After resting for another night, my body has completely recovered, and I even have a strange feeling in my heart, as if because of this illness, I have become stronger.

Probably an illusion.

Early the next morning, I got up from the grass nest. The sky was fine and there was no food in the cave. Today was another day of heavy tasks.

The sudden torrential rain in the past two days gave us a warning that we must find more food as reserves.

This time the heavy rain stopped after only two days, but what if it didn't stop?
Let's just say we were lucky.

You may not have such good luck next time.

When food is in short supply, everyone is panicking, which is by no means a good thing.

Although the girls were happy for a while after I woke up, the atmosphere in the cave is terrible now. Even Xiaomeng, who loves to laugh the most, looked at the empty pot and sighed worriedly.

I think we must make some big gains today to boost morale.

And what worries me is that there is another problem before us, that is, keeping warm.

After the heavy rain this time, the temperature on the island dropped too much. When we slept at night, we already felt a little cold, so we had to come up with some ways to keep warm as soon as possible.

I want to hunt some large fur animals, but if I can’t do it, I will go on some small wild trips and get some animal skins for everyone to wear.

If in the past, my idea would have been difficult to realize, but now I have a knife and a gun in my hand, everything is different.

Full of thoughts, I quickly walked out of the cave, because it had rained and the land was still muddy, I walked cautiously, and not long after I walked out, I was suddenly startled in my heart, and rushed towards the beach.

A few minutes later, I came to the shoreline, almost screaming with joy from the bottom of my heart.

Because I suddenly discovered that the tide on this beach is actually receding!
After two days of torrential rain, I thought the sea tide was going to rise again, but unexpectedly it was ebbing.

When the tide ebbs, good things come.

On the edge of the beach, those places that were once flooded are full of potholes, and there are puddles of all sizes.

I dare to conclude that there must be a lot of fish left in these puddles!
Even, because the tide receded quickly, there were still some dead or dying fish left directly on the surface without water.

All the bad things that happened in the past few days, finally encountered a good thing today!

There is one more thing that makes me look forward to it very much. Seeing that the tide is starting to recede, I guess it will not be long before the plane submerged in the water will be revealed. I must go and explore it then!
What kind of secrets will be hidden in the crashed plane of the rescue team?

Although I was excited in my heart, I still carefully observed the surrounding area for a while, and then I rushed to those puddles and tried to explore.

In the first puddle, I caught something good, a sea shrimp the size of an arm!

This guy is still very difficult to catch, with his teeth and claws, he almost caught me a few times, but brother, I have been a good hand at catching fish and shrimp since I was a child, this thing is just a trifle.

Looking at this big lobster, my mouth is watering.

I have never eaten such a big lobster. I used to eat those crayfish. Although they taste good, they are too small. After hard work, there is only a little meat inside. It is really uncomfortable to eat.

This big one is different, its stomach is thicker than my arm, it will definitely be a pleasure to eat!
In other words, I saw other people eating this food on the Internet before. I wanted to eat it a long time ago, but unfortunately I have no money. This stuff is too expensive. It only costs several thousand yuan. Yes, it will be more expensive.

I have been busy in this puddle by the sea for a long time, and I have gained a lot!

What kind of fish, shrimp and crab, caught a bamboo basket full, enough for us to eat for several days.

Originally, I wanted to continue to catch some more, but unfortunately, at this time, some creatures also smelled the smell of food like me.

First of all, there are a few weird creatures that resemble a combination of crows and goshawks, pecking at the corpses of those fishes.

Let me call it the crow eagle. This crow eagle is very big, one is at least as big as a human head. They seem to be very aggressive. As soon as I get close, they will scream in warning.

The beaks of these guys are hard and sharp, and they are not easy to mess with at first glance.

Moreover, they can fly, so it is unwise to provoke them.

In addition to this thing, there is another object of worry, a monster that is similar to a small dog and covered with long hair. Three or five of them gather together and are also grabbing those fishes.

Let me call it a woolly wolf.

Although these fur wolves are small in size, not even one-third the size of ordinary wolves, but because they live in groups, they can cooperate with each other, and their strength should not be underestimated.

If I meet him alone, I'm afraid it's more or less auspicious.

That is, these guys are dealing with those fish now, otherwise I might have become the prey.

This island is really not safe. We can only say that we are very lucky these days and did not run into them. In the future, it is better to let a few girls be more careful when going out, and don't leave the camp too far.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer fish nearby, the woolly wolf and the black eagle even had some conflicts. The fish I caught also made these beasts eager to move. I guess if it wasn't for the fact that they are rarely seen on the island A creature like me must have come to attack me long ago.

I felt that if I continued to stay, it would be a bit bad, so I hurried back with the food.

However, as I walked back, I recalled the beautiful furs on the furry wolves, but I had some different thoughts in my heart.

The fur of these woolly wolves looks very thick, whitish in color, and seems to be very soft. This must be a very high-quality fur product, maybe comparable to fox fur or something.

If we can kill all of these, our clothes will be lost.

Although these guys are vicious at first glance, even if I have a gun, I am afraid I am not their opponent.

After all, my marksmanship is not accurate, and I can only hit if I shoot at close range, and even if I can kill one with one shot, the others will quickly surround me and bite me to death in a few hits.

However, I also have an advantage. Although my personal force is not as good as them, I am human and I have wisdom.

The reason why human beings have today's civilization is not by brute force, but by wisdom!

Of course, no matter how you say it, it must be very dangerous to hunt such a carnivore. I must be more careful, not to die in Liu Hui's hands, but to be killed by a few beasts instead.

While thinking about it, I went back to the cave. Unexpectedly, as soon as I approached, I heard a piercing scream from the other side of the cave!

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