There is no doubt that I came to this mysterious island much earlier than Yucheng Yao.

Logically speaking, her curse should not be deeper than mine.

But I thought of a possibility, the curse on her body may not have been infected on this mysterious island.

Because, I remember a long time ago, the company’s Professor Sun once told me that the aborigines on the island, the Honglu people, are not only found on this mysterious island. places, have seen their ruins.

Maybe Yucheng Yao was cursed elsewhere.

Moreover, what surprised me was that Yucheng Yao's curse seemed to have developed for so long, yet she was still alive, and this woman didn't see that she had the slightest awareness that she was going to die.

Is there any way for her to keep herself alive?
In addition, what worries me is that this time Yucheng Yao fell into a deep sleep, what kind of dream will she have?
Will you go to that distant ancient era like me?
In addition, another thing also puzzled me. This god Wang Lu is probably a man, and Yucheng Yao is a woman. How could she be selected as a tribute?
At this moment, Qian'er also discovered the mark on the bottom of Yucheng Yao's feet. Seeing her surprised face, it seems that Yucheng Yao didn't even tell her about this matter.

"Brother Zhang, after she wakes up, I will definitely ask her clearly!"

Xi'er glanced at Yucheng Yao with a bit of complaint.

But at this moment, because of Yucheng Yao's coma, the task of finding a way out is entrusted to us.

Everyone is anxious at the moment, but not to the point of despair.

Because, although this room is small and monotonous, it seems to be ventilated, and the food in our hands will not be short for the time being.

In this way, almost two days passed in a flash.

Yuchengyao has not been sober, and both Qian'er and Miss Shazi have become a little irritable.

I have been comforting them, I slept for almost three days at the beginning, Yucheng Yao is only two days now, it is still early.

However, before she woke up, an accident happened here!
At that time, we had just eaten a few space biscuits, and everyone heard the stone wall behind us suddenly crackling, and finally retreated slowly, and a road appeared in front of us!
This surprised several of us, and we were all very puzzled.

We probably didn't touch the mechanism just now, why did the door open by itself?
Could this be some kind of trap?

"Staying here is not an option, let's go now!"

In the absence of Yucheng Yao, Qian'er acted as the leader.

In fact, Saeko originally wanted to direct, but unfortunately, here, Xi'er, I, and Duo'er are in the same group, and the braided girl only listens to Xi'er, she is alone and weak, and has no right to speak at all.

I carried Yucheng Yao on my back and started to walk into the newly-appeared corridor.

"Look, what are those!"

After we walked a few steps, Saeko exclaimed.

When we took a closer look, we were also taken aback and felt very bad.

Not long after we walked into the passage, all kinds of strange insects suddenly crawled out from the ground and walls of the passage.

There are scorpions that make me very afraid, and there are also some other bugs, spiders and so on.

We quickly took out the torches and waved them desperately to prevent those bugs from approaching.

Fortunately, these bugs are indeed very afraid of flames, so we are not in any great danger for the time being.

However, seeing more and more bugs around us, we are also very worried, a very bad premonition, when the number of these bugs reaches a certain level, I am afraid that the torch may not be able to scare them away, and we will surely die by then up.

We rushed forward quickly.

But soon, we encountered a new problem. At this moment, there was an intersection with six forked roads in front of us!
Those six roads all looked similar, and they were so dark that the viewers felt chills.

I had an inexplicable premonition that if I took the wrong path, death would probably come.

"Take the third road from the left!"

The braided child said suddenly.

"All other roads have a tendency to slope downward, but this one is upward. I don't know if you have noticed. All along, the road we walk has been sloped downward, and it is getting hotter and hotter. This hall may Built near an underground magma."

What the braided girl said made me slightly taken aback.

It seems that what she meant was that the downward sloping road probably continues to go deep into the temple. No one can tell what is inside the temple, and if we want to go out, we should go up. get out of here!

There are magma and geothermal heat on this island, which I have confirmed a long time ago. Xiao Qing and I have soaked in hot springs on the island before.

Now that we had a choice, we stopped hesitating and rushed in quickly.

About three or ten minutes later, we really walked out of here!

Holding the comatose Yucheng Yao in my arms, I couldn't help turning my head to look at the majestic ancient palace. I thought that there must be a bigger secret hidden in this temple. Those scorpions appearing here may not be by accident .

It's a pity that we can't continue to explore in depth now.

If Yucheng Yao is still awake, maybe it will let us advance, but I have a different idea from her.

I wanted to leave a long time ago. If I didn't realize that Yu Chengyao was cursed like me at this moment, I would like to ask her about it. Otherwise, this woman passed out, and this is the best time for me to leave.

"Let's discuss our next move!"

The place where we came out was not the entrance to the temple, but it was not far away. At this moment, we are still in the forbidden area filled with dark blue mist.

We found a cave with less fog and started the "meeting".

"We were delayed in the temple for two or three days. The company's people should not be ambushing us anymore. Now go back to get the spring water and leave!"

Xi'er was the first to make a suggestion.

Her suggestion was agreed with us.

Now there is not much food and other things in our hands, and there is almost nothing to eat in this forbidden area, so we must achieve the purpose of this operation as soon as possible, and then leave.

If you don't go now, the further you go, the more dangerous you will be.

That's probably what Yucheng Yao planned at the beginning. First, find a place to hide for two days, so that the company people can't find us, and then kill us and take away the spring water.

Of course, the people in the company may not really leave, maybe they are still in the shade somewhere, so we have to be more careful.

In fact, in my heart, I still hope to meet people from the company, because maybe I can meet Eve.

In addition, I don't know what happened, but now my heart is filled with a strange longing. I really want to fight with people, and there is a kind of killing desire boiling in my heart.

Is it because what I have experienced these days is too depressing?

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