

I don't know if Liu Hui felt something, or he was simply afraid of me and didn't want to act alone with me. He kept finding excuses to evade, and even slandered my method.

As soon as Liu Hui said this, the faces of the girls were a little ugly, and they seemed a little shaken.

Now the atmosphere in the cave is very bad. The rescue did not come, but the cold wave came. The successive blows cast a cloud over all of us. Obviously, everyone is more likely to accept some negative news, and the confidence in me is also the same. Big drop.

Seeing that everyone was very disappointed, I couldn't help but sneered and said to Liu Hui, "You think I'm you? This method will definitely succeed!"

In fact, I don't have much confidence in my heart, I just try it out, but at this time, if this bad atmosphere is allowed to develop, trouble will happen!
I have to believe in myself, and let everyone believe in me, to give them hope.

After lunch, Liu Hui was still procrastinating and staying behind, so I went over and grabbed him, punched him in the face, and made him scream.

"Listen clearly, come out to work with me! Hurry up and move for me, or you will never have food in the future. Go out to work, and you will be so hot that you will be sweating all over, and you won't be cold!"

I said indifferently.

Liu Hui had no choice but to look at me in fear, and reluctantly followed behind me.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, Liu Hui shivered from the cold and his teeth chattered, "Brother Zhang, look at me, I'm so cold, I really can't do it! I'm going to die, please let me go, wait until I go back , I will definitely send money to you, 200 million, this is all my savings, you can also ask for a house!"

Liu Hui begged me like a dog, his nose turned red from the cold, and the snot started to flow out, as embarrassing as he could be.

But I wasn't moved at all, this guy is a poisonous snake, now I've only pinched him seven inches, and he looks like he's going to die, once he's released, he doesn't know how to let himself go!
In the company before, when you bullied me by all means, did you think about today?

Some time ago on the island, when you boasted and belittled me, and tried to kill me several times, did you think about it now?

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