I really should go, now Xi'er is safe and sound, Yu Chengyao and the others have got what they want, but Duo'er is missing, I want to look for her everywhere.

The woman Saeko didn't have much supplies on her body, and she certainly wouldn't stay in the forbidden area for too long, so she must have come out too.

However, there may be many ways out of this forbidden area.

I think it is very likely that she took the way that the group of people from the company came in.

I want to go to the destroyed ruins of the giant tribe again, maybe I can find something.

However, I was not in a hurry to part ways with Qian'er and the others immediately, because I was going to go back to the underground anyway, and Yuchengyao's plan was to go back to the ground first and contact the organization.

Together with them, I soon came to a jungle on the ground.

There is a camp organized by Yucheng Yao and the others.

The materials in this camp can be said to be very rich, needless to say guns and ammunition, other mechanical instruments, and all kinds of food are very rich.

I stayed here for half a day, eating and drinking with Xi'er and the others, and took a good rest.

These days, life in the ground is simply not human.

The tent in this base camp is very comfortable and soft, which made my body completely relaxed, and I almost didn't want to leave.

However, I knew very well in my heart that I had to go.

That night, I saw that the night was very bright, with a bright moon hanging high in the sky, which was a good time for night walks.

"I'll go when they both fall asleep tonight."

I secretly made a decision in my heart.

However, just as I was thinking about it, Yucheng Yao came over and said that she had something to discuss with me.

She specifically emphasized that it was business, but when I saw her eyes were as gentle as water, I knew that she probably guessed that I was leaving, so she wanted to talk to me for a while.

I could only pretend that I didn't know, and started chatting with her.

This conversation lasted for a long time, and I learned a lot from her.

It turned out that just as I guessed, the curse on Yucheng Yao had already been infected a year ago, and it was indeed not on this mysterious island, but in a deserted area in a certain desert.

"The Honglu people have many names, and the Heluke people in the desert are also one of them... In fact, this group of ancestors came from 3 years ago, and there are ancient legends about them in many places on the earth. Even Many of the myths we know of have an inexplicable connection to this group. It is said that they have been found in ancient ruins all over the world."

Saying this, Yucheng Yao took out a pendant from her chest, which looked like a black tooth, which was very similar to a human molar, but much bigger.

This thing feels very rough and ancient, very similar to the bone skewer on my wrist!

It seems that Yucheng Yao, like me, suffered disasters because of these inexplicable things.

Ugh, sometimes I just want to throw that rotten skewer away.

But I understand that it is useless to throw away this thing now, and if I keep it, I may be able to find some clues.

Yucheng Yao even told me that this thing may be the key to our lifting the curse.

"I have one more thing for you."

As Yucheng Yao said, she took out a thumb-sized glass medicine bottle from her bosom, which was full of pale yellow pills.

"This is a pill that can delay the onset of our curse. Every night when we get up, we take one."

However, she told me that this thing is indeed effective for her, whether it is useful for me is unknown.

It's possible, however.

I was very pleasantly surprised by this, no wonder Yucheng Yao has been cursed for a year and is still alive now.

I ate a slice on the spot. It tasted slightly salty, but I didn't feel anything after eating it, and I don't know if it worked.

But where did the pill come from?

I am very curious in my heart.

"I know a friend who is a very good doctor. She tailor-made this for me. Of course, I need to pay a little money."

Yucheng Yao spoke very calmly.

I heard it in my heart but couldn't help thinking, just pay a little money?
Don't look at how easy she said, I'm afraid the price of the pills is extremely expensive, Yucheng Yao has been very short of money before, is it because of this?

Or, is there another reason?
Although I know these pills are very precious, seeing that Yucheng Yao still has a bottle, I gritted my teeth and took it. The bottle she gave me, I am really short of time now.

I still have so many things to accomplish, but I don't have much time to live. What a pity!

I chatted with her for a long time, and finally seeing the night getting darker, Yucheng Yao left me with some reluctance.

Seeing her leave, I didn't rush to leave immediately, but came outside Xi'er's tent.

I think it's better to say goodbye to her, perhaps, this farewell may be separated by yin and yang.

Yu Chengyao and I knew that I was going to leave, but Qian'er was very simple, but she didn't think so much at all, she thought I would stay forever.

So when I came, she was already asleep.

Xi'er who was asleep was very cute, like a curled up kitten.

Her long eyelashes fluttered slightly with her breathing, and her pretty face revealed a lazy beauty.

I lay beside her and held her in my arms.

Xi'er woke up quickly, and after realizing it was me, she smiled sweetly, buried her head in my chest, and rubbed it with peace of mind.

At this moment, time seemed to be frozen. I hugged her tightly, looked at her beautiful face, and wanted to remember her completely in my heart, and remember this extremely important girl in my life.

However, to my embarrassment, Qian'er raised her head, looked at me with her big beautiful eyes, and suddenly said: "Brother Zhang, I think sister Yao has fallen in love with you too, the way she looks at you these days It's different, you marry her, we all live happily together, how great it is!"

Xi'er's words made me stiff for a moment, I didn't expect her thoughts to be so delicate, Yu Chengyao had been trying her best to control her emotions, but she still found out.

It's a pity that I can't accept Xi'er's proposal.

I'm afraid I won't be able to accept Yucheng Yao's wishes for the time being...

When Sier fell asleep again, I got up and left the camp.

Because there are a lot of supplies in this base camp, Yucheng Yao and the others can't use them up, so I took some more.

I brought a lot of food, and an advanced fully automatic high-speed rifle.

This little thing may not be a big deal to them, but to me, it is a life-saving thing.

"Maybe this farewell will be forever, but even if I die, I will remember you both!"

Looking back at the quiet camp under the night sky, I thought silently.

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