In fact, I have already cut off the idea of ​​running away in my heart, because if I want to leave, the city gate that is more than ten meters high is a big problem, even if I really kill the city gate, I will not be able to get out.

Of course, at this time, I don't have a gun in my hand, so it's a question of whether I can get to the city gate.

Soon, I came to the so-called Colosseum.

The Colosseum looks like a circular arc as a whole, which coincides with the shape of the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

Of course, the size may be much smaller, but the shape is very similar. They are all a circular fighting field in the middle, and the surroundings are stepped stands that become higher and higher.

This looks similar to those lecture theaters outside.

At this moment, there are already quite a few spectators on those terraced stands, almost all of them are nobles. The reason why I can tell is that these people often sit alone, not to mention their extraordinary clothes, and there are several people around them. A maid is serving, and some people have tables beside them, with many strange foods on them.

These savage nobles are really corrupt. They are all fat and big ears, which makes me a little disgusted.

Of course, there are also some strong and mighty people among them.

I've seen a lot of guys with tails.

And I walked through the corridor and came to a place similar to the backstage. Some soldiers guarded the door, as if to prevent people from escaping.

This backstage is also the same as the place where I lived before. It is a row of independent rooms, and my opponent probably lives in each room.

As far as I know, this time, there are eight contestants in the beast fight I want to participate in. Everyone will fight against each other separately. Among the eight, only one can survive in the end, and that is the winner!
I'm going to kill them all and be the ultimate winner tonight, it won't be easy.

When I came, there were a few guys with me. Those guys were extremely strong, and they were considered outstanding among the savages. They were all over [-] meters tall, and they looked like an iron tower!
Moreover, these people are not only strong, their faces are gloomy, and they also have a lot of scars on their bodies. At first glance, they are veterans who have experienced battles.

As for the remaining people, although I haven't seen them, I'm afraid they are no worse than these people. I heard that some of them are warriors who were captured by other tribes.

Each of these guys is stronger than the other.

However, what I didn't expect was that before the start of the game, Qin Xiaolian secretly came to see me again, and she told me that it's good for me to play with peace of mind, even though some people are very strong, but in fact, they have already met with the temple in private Made a deal, willing to be beaten to death by me.

This surprised me.

This battle is more complicated and bloody than I expected!

However, Qin Xiaolian's words didn't make me very happy. Since they can make troubles in the temple, then the royal family can probably do it too.

In this way, the situation is even more complicated. For me, who can tell whether it is good or bad?

After less than half an hour in the waiting room, I heard deafening cheers from the field outside, and the first duel had begun.

A referee in a funny feather suit asked me to draw lots.

It seems that the goddess of luck didn't favor me this time, and it turned out to be me in the first match!

I got out through an iron gate and came to the amphitheatre.

My opponent also came out from another iron bar.

He was a muscular middle-aged man with tattoos all over his body, and his expression was indescribably indifferent.

"Great nobles, take a look, our red team player is on the stage, he is the powerful Serpentine Hulk, adults probably know him, not long ago, he used his terrifying arm strength to pinch Rotten the head of an opponent!"

The strange referee in the feather suit roared frantically.

In this era, there are no stereos. He can only rely on his own loud voice and a horn-like gadget to amplify the sound.

However, this guy may be very talented, his voice is indeed very loud, and his voice can travel far.

This guy's funny appearance and deliberately funny words make a bloody battle look like fun, which really makes me sick.

I just stood on the arena, and I smelled a huge strange smell, which seemed to be the smell of dried blood left in the arena. One can imagine how many people died here.

Of course, perhaps in the eyes of those savage nobles, this is indeed just a joke, and there is nothing wrong with this guy's attitude.

"One contestant is a mighty snake-striped warrior, and the other, tsk, is a small, pitiful savage from outside! Everyone, this guy looks really shabby. Seeing how unlucky he is, he doesn't seem to be able to survive. ! This time the strength gap between the two sides seems to be a bit different, how long this wild man can survive under the hands of the Serpentine Warrior, let us wait and see!"

What this guy said made me really want to kick him to death.

I'm short and pitiful?
How long can you survive under the hands of that snake-striped man?
Well, my height of 1.8 meters is actually not short, but compared to these savages who move more than two meters at every turn, I seem to be a bit shorter.

That's fine, the point is, he's still saying that I look unlucky.

Ma De, this kind of referee is really not a thing, deliberately burying me.

However, obviously these savages are also somewhat xenophobic, and they also look down on me as a "savage". As soon as the referee's words fell, there was a burst of laughter from the audience.

All of these people looked at me mockingly.

And the man with the snake pattern waved towards the auditorium, and many beautiful savage women cheered loudly and screamed like nympho.

I heard that many lonely savage ladies will also find these powerful gladiators for a spring night.

It seems that this man with snake tattoos is very popular with those women.

"A battle without any suspense started like this. However, fierce battles may often occur. Watching savages being beaten may not be common. I am used to eating melons. Eating some ox fruit is also a kind of adjustment. Let us wait and see Bar!"

The feather referee is very good at mobilizing the atmosphere, and the nobles who said this clapped their hands again.

Those savage aristocrats liked this referee very much, mainly because he was very similar to those clowns on stage, and would say some funny things to make them happy.

At this moment, the man with the snake pattern also looked at me with a mocking face. He kicked his legs and squeezed his hands like a demonstration, exercising his muscles and bones, while walking towards me slowly, he said with a fake smile: "This battle seems to be very boring. I have to kill you slowly and have some fun for the adults. Don't blame me for being vicious! Hahahaha!"

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