Lie Shanqiu told me before that when Godsend first appeared, it was opposed by many people.

At that time, many of the priests who made the god bestowers were regarded as radical heretics and burned to the stake.

And with the passage of time, how to practice god-given methods on people has gradually been lost, and since then, people's attitudes towards god-given people have gradually changed.

Once someone happens to become a god-givers by chance, then this "lucky one" can often become the king of wildlings.

For the temple, the god bestowed should be the king, which is the consolidation of theocracy.

As for the royal family, after all, this kind of god-given person can't live for a few months, and in fact can't change too many things. Even if the royal family is upset, they often hold their noses and bear it.

"Now, my status as a god-given person is stable, and I'm not far from becoming a king."

I couldn't help thinking: "When I become the king of the savages, the high priest may take the opportunity to poison the royal family, and the whole savage city will be in chaos. I hope I will have a chance to leave at that time."

The only thing that worries me now is the new soup that Lie Shanqiu and the others gave me.

The matter of the throne has almost been settled, so Lie Shanqiu and the others will definitely do their best to dispense the medicine for me, and try to find a way to make the King of God descend as soon as possible.

I estimate that many god-givers in ancient times were tortured to death in this way.

It is not that simple to let the dead god king descend.

Of course, according to legend, the ancient savages succeeded once.

It is recorded in some classics that after the king of gods came, he took the whole tribe to the pure land of bliss.

Specifically, what is the ultimate bliss method and what is the pure land method, but the classics did not mention it, which is very strange.

This confuses me very much.

He even said it was a success. Could it be that there really was a so-called god king who returned to the human world from the world of death?
Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, does it mean the world after death?

After He came, he killed the entire tribe?
These mysterious records make people confused, adding to the mystery and fear of the curse, making people's scalp tingle.

However, Lie Shanqiu and the high priest, the old gods, firmly believed that once the god king came, their power would reach its peak, and even the god king would give them eternal life.

I have heard that the high priest has 120 three years old.

Even if this old man's age is placed on the outside world, he is extremely long-lived.

But he was dying.

Although he has lived for a long time, he still does not want to die.

Maybe that's why this guy is so fascinated by god-given curses.

After I learned this information, I couldn't stop laughing at the high priest in my heart.

How can life be eternal?
In this world, the only eternal thing is death.

This high priest actually wanted to live in delusion, it seems that he is destined to be a bamboo basket to fetch water.

But the high priest at this moment is very proud.

Everything is developing step by step according to the plan in his heart.

At this moment, my curse mark was exposed, and everyone recognized my identity as a god-givers.

Judging by everyone's attitude, it's only a matter of time before I become king.

At that time, with the help of his power as the savage king, the high priest can use this to kill those who oppose him.

At the same time, he will step up to stimulate the curse on my body, trying to make the gods descend and gain the power of immortality.

At that time, when he reaches the peak of power and gains the power of immortality, this world will be perfect for him.

It has to be said that this guy's ambition is really big.

But at this time, everyone looked at me with very complicated eyes, including shock, awe, and of course a trace of pity.

Because everyone knows that the god-givers are doomed to die.

So what if he became king?
At such a young age, you can only live for a few months, and I am afraid that few people are willing.

Lian Shanyu told me about this even more anxiously.

Although I knew this from the bottom of my heart a long time ago, I also pretended to be shocked at this time and started to lose my mind.

When the ceremony was over, I returned to my residence and saw Lie Shanqiu already standing in the reception hall.

This woman was still the same as usual, dressed in fluttering white clothes, she didn't look like a human being.

She said without turning her head: "I understand what you want to ask, we are keeping it from you, and it is for your own good."

I sneered in my heart after hearing this, for my own good, you gave me medicine to speed up the development of the curse, is it also for my own good?

I directly said angrily: "Lie Shanqiu, this is the end of my cooperation with you, I want to tell everyone the truth!"

"Really, expose us?"

Lie Shanqiu turned her head to look at me, with a hint of sarcasm on her beautiful face, she even stretched out her white fingers and lifted my chin, as if teasing a little maid.

"If you want, you can go out and shout now, tell everyone that you are not in harmony with each other, and guess what will happen to you?"

In fact, I know that if I do this, I will definitely die, but now I have to act like an angry kid who has been deceived.

Seeing Lie Shanqiu's pretty face so close to me, he spoke very arrogantly.

I was so angry that I bit her bright red lips suddenly.

Lie Shanqiu couldn't dodge for a while, and I bit the touching red lips directly, bleeding out.

She stared at me shyly and angrily, her eyes seemed to burst into cold light: "You are courting death!"

"I'm looking for death, you can kill me if you have the ability."

I laughed and said very rascally.

Lie Shanqiu's expression froze suddenly, his pretty face was red and white, and that expression was very exciting.

"Even if I don't expose you, I will still die, I might as well expose you, and everyone will go to hell together!"

Seeing that this woman was very angry and seemed to want to do something, I said indifferently quickly and brought the topic back.

Lie Shanqiu frowned when she heard this, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said to me: "Although you will die sooner or later, there are many kinds of deaths, whether you are caught in a dungeon, tortured to death in every way, or Sitting on the throne, enjoying wealth, power and women? I believe you will have a choice."

"In addition, your good friend, Qin Xiaolian is still in our hands. As long as you become king, she will still marry you, otherwise..."

Lie Shanqiu looked at me coldly, as if he was threatening me with Qin Xiaolian.

Her words made me even more speechless. I rely on these people to think that Qin Xiaolian and I are friends?

If she hadn't helped me once or twice, I would have almost killed this woman.

"Hehe, I'm not interested in Qin Xiaolian anymore, I like you even more!"

With a strong and aggressive gaze, I swept across Li Shanqiu wantonly.

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